* Documenting the changes to syslog.filter
https://github.com/php/php-src/pull/4265 restored the previous handling of multi-line log messages by adding `syslog.filter=raw`.
* Highlight the fact that line splitting is happening in all of the three original modes, but not in "raw".
* Add "raw" to syslog section of 7.3 migration guide
Closes GH-589.
The current text in the migration guide about the deprecation of `libxml_disable_entity_loader()` is misleading and can easily lead to the introduction of XXE vulnerable code.
In select circumstances, when `LIBXML_NOENT` is used, code can still be vulnerable to XXE attacks, even on PHP 8.0.
So I'm proposing to add an appropriate warning and mention the upgrade path in the migration guide.
Includes fixing a typo on the `libxml_disable_entity_loader()` page.
Co-authored-by: jrfnl <jrfnl@users.noreply.github.com>
I've encountered issues relating to the hard timeout, so having
this explained for myself in a few months time and others will be
ML post where hard_timeout was established (not linked in docs, but
may be useful):
Closes GH-491.
We do not xi:include core INI settings, since we want to keep
alphabetic sort order (well, roughly at least).
We do add xi:fallback elements to all xi:includes, just in case.
Except for pecl_http, the related extensions are obsolete. pecl_http
has its documentation removed from the manual quite a while ago (it is
hosted elsewhere now), so we remove the INI options as well (there
likely outdated, anyway).
Months ago, PHP removed php 5 documentation and changelogs
of core functionality
- https://pecl.php.net/package/SPL_Types was last updated in 2012
and is not maintained.
- SPL_Types is easy to confuse with the SPL
- SPL_Types can cause confusion because PHP has typed properties(7.4),
and will probably also have actual enums in 8.1
Co-authored-by: Christoph M. Becker <cmbecker69@gmx.de>
Closes GH-448.