Socket Errors
The socket extension was written to provide a usable interface to the
powerful BSD sockets. Care has been taken that the functions work equally
well on Win32 and Unix implementations. Almost all of the sockets
functions may fail under certain conditions and therefore emit an
E_WARNING message describing the error. Sometimes this
doesn't happen to the desire of the developer. For example the function
socket_read may suddenly emit an
E_WARNING message because the connection broke
unexpectedly. It's common to suppress the warning with the
@-operator and catch the error code within the
application with the socket_last_error function. You
may call the socket_strerror function with this error
code to retrieve a string describing the error. See their description for
more information.
The E_WARNING messages generated by the socket
extension are in English though the retrieved error message will appear
depending on the current locale (LC_MESSAGES):