SQLite Functions (PDO_SQLITE) SQLite (PDO)
&reftitle.intro; PDO_SQLITE is a driver that implements the PHP Data Objects (PDO) interface to enable access to SQLite 3 databases. PDO_SQLITE allows using strings apart from streams together with PDO::PARAM_LOB.
PDO_SQLITE DSN Connecting to SQLite databases &reftitle.description; The PDO_SQLITE Data Source Name (DSN) is composed of the following elements: DSN prefix (SQLite 3) The DSN prefix is sqlite:. To access a database on disk, the absolute path has to be appended to the DSN prefix. To create a database in memory, :memory: has to be appended to the DSN prefix. If the DSN consists of the DSN prefix only, a temporary database is used, which is deleted when the connection is closed. &reftitle.examples; PDO_SQLITE DSN examples The following examples show PDO_SQLITE DSN for connecting to SQLite databases: &reference.pdo-sqlite.entities.PDO;