tidy_get_root Returns a tidyNode object representing the root of the tidy parse tree &reftitle.description; Procedural style: tidyNodetidy_get_root tidyobject Object oriented style: tidyNodetidy->root Returns a tidyNode object representing the root of the tidy parse tree. &reftitle.parameters; object The tidy object. &reftitle.returnvalues; Returns the tidyNode object. &reftitle.examples; dump nodes


HTML; $tidy = tidy_parse_string($html); dump_nodes($tidy->root(), 1); function dump_nodes($node, $indent) { if($node->hasChildren()) { foreach($node->child as $child) { echo str_repeat('.', $indent*2) . ($child->name ? $child->name : '"'.$child->value.'"'). "\n"; dump_nodes($child, $indent+1); } } } ?> ]]>
&reftitle.notes; ¬e.tidy.ze2;