<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?> <!-- $Revision: 1.11 $ --> <reference id="ref.mbstring"> <title>Multi-Byte String Functions</title> <titleabbrev>Multi-Byte String</titleabbrev> <partintro> <section id="mbstring.intro"> &reftitle.intro; <para> There are many languages in which all characters can be expressed by single byte. Multi-byte character codes are used to express many characters for many languages. <literal>mbstring</literal> is developed to handle Japanese characters. However, many <literal>mbstring</literal> functions are able to handle character encoding other than Japanese. </para> <para> A multi-byte character encoding represents single character with consecutive bytes. Some character encoding has shift(escape) sequences to start/end multi-byte character strings. Therefore, a multi-byte character string may be destroyed when it is divided and/or counted unless multi-byte character encoding safe method is used. This module provides multi-byte character safe string functions and other utility functions such as conversion functions. </para> <para> Since PHP is basically designed for ISO-8859-1, some multi-byte character encoding does not work well with PHP. Therefore, it is important to set <literal>mbstring.internal_encoding</literal> to a character encoding that works with PHP. </para> <para> PHP4 Character Encoding Requirements </para> <para> <itemizedlist> <listitem> <simpara> Per byte encoding </simpara> </listitem> <listitem> <simpara> Single byte characters in range of <literal>00h-7fh</literal> which is compatible with <literal>ASCII</literal> </simpara> </listitem> <listitem> <simpara> Multi-byte characters without <literal>00h-7fh</literal> </simpara> </listitem> </itemizedlist> </para> <para> These are examples of internal character encoding that works with PHP and does NOT work with PHP. <informalexample> <programlisting> <![CDATA[ Character encodings work with PHP: ISO-8859-*, EUC-JP, UTF-8 Character encodings do NOT work with PHP: JIS, SJIS ]]> </programlisting> </informalexample> </para> <para> Character encoding, that does not work with PHP, may be converted with <literal>mbstring</literal>'s HTTP input/output conversion feature/function. </para> <note> <para> SJIS should not be used for internal encoding unless the reader is familiar with parser/compiler, character encoding and character encoding issues. </para> </note> <note> <para> If you use databases with PHP, it is recommended that you use the same character encoding for both database and <literal>internal encoding</literal> for ease of use and better performance. </para> <para> If you are using PostgreSQL, it supports character encoding that is different from backend character encoding. See the PostgreSQL manual for details. </para> </note> </section> &reference.mbstring.configure; &reference.mbstring.ini; <section id="mbstring.resources"> &reftitle.resources; &no.resource; </section> &reference.mbstring.constants; <section id="mbstring.http"> <title>HTTP Input and Output</title> <para> HTTP input/output character encoding conversion may convert binary data also. Users are supposed to control character encoding conversion if binary data is used for HTTP input/output. </para> <para> If <literal>enctype</literal> for HTML form is set to <literal>multipart/form-data</literal>, <literal>mbstring</literal> does not convert character encoding in POST data. If it is the case, strings are needed to be converted to internal character encoding. </para> <para> <itemizedlist> <listitem> <simpara> HTTP Input </simpara> <para> There is no way to control HTTP input character conversion from PHP script. To disable HTTP input character conversion, it has to be done in &php.ini;. <example> <title> Disable HTTP input conversion in &php.ini; </title> <programlisting role="php"> <![CDATA[ ;; Disable HTTP Input conversion mbstring.http_input = pass ;; Disable HTTP Input conversion (PHP 4.3.0 or higher) mbstring.encoding_translation = Off ]]> </programlisting> </example> </para> <para> When using PHP as an Apache module, it is possible to override PHP ini setting per Virtual Host in &httpd.conf; or per directory with &htaccess;. Refer to the <link linkend="configuration">Configuration</link> section and Apache Manual for details. </para> </listitem> <listitem> <simpara> HTTP Output </simpara> <para> There are several ways to enable output character encoding conversion. One is using &php.ini;, another is using <function>ob_start</function> with <function>mb_output_handler</function> as <literal>ob_start</literal> callback function. </para> <note> <para> For PHP3-i18n users, <literal>mbstring</literal>'s output conversion differs from PHP3-i18n. Character