Phar::mapPhar Reads the currently executed file (a phar) and registers its manifest &reftitle.description; final public static boolPhar::mapPhar stringnullalias&null; intoffset0 This static method can only be used inside a Phar archive's loader stub in order to initialize the phar when it is directly executed, or when it is included in another script. &reftitle.parameters; alias The alias that can be used in phar:// URLs to refer to this archive, rather than its full path. offset Unused variable, here for compatibility with PEAR's PHP_Archive. &reftitle.returnvalues; &return.success; &reftitle.errors; PharException is thrown if not called directly within PHP execution, if no __HALT_COMPILER(); token is found in the current source file, or if the file cannot be opened for reading. &reftitle.examples; A <function>Phar::mapPhar</function> example mapPhar should be used only inside a phar's loader stub. Use loadPhar to load an external phar into memory. Here is a sample Phar loader stub that uses mapPhar. getMessage(); die('Cannot initialize Phar'); } __HALT_COMPILER(); ]]> &reftitle.seealso; Phar::loadPhar