imap_fetchstructure Read the structure of a particular message &reftitle.description; stdClassfalseimap_fetchstructure IMAP\Connectionimap intmessage_num intflags0 Fetches all the structured information for a given message. &reftitle.parameters; &imap.imap-parameter.imap; message_num The message number flags This optional parameter only has a single option, FT_UID, which tells the function to treat the message_num argument as a UID. &reftitle.returnvalues; Returns an object with properties listed in the table below, &return.falseforfailure;. Returned Object for <function>imap_fetchstructure</function> type Primary body type encoding Body transfer encoding ifsubtype &true; if there is a subtype string subtype MIME subtype ifdescription &true; if there is a description string description Content description string ifid &true; if there is an identification string id Identification string lines Number of lines bytes Number of bytes ifdisposition &true; if there is a disposition string disposition Disposition string ifdparameters &true; if the dparameters array exists dparameters An array of objects where each object has an "attribute" and a "value" property corresponding to the parameters on the Content-disposition MIME header. ifparameters &true; if the parameters array exists parameters An array of objects where each object has an "attribute" and a "value" property. parts An array of objects identical in structure to the top-level object, each of which corresponds to a MIME body part.
Primary body type (value may vary with used library, use of constants is recommended) ValueTypeConstant0textTYPETEXT1multipartTYPEMULTIPART2messageTYPEMESSAGE3applicationTYPEAPPLICATION4audioTYPEAUDIO5imageTYPEIMAGE6videoTYPEVIDEO7modelTYPEMODEL8otherTYPEOTHER
Transfer encodings (value may vary with used library, use of constants is recommended) ValueTypeConstant07bitENC7BIT18bitENC8BIT2BinaryENCBINARY3Base64ENCBASE644Quoted-PrintableENCQUOTEDPRINTABLE5otherENCOTHER
&reftitle.changelog; &Version; &Description; &imap.changelog.imap-param; &reftitle.seealso; imap_fetchbody imap_bodystruct