encoding is converted using output buffer. </para> </note> </listitem> </itemizedlist> </para> <para> <example> <title>&php.ini; setting example</title> <programlisting> <![CDATA[ ;; Enable output character encoding conversion for all PHP pages ;; Enable Output Buffering output_buffering = On ;; Set mb_output_handler to enable output conversion output_handler = mb_output_handler ]]> </programlisting> </example> </para> <para> <example> <title>Script example</title> <programlisting role="php"> <![CDATA[ <?php // Enable output character encoding conversion only for this page // Set HTTP output character encoding to SJIS mb_http_output('SJIS'); // Start buffering and specify "mb_output_handler" as // callback function ob_start('mb_output_handler'); ?> ]]> </programlisting> </example> </para> </section> <section id="mbstring.encodings"> <title>Supported Character Encodings</title> <simpara> Currently, the following character encoding is supported by the <literal>mbstring</literal> module. Character encoding may be specified for <literal>mbstring</literal> functions' <literal>encoding</literal> parameter. </simpara> <para> The following character encoding is supported in this PHP extension: </para> <para> <literal>UCS-4</literal>, <literal>UCS-4BE</literal>, <literal>UCS-4LE</literal>, <literal>UCS-2</literal>, <literal>UCS-2BE</literal>, <literal>UCS-2LE</literal>, <literal>UTF-32</literal>, <literal>UTF-32BE</literal>, <literal>UTF-32LE</literal>, <literal>UCS-2LE</literal>, <literal>UTF-16</literal>, <literal>UTF-16BE</literal>, <literal>UTF-16LE</literal>, <literal>UTF-8</literal>, <literal>UTF-7</literal>, <literal>ASCII</literal>, <literal>EUC-JP</literal>, <literal>SJIS</literal>, <literal>eucJP-win</literal>, <literal>SJIS-win</literal>, <literal>ISO-2022-JP</literal>, <literal>JIS</literal>, <literal>ISO-8859-1</literal>, <literal>ISO-8859-2</literal>, <literal>ISO-8859-3</literal>, <literal>ISO-8859-4</literal>, <literal>ISO-8859-5</literal>, <literal>ISO-8859-6</literal>, <literal>ISO-8859-7</literal>, <literal>ISO-8859-8</literal>, <literal>ISO-8859-9</literal>, <literal>ISO-8859-10</literal>, <literal>ISO-8859-13</literal>, <literal>ISO-8859-14</literal>, <literal>ISO-8859-15</literal>, <literal>byte2be</literal>, <literal>byte2le</literal>, <literal>byte4be</literal>, <literal>byte4le</literal>, <literal>BASE64</literal>, <literal>7bit</literal>, <literal>8bit</literal> and <literal>UTF7-IMAP</literal>. </para> <para> As of PHP 4.3.0, the following character encoding support will be added experimentally : <literal>EUC-CN</literal>, <literal>CP936</literal>, <literal>HZ</literal>, <literal>EUC-TW</literal>, <literal>CP950</literal>, <literal>BIG-5</literal>, <literal>EUC-KR</literal>, <literal>UHC</literal> (<literal>CP949</literal>), <literal>ISO-2022-KR</literal>, <literal>Windows-1251</literal> (<literal>CP1251</literal>), <literal>Windows-1252</literal> (<literal>CP1252</literal>), <literal>CP866</literal>, <literal>KOI8-R</literal>. </para> <para> &php.ini; entry, which accepts encoding name, accepts "<literal>auto</literal>" and "<literal>pass</literal>" also. <literal>mbstring</literal> functions, which accepts encoding name, and accepts "<literal>auto</literal>". </para> <para> If "<literal>pass</literal>" is set, no character encoding conversion is performed. </para> <para> If "<literal>auto</literal>" is set, it is expanded to "<literal>ASCII,JIS,UTF-8,EUC-JP,SJIS</literal>". </para> <para> See also <function>mb_detect_order</function> </para> <note> <para> "Supported character encoding" does not mean that it works as internal character code. </para> </note> </section> <section id="mbstring.overload"> <title> Overloading PHP string functions with multi byte string functions </title> <para> Because almost PHP application written for language using single-byte character encoding, there are some difficulties for multibyte string handling including japanese. Almost PHP string functions such as <function>substr</function> do not support multibyte string. </para> <para> Multibyte extension (mbstring) has some PHP string functions with multibyte support (ex. <function>substr</function> supports <function>mb_substr</function>). </para> <para> Multibyte extension (mbstring) also supports 'function overloading' to add multibyte string functionality without code modification. Using function overloading, some PHP string functions will be oveloaded multibyte string functions. For example, <function>mb_substr</function> is called instead of <function>substr</function> if function overloading is enabled. Function overload makes easy to port application supporting only single-byte encoding for multibyte application. </para> <para> <literal>mbstring.func_overload</literal> in &php.ini; should be set some positive value to use function overloading. The value should specify the category of overloading functions, sbould be set 1 to enable mail function overloading. 