still using this, after discussion on the phpdoc list.
From now on, manual.ced will need to be found at ~/.phpdoc/manual.ced.
git-svn-id: c90b9560-bf6c-de11-be94-00142212c4b1
- All id attributes are now xml:id
- Add docbook namespace to all root elements
- Replace <ulink /> with <link xlink:href />
- Minor markup fixes here and there
git-svn-id: c90b9560-bf6c-de11-be94-00142212c4b1
which was recognized by livedocs, as it has the strictest parser :) The problem was that
this file had no single root tag, and therefore was not a legitimate XML entity. Now it
should be fine. But translators should update, as this makes all translations already
updated to use the new contributors file invalid. Translators: you need to fix
your bookinfo.xml file and move the title and paragraph to the snippets file
git-svn-id: c90b9560-bf6c-de11-be94-00142212c4b1
- dave : done a lot of trivial search&replace typo fixes
around a lot of files
- adiju and baoengb: made commit errors and revokes in the
phpdoc repository (mostly)
Otherwise the list now includes the people with all time commit count above 100. Most of the previous authors listed before this commit were fitting into this count, only a few are kept overriding this rule.
Now as far as I see, it is time to drop the hard numbers theory, as we have a starting guide, and fix possible errors with human intervention. Remove and/or add people with community suggestion. As far as I see the current list of poeple are respected members (or were respected in the past).
In the near future, I suggest we keep human editing the lists, as we have the base, and we can track the work going on just right here with our eyes. In the far future, the individual file based crediting system is still planned.
git-svn-id: c90b9560-bf6c-de11-be94-00142212c4b1
was not active lately, so he is not going to go
to the currently actives list. Also clarify who
is (going to be) listed on the frontpage, and
that those are not the most important, but the
currently most active people. Sure, they are
quite important :))
Any more people to credit as a past editor?
git-svn-id: c90b9560-bf6c-de11-be94-00142212c4b1
- moving old editor list to contributors.xml and adding my name
there as an editor (do you see me Steph?)
- adding note maintainers list generated a few minutes ago with
the notes_stats.php script (note that user 'irc' was not found
in the current CVS user list, I assume he is the same as 'irchtml',
plus Sebastian Picklum seems to have two CVS accounts (spic and sp),
both of which he used to maintain notes.
What comes now:
- someone please dig up the script which generated a summary based
on the phpdoc CVS logs / news server data, so we can get an idea
of who to list as past author+editor, and who is currently to be
put there (I don't know where that script is)
- suggest yourself as a manual editor if you think you will be accepted
by the community!
- complain on the user note editor list, if you think that something is
unfair in there (you are listed but you should not be, or the other
way around)
- complain if you think anything else is problematic :)
BTW I have added myself as an editor to break the untouchable list and not
to monopolize that place, so once again feel free to propose yourself if
you see you fit there (or complain about myself being there :)).
git-svn-id: c90b9560-bf6c-de11-be94-00142212c4b1