LDAP functions
Introduction to LDAP
LDAP is the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol, and is a
protocol used to access "Directory Servers". The Directory is a
special kind of database that holds information in a tree
The concept is similar to your hard disk directory structure,
except that in this context, the root directory is "The world"
and the first level subdirectories are "countries". Lower levels
of the directory structure contain entries for companies,
organisations or places, while yet lower still we find directory
entries for people, and perhaps equipment or documents.
To refer to a file in a subdirectory on your hard disk, you might
use something like
The forwards slash marks each division in the reference, and the
sequence is read from left to right.
The equivalent to the fully qualified file reference in LDAP is
the "distinguished name", referred to simply as "dn". An example
dn might be.
cn=John Smith,ou=Accounts,o=My Company,c=US
The comma marks each division in the reference, and the sequence
is read from right to left. You would read this dn as ..
country = US
organization = My Company
organizationalUnit = Accounts
commonName = John Smith
In the same way as there are no hard rules about how you organise
the directory structure of a hard disk, a directory server
manager can set up any structure that is meaningful for the
purpose. However, there are some conventions that are used. The
message is that you can not write code to access a directory
server unless you know something about its structure, any more
than you can use a database without some knowledge of what is
Complete code example
Retrieve information for all entries where the surname starts
with "S" from a directory server, displaying an extract with
name and email address.
LDAP search example
// basic sequence with LDAP is connect, bind, search, interpret search
// result, close connection
echo "<h3>LDAP query test</h3>";
echo "Connecting ...";
$ds=ldap_connect("localhost"); // must be a valid LDAP server!
echo "connect result is ".$ds."<p>";
if ($ds) {
echo "Binding ...";
$r=ldap_bind($ds); // this is an "anonymous" bind, typically
// read-only access echo "Bind result is
echo "Bind result is ".$r."<p>";
echo "Searching for (sn=S*) ...";
// Search surname entry
$sr=ldap_search($ds,"o=My Company, c=US", "sn=S*");
echo "Search result is ".$sr."<p>";
echo "Number of entires returned is ".ldap_count_entries($ds,$sr)."<p>";
echo "Getting entries ...<p>";
$info = ldap_get_entries($ds, $sr);
echo "Data for ".$info["count"]." items returned:<p>";
for ($i=0; $i<$info["count"]; $i++) {
echo "dn is: ". $info[$i]["dn"] ."<br>";
echo "first cn entry is: ". $info[$i]["cn"][0] ."<br>";
echo "first email entry is: ". $info[$i]["mail"][0] ."<p>";
echo "Closing connection";
} else {
echo "<h4>Unable to connect to LDAP server</h4>";
Using the PHP LDAP calls
You will need to get and compile LDAP client libraries from
either the University of Michigan ldap-3.3 package or the
Netscape Directory SDK. You will also need to recompile PHP
with LDAP support enabled before PHP's LDAP calls will work.
Before you can use the LDAP calls you will need to know ..
The name or address of the directory server you will use
The "base dn" of the server (the part of the world directory
that is held on this server, which could be "o=My
Whether you need a password to access the server (many servers
will provide read access for an "anonymous bind" but require a
password for anything else)
The typical sequence of LDAP calls you will make in an
application will follow this pattern:
ldap_connect() // establish connection to server
ldap_bind() // anonymous or authenticated "login"
do something like search or update the directory
and display the results
ldap_close() // "logout"
More Information
Lots of information about LDAP can be found at
University of Michigan
OpenLDAP Project
LDAP World
The Netscape SDK contains a helpful Programmer's Guide in .html
Add entries to LDAP directory
int ldap_add
int link_identifier
string dn
array entry
returns true on success and false on error.
The ldap_add function is used to add entries
in the LDAP directory. The DN of the entry to be added is
specified by dn. Array entry specifies the information about the
entry. The values in the entries are indexed by individual
attributes. In case of multiple values for an attribute, they are
indexed using integers starting with 0.
entry["attribute1"] = value
entry["attribute2"][0] = value1
entry["attribute2"][1] = value2
Complete example with authenticated bind
$ds=ldap_connect("localhost"); // assuming the LDAP server is on this host
if ($ds) {
// bind with appropriate dn to give update access
$r=ldap_bind($ds,"cn=root, o=My Company, c=US", "secret");
// prepare data
$info["cn"]="John Jones";
// add data to directory
$r=ldap_add($ds, "cn=John Jones, o=My Company, c=US", $info);
} else {
echo "Unable to connect to LDAP server";
Add attribute values to current attributes
int ldap_mod_add
int link_identifier
string dn
array entry
returns true on success and false on error.
