Informix Functions (PDO_INFORMIX)Informix (PDO)
PDO_INFORMIX is a driver that implements the PHP Data
Objects (PDO) interface to enable access from PHP to Informix databases.
Scrollable cursors
PDO_INFORMIX supports scrollable cursors; however, they are not enabled
by default. To enable scrollable cursor support, you must either set
connection settings in odbc.ini or pass
the EnableScrollableCursors=1 clause in the DSN
connection string.
PDO_INFORMIX DSNConnecting to Informix databases
The PDO_INFORMIX Data Source Name (DSN) is based on the Informix ODBC DSN
string. Details on configuring an Informix ODBC DSN are available from
the Informix Dynamic Server Information
Center. The major components of the PDO_INFORMIX DSN are:
DSN prefix
The DSN prefix is informix:.
The DSN can be either a data source setup using
odbc.ini or a complete connection string.
PDO_INFORMIX DSN example using odbc.ini
The following example shows a PDO_INFORMIX DSN for connecting to
an Informix database cataloged as Infdrv33 in
PDO_INFORMIX DSN example using a connection string
The following example shows a PDO_INFORMIX DSN for connecting to
an Informix database named common_db using the
Informix connection string syntax.