ps_set_border_dash Sets length of dashes for border of annotations &reftitle.description; boolps_set_border_dash resourcepsdoc floatblack floatwhite Links added with one of the functions ps_add_weblink, ps_add_pdflink, etc. will be displayed with a surounded rectangle when the postscript document is converted to pdf and viewed in a pdf viewer. This rectangle is not visible in the postscript document. This function sets the length of the black and white portion of a dashed border line. &reftitle.parameters; psdoc Resource identifier of the postscript file as returned by ps_new. black The length of the dash. white The length of the gap between dashes. &reftitle.returnvalues; &return.success; &reftitle.seealso; ps_set_border_color ps_set_border_style