openssl_cms_decrypt Decrypt a CMS message &reftitle.description; boolopenssl_cms_decrypt stringinput_filename stringoutput_filename OpenSSLCertificatestringcertificate OpenSSLAsymmetricKeyOpenSSLCertificatearraystringnullprivate_key&null; intencodingOPENSSL_ENCODING_SMIME Decrypts a CMS message. &reftitle.parameters; input_filename The name of a file containing encrypted content. output_filename The name of the file to deposit the decrypted content. certificate The name of the file containing a certificate of the recipient. private_key The name of the file containing a PKCS#8 key. encoding The encoding of the input file. One of OPENSSL_CMS_SMIME, OPENSLL_CMS_DER or OPENSSL_CMS_PEM. &reftitle.returnvalues; &return.success;