This function adds attribute(s) to the specified dn. It
performs the modification at the attribute level as opposed to the
object level. Object-level additions are done by the
ldap_add function.
Delete attribute values from current attributes
int ldap_mod_del
int link_identifier
string dn
array entry
returns true on success and false on error.
This function removes attribute(s) from the specified dn. It
performs the modification at the attribute level as opposed to the
object level. Object-level deletions are done by the
ldap_del function.
Replace attribute values with new ones
int ldap_mod_replace
int link_identifier
string dn
array entry
returns true on success and false on error.
This function replaces attribute(s) from the specified dn. It
performs the modification at the attribute level as opposed to the
object level. Object-level modifications are done by the
ldap_modify function.
Bind to LDAP directory
int ldap_bind
int link_identifier
string bind_rdn
string bind_password
Binds to the LDAP directory with specified RDN and
password. Returns true on success and false on error.
ldap_bind does a bind operation on the
directory. bind_rdn and bind_password are optional. If not
specified, anonymous bind is attempted.
Close link to LDAP server
int ldap_close
int link_identifier
Returns true on success, false on error.
ldap_close closes the link to the LDAP
server that's associated with the specified
This call is internally identical to
ldap_unbind. The LDAP API uses the call
ldap_unbind, so perhaps you should use this
in preference to ldap_close.
Connect to an LDAP server
int ldap_connect
string hostname
int port
Returns a positive LDAP link identifier on success, or false on
ldap_connect establishes a connection to a
LDAP server on a specified hostname and
port. Both the arguments are optional. If
no arguments are specified then the link identifier of the
already opened link will be returned. If only
hostname is specified, then the port
defaults to 389.
Count the number of entries in a search
int ldap_count_entries
int link_identifier
int result_identifier
Returns number of entries in the result or false on error.
ldap_count_entries returns the number of
entries stored in the result of previous search
operations. result_identifier identifies
the internal ldap result.
Delete an entry from a directory
int ldap_delete
int link_identifier
string dn
Returns true on success and false on error.
ldap_delete function delete a particular
entry in LDAP directory specified by dn.
Convert DN to User Friendly Naming format
string ldap_dn2ufn
string dn
ldap_dn2ufn function is used to turn a DN
into a more user-friendly form, stripping off type names.
Splits DN into its component parts
array ldap_explode_dn
string dn
int with_attrib
ldap_explode_dn function is used to split
the a DN returned by ldap_get_dn and breaks
it up into its component parts. Each part is known as Relative
Distinguished Name, or RDN. ldap_explode_dn
returns an array of all those components.
with_attrib is used to request if the RDNs
are returned with only values or their attributes as well. To
get RDNs with the attributes (i.e. in attribute=value format) set
with_attrib to 0 and to get only values
set it to 1.
Return first attribute
string ldap_first_attribute
int link_identifier
int result_entry_identifier
int ber_identifier
Returns the first attribute in the entry on success and false on
Similar to reading entries, attributes are also read one by one
from a particular entry.
ldap_first_attribute returns the first
attribute in the entry pointed by the entry identifier.
Remaining attributes are retrieved by calling
ldap_next_attribute successively.
ber_identifier is the identifier to
internal memory location pointer. It is passed by reference. The
same ber_identifier is passed to the
ldap_next_attribute() function, which modifies that pointer.
see also ldap_get_attributes
Return first result id
int ldap_first_entry
int link_identifier
int result_identifier
Returns the result entry identifier for the first entry on
success and false on error.
Entries in the LDAP result are read sequentially using the
ldap_first_entry and
functions. ldap_first_entry returns the
entry identifier for first entry in the result. This entry
identifier is then supplied to
lap_next_entry routine to get successive
entries from the result.
see also ldap_get_entries.
