Phar::getStub Return the PHP loader or bootstrap stub of a Phar archive &reftitle.description; public stringPhar::getStub Phar archives contain a bootstrap loader, or stub written in PHP that is executed when the archive is executed in PHP either via include: ]]> or by simple execution: &reftitle.parameters; &no.function.parameters; &reftitle.returnvalues; Returns a string containing the contents of the bootstrap loader (stub) of the current Phar archive. &reftitle.errors; Throws RuntimeException if it is not possible to read the stub from the Phar archive. &reftitle.examples; A <function>Phar::getStub</function> example getStub(); echo "==NEXT==\n"; $p->setStub(""); echo $p->getStub(); ?> ]]> &example.outputs; ==NEXT== ]]> &reftitle.seealso; Phar::setStub Phar::createDefaultStub