2 to enable string functions, 4 to regular expression functions. For example, if is set for 7, mail, strings, regex functions should be overloaded. The list of overloaded functions are shown in below. <table> <title>Functions to be overloaded</title> <tgroup cols="3"> <thead> <row> <entry>value of mbstring.func_overload</entry> <entry>original function</entry> <entry>overloaded function</entry> </row> </thead> <tbody> <row> <entry>1</entry> <entry><function>mail</function></entry> <entry><function>mb_send_mail</function></entry> </row> <row> <entry>2</entry> <entry><function>strlen</function></entry> <entry><function>mb_strlen</function></entry> </row> <row> <entry>2</entry> <entry><function>strpos</function></entry> <entry><function>mb_strpos</function></entry> </row> <row> <entry>2</entry> <entry><function>strrpos</function></entry> <entry><function>mb_strrpos</function></entry> </row> <row> <entry>2</entry> <entry><function>substr</function></entry> <entry><function>mb_substr</function></entry> </row> <row> <entry>2</entry> <entry><function>strtolower</function></entry> <entry><function>mb_strtolower</function></entry> </row> <row> <entry>2</entry> <entry><function>strtoupper</function></entry> <entry><function>mb_strtoupper</function></entry> </row> <row> <entry>2</entry> <entry><function>substr_count</function></entry> <entry><function>mb_substr_count</function></entry> </row> <row> <entry>4</entry> <entry><function>ereg</function></entry> <entry><function>mb_ereg</function></entry> </row> <row> <entry>4</entry> <entry><function>eregi</function></entry> <entry><function>mb_eregi</function></entry> </row> <row> <entry>4</entry> <entry><function>ereg_replace</function></entry> <entry><function>mb_ereg_replace</function></entry> </row> <row> <entry>4</entry> <entry><function>eregi_replace</function></entry> <entry><function>mb_eregi_replace</function></entry> </row> <row> <entry>4</entry> <entry><function>split</function></entry> <entry><function>mb_split</function></entry> </row> </tbody> </tgroup> </table> </para> </section> <section id="mbstring.ja-basic"> <title>Basics of Japanese multi-byte characters</title> <para> Most Japanese characters need more than 1 byte per character. In addition, several character encoding schemas are used under a Japanese environment. There are EUC-JP, Shift_JIS(SJIS) and ISO-2022-JP(JIS) character encoding. As Unicode becomes popular, UTF-8 is used also. To develop Web applications for a Japanese environment, it is important to use the character set for the task in hand, whether HTTP input/output, RDBMS and E-mail. </para> <para> <itemizedlist> <listitem> <simpara>Storage for a character can be up to six bytes</simpara> </listitem> <listitem> <simpara> A multi-byte character is usually twice of the width compared to single-byte characters. Wider characters are called "zen-kaku" - meaning full width, narrower characters are called "han-kaku" - meaning half width. "zen-kaku" characters are usually fixed width. </simpara> </listitem> <listitem> <simpara> Some character encoding defines shift(escape) sequence for entering/exiting multi-byte character strings. </simpara> </listitem> <listitem> <simpara> ISO-2022-JP must be used for SMTP/NNTP. </simpara> </listitem> <listitem> <para> "i-mode" web site is supposed to use SJIS. </para> </listitem> </itemizedlist> </para> </section> <section id="mbstring.ref"> <title>References</title> <para> Multi-byte character encoding and its related issues are very complex. It is impossible to cover in sufficient detail here. Please refer to the following URLs and other resources for further readings. <itemizedlist> <listitem> <para> Unicode/UTF/UCS/etc </para> <para> <ulink url="&url.unicode;">&url.unicode;</ulink> </para> </listitem> <listitem> <para> Japanese/Korean/Chinese character information </para> <para> <literal> ftp://ftp.ora.com/pub/examples/nutshell/ujip/doc/cjk.inf </literal> </para> </listitem> </itemizedlist> </para> </section> </partintro> &reference.mbstring.functions; </reference> <!-- Keep this comment at the end of the file Local variables: mode: sgml sgml-omittag:t sgml-shorttag:t sgml-minimize-attributes:nil sgml-always-quote-attributes:t sgml-indent-step:1 sgml-indent-data:t indent-tabs-mode:nil sgml-parent-document:nil sgml-default-dtd-file:"../../../manual.ced" sgml-exposed-tags:nil sgml-local-catalogs:nil sgml-local-ecat-files:nil End: vim600: syn=xml fen fdm=syntax fdl=2 si vim: et tw=78 syn=sgml vi: ts=1 sw=1 -->