Free result memory
int ldap_free_result
int result_identifier
Returns true on success and false on error.
ldap_free_result frees up the memory
allocated internally to store the result and pointed by the
result_identifier. All result memory will
be automatically freed when the script terminates.
Typically all the memory allocated for the ldap result gets freed
at the end of the script. In case the script is making successive
searches which return large result sets,
ldap_free_result could be called to keep the
runtime memory usage by the script low.
Get attributes from a search result entry
array ldap_get_attributes
int link_identifier
Returns a complete entry information in a multi-dimensional array
on success and false on error.
ldap_get_attributes function is used to
simplify reading the attributes and values from an entry in the
search result. The return value is a multi-dimensional array of
attributes and values.
Having located a specific entry in the directory, you can find
out what information is held for that entry by using this
call. You would use this call for an application which "browses"
directory entries and/or where you do not know the structure of
the directory entries. In many applications you will be searching
for a specific attribute such as an email address or a surname,
and won't care what other data is held.
return_value["count"] = number of attributes in the entry
return_value[0] = first attribute
return_value[n] = nth attribute
return_value["attribute"]["count"] = number of values for attribute
return_value["attribute"][0] = first value of the attribute
return_value["attribute"][i] = ith value of the attribute
Show the list of attributes held for a particular directory
// $ds is the link identifier for the directory
// $sr is a valid search result from a prior call to
// one of the ldap directory search calls
$entry = ldap_first_entry($ds, $sr);
$attrs = ldap_get_attributes($ds, $entry);
echo $attrs["count"]." attributes held for this entry:<p>";
for ($i=0; $i<$attrs["count"]; $i++)
echo $attrs[$i]."<br>";
see also ldap_first_attribute and
Get the DN of a result entry
string ldap_get_dn
int link_identifier
int result_entry_identifier
Returns the DN of the result entry and false on error.
ldap_get_dn function is used to find out the
DN of an entry in the result.
Get all result entries
array ldap_get_entries
int link_identifier
int result_identifier
Returns a complete result information in a multi-dimenasional
array on success and false on error.
ldap_get_entries function is used to
simplify reading multiple entries from the result and then
reading the attributes and multiple values. The entire
information is returned by one function call in a
multi-dimensional array. The structure of the array is as
The attribute index is converted to lowercase. (Attributes are
case-insensitive for directory servers, but not when used as
array indices)
return_value["count"] = number of entries in the result
return_value[0] : refers to the details of first entry
return_value[i]["dn"] = DN of the ith entry in the result
return_value[i]["count"] = number of attributes in ith entry
return_value[i][j] = jth attribute in the ith entry in the result
return_value[i]["attribute"]["count"] = number of values for
attribute in ith entry
return_value[i]["attribute"][j] = jth value of attribute in ith entry
see also ldap_first_entry and
Get all values from a result entry
array ldap_get_values
int link_identifier
int result_entry_identifier
string attribute
Returns an array of values for the attribute on success and false
on error.
ldap_get_values function is used to read all
the values of the attribute in the entry in the result. entry is
specified by the
result_entry_identifier. The number of
values can be found by indexing "count" in the resultant
array. Individual values are accessed by integer index in the
array. The first index is 0.
This call needs a result_entry_identifier,
so needs to be preceded by one of the ldap search calls and one
of the calls to get an individual entry.
You application will either be hard coded to look for certain
attributes (such as "surname" or "mail") or you will have to use
the ldap_get_attributes call to work out
what attributes exist for a given entry.
LDAP allows more than one entry for an attribute, so it can, for
example, store a number of email addresses for one person's
directory entry all labeled with the attribute "mail"
return_value["count"] = number of values for attribute
return_value[0] = first value of attribute
return_value[i] = ith value of attribute
List all values of the "mail" attribute for a
directory entry
// $ds is a valid link identifier for a directory server
// $sr is a valid search result from a prior call to
// one of the ldap directory search calls
// $entry is a valid entry identifier from a prior call to
// one of the calls that returns a directory entry
$values = ldap_get_values($ds, $entry,"mail");
echo $values["count"]." email addresses for this entry.<p>";
for ($i=0; $i < $values["count"]; $i++)
echo $values[$i]."<br>";
Single-level search
int ldap_list
int link_identifier
string base_dn
string filter
Returns a search result identifier or false on error.
ldap_list performs the search for a specified
filter on the directory with the scope LDAP_SCOPE_ONELEVEL.
