RegexIterator::setMode Sets the operation mode. &reftitle.description; voidRegexIterator::setMode intmode Sets the operation mode. &reftitle.parameters; mode The operation mode. The available modes are listed below. The actual meanings of these modes are described in the predefined constants. <classname>RegexIterator</classname> modes value constant 0 RegexIterator::MATCH 1 RegexIterator::GET_MATCH 2 RegexIterator::ALL_MATCHES 3 RegexIterator::SPLIT 4 RegexIterator::REPLACE
&reftitle.returnvalues; &return.void; &reftitle.examples; <function>RegexIterator::setMode</function> example 'test 1', 'test str2' => 'another test', 'str3' => 'test 123'); $arrayIterator = new ArrayIterator($test); // Filter everything that starts with 'test ' followed by one or more numbers. $regexIterator = new RegexIterator($arrayIterator, '/^test (\d+)/'); // Operation mode: Replace actual value with the matches $regexIterator->setMode(RegexIterator::GET_MATCH); foreach ($regexIterator as $key => $value) { // print out the matched number(s) echo $key . ' => ' . $value[1] . "\n"; } ?> ]]> &example.outputs.similar; 1 str3 => 123 ]]> &reftitle.seealso; RegexIterator::getMode