MySQLi extension basic examples This example shows how to connect, execute a query, use basic error handling, print resulting rows, and disconnect from a MySQL database. This example uses the freely available Sakila database that can be downloaded from dev.mysql.com, as described here. To get this example to work, (a) install sakila and (b) modify the connection variables (host, your_user, your_pass). MySQLi extension overview example connect_errno) { // The connection failed. What do you want to do? // You could contact yourself (email?), log the error, show a nice page, etc. // You do not want to reveal sensitive information // Let's try this: echo "Sorry, this website is experiencing problems."; // Something you should not do on a public site, but this example will show you // anyways, is print out MySQL error related information -- you might log this echo "Error: Failed to make a MySQL connection, here is why: \n"; echo "Errno: " . $mysqli->connect_errno . "\n"; echo "Error: " . $mysqli->connect_error . "\n"; // You might want to show them something nice, but we will simply exit exit; } // Perform an SQL query $sql = "SELECT actor_id, first_name, last_name FROM actor WHERE actor_id = $aid"; if (!$result = $mysqli->query($sql)) { // Oh no! The query failed. echo "Sorry, the website is experiencing problems."; // Again, do not do this on a public site, but we'll show you how // to get the error information echo "Error: Our query failed to execute and here is why: \n"; echo "Query: " . $sql . "\n"; echo "Errno: " . $mysqli->errno . "\n"; echo "Error: " . $mysqli->error . "\n"; exit; } // Phew, we made it. We know our MySQL connection and query // succeeded, but do we have a result? if ($result->num_rows === 0) { // Oh, no rows! Sometimes that's expected and okay, sometimes // it is not. You decide. In this case, maybe actor_id was too // large? echo "We could not find a match for ID $aid, sorry about that. Please try again."; exit; } // Now, we know only one result will exist in this example so let's // fetch it into an associated array where the array's keys are the // table's column names $actor = $result->fetch_assoc(); echo "Sometimes I see " . $actor['first_name'] . " " . $actor['last_name'] . " on TV."; // Now, let's fetch five random actors and output their names to a list. // We'll add less error handling here as you can do that on your own now $sql = "SELECT actor_id, first_name, last_name FROM actor ORDER BY rand() LIMIT 5"; if (!$result = $mysqli->query($sql)) { echo "Sorry, the website is experiencing problems."; exit; } // Print our 5 random actors in a list, and link to each actor echo "\n"; // The script will automatically free the result and close the MySQL // connection when it exits, but let's just do it anyways $result->free(); $mysqli->close(); ?> ]]>