LDAP_SCOPE_ONELEVEL means that the search should only return
information that is at the level immediately below the base dn
given in the call. (Equivalent to typing "ls" and getting a list
of files and folders in the current working directory.)
This call takes an optional fourth parameter which is an array of
the attributes required. See ldap_search
Produce a list of all organizational units of an organization
// $ds is a valid link identifier for a directory server
$basedn = "o=My Company, c=US";
$justthese = array("ou");
$sr=ldap_list($ds, $basedn, "ou=*", $justthese);
$info = ldap_get_entries($ds, $sr);
for ($i=0; $i<$info["count"]; $i++)
echo $info[$i]["ou"][0] ;
Modify an LDAP entry
int ldap_modify
int link_identifier
string dn
array entry
Returns true on success and false on error.
ldap_modify function is used to modify the
existing entries in the LDAP directory. The structure of the
entry is same as in ldap_add.
Get the next attribute in result
string ldap_next_attribute
int link_identifier
int result_entry_identifier
int ber_identifier
Returns the next attribute in an entry on success and false on
ldap_next_attribute is called to retrieve
the attributes in an entry. The internal state of the pointer is
maintained by the ber_identifier. It is
passed by reference to the function. The first call to
ldap_next_attribute is made with the
result_entry_identifier returned from
see also ldap_get_attributes
Get next result entry
int ldap_next_entry
int link_identifier
int result_entry_identifier
Returns entry identifier for the next entry in the result whose
entries are being read starting with
ldap_first_entry. If there are no more
entries in the result then it returns false.
ldap_next_entry function is used to retrieve
the entries stored in the result. Successive calls to the
ldap_next_entry return entries one by one
till there are no more entries. The first call to
ldap_next_entry is made after the call to
ldap_first_entry with the result_identifier
as returned from the ldap_first_entry.
see also ldap_get_entries
Read an entry
int ldap_read
int link_identifier
string base_dn
string filter
Returns a search result identifier or false on error.
ldap_read performs the search for a
specified filter on the directory with the scope
LDAP_SCOPE_BASE. So it is equivalent to reading an entry from the
An empty filter is not allowed. If you want to retrieve
absolutely all information for this entry, use a filter of
"objectClass=*". If you know which entry types are used on the
directory server, you might use an appropriate filter such as
This call takes an optional fourth parameter which is an array of
the attributes required. See ldap_search
Search LDAP tree
int ldap_search
int link_identifier
string base_dn
string filter
Returns a search result identifier or false on error.
ldap_search performs the search for a
specified filter on the directory with the scope of
LDAP_SCOPE_SUBTREE. This is equivalent to searching the entire
directory. base_dn specifies the base DN
for the directory.
There is a optional fourth parameter, that can be added to
restrict the attributes and values returned by the server to just
those required. This is much more efficient than the default
action (which is to return all attributes and their associated
values). The use of the fourth parameter should therefore be
considered good practice.
The fourth parameter is a standard PHP string array of the
required attributes, eg array("mail","sn","cn") Note that the
"dn" is always returned irrespective of which attributes types
are requested.
Note too that some directory server hosts will be configured to
return no more than a preset number of entries. If this occurs,
the server will indicate that it has only returned a partial
results set.
The search filter can be simple or advanced, using boolean
operators in the format described in the LDAP doumentation (see
the Netscape Directory SDK
for full information on filters).
The example below retrieves the organizational unit, surname,
given name and email address for all people in "My Company" where
the surname or given name contains the substring $person. This
example uses a boolean filter to tell the server to look for
information in more than one attribute.
LDAP search
// $ds is a valid link identifier for a directory server
// $person is all or part of a person's name, eg "Jo"
$dn = "o=My Company, c=US";
$justthese = array( "ou", "sn", "givenname", "mail");
$sr=ldap_search($ds, $dn, $filter, $justthese);
$info = ldap_get_entries($ds, $sr);
print $info["count"]." entries returned<p>";
Unbind from LDAP directory
int ldap_unbind
int link_identifier
Returns true on success and false on error.
ldap_unbind function unbinds from the LDAP