diff --git a/reference/mysqlnd_qc/quickstart.xml b/reference/mysqlnd_qc/quickstart.xml
index e7479e0c38..55b6b871e9 100644
--- a/reference/mysqlnd_qc/quickstart.xml
+++ b/reference/mysqlnd_qc/quickstart.xml
@@ -713,6 +713,12 @@ mysqlnd_qc.slam_defense_ttl=1
The extended life time of a cache entry is set with
+ The function
+ mysqlnd_qc_get_core_stats returns an array of
+ statistics. The statistics slam_stale_refresh and
+ slam_stale_hit are incremented if slam defense takes place.
It is not possible to give a one-fits-all recommendation on the slam defense
configuration. Users are advised to monitor and test their setup and derive
@@ -720,8 +726,601 @@ mysqlnd_qc.slam_defense_ttl=1
+ Finding cache candidates
+ A statement should be considered for caching if it is executed often and has
+ a long run time. Cache candidates are found by creating a list of statements
+ sorted by the product of the number of executions multiplied by the
+ statements run time. The function
+ mysqlnd_qc_get_query_trace_log
+ returns a query log which help with the task.
+ Collecting a query trace is a slow operation. Thus, it is disabled by default.
+ The PHP configuration directive
+ mysqlnd_qc.collect_query_trace
+ is used to enable it. The functions trace contains one entry for every
+ query issued before the function is called.
+query("SELECT 1 AS _one FROM DUAL");
+ $res->free();
+/* dump trace */
+ &examples.outputs;
+ array(8) {
+ ["query"]=>
+ string(26) "SELECT 1 AS _one FROM DUAL"
+ ["origin"]=>
+ string(102) "#0 qc.php(7): mysqli->query('SELECT 1 AS _on...')
+#1 {main}"
+ ["run_time"]=>
+ int(0)
+ ["store_time"]=>
+ int(25)
+ ["eligible_for_caching"]=>
+ bool(false)
+ ["no_table"]=>
+ bool(false)
+ ["was_added"]=>
+ bool(false)
+ ["was_already_in_cache"]=>
+ bool(false)
+ }
+ [1]=>
+ array(8) {
+ ["query"]=>
+ string(26) "SELECT 1 AS _one FROM DUAL"
+ ["origin"]=>
+ string(102) "#0 qc.php(7): mysqli->query('SELECT 1 AS _on...')
+#1 {main}"
+ ["run_time"]=>
+ int(0)
+ ["store_time"]=>
+ int(8)
+ ["eligible_for_caching"]=>
+ bool(false)
+ ["no_table"]=>
+ bool(false)
+ ["was_added"]=>
+ bool(false)
+ ["was_already_in_cache"]=>
+ bool(false)
+ }
+ Assorted information is given in the trace. Among them
+ timings and the origin of the query call. The origin property
+ holds a code backtrace to identify the source of the query.
+ The depth of the backtrace can be limited with
+ the PHP configuration directive
+ mysqlnd_qc.query_trace_bt_depth.
+ The default depth is 3.
+query("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS test");
+$mysqli->query("CREATE TABLE test(id INT)");
+$mysqli->query("INSERT INTO test(id) VALUES (1), (2), (3)");
+/* dummy queries to fill the query trace */
+for ($i = 0; $i < 3; $i++) {
+ $res = $mysqli->query("SELECT id FROM test WHERE id = " . $mysqli->real_escape_string($i));
+ $res->free();
+$trace = mysqlnd_qc_get_query_trace_log();
+$summary = array();
+foreach ($trace as $entry) {
+ if (!isset($summary[$entry['query']])) {
+ $summary[$entry['query']] = array(
+ "executions" => 1,
+ "time" => $entry['run_time'] + $entry['store_time'],
+ );
+ } else {
+ $summary[$entry['query']]['executions']++;
+ $summary[$entry['query']]['time'] += $entry['run_time'] + $entry['store_time'];
+ }
+foreach ($summary as $query => $details) {
+ printf("%45s: %5dms (%dx)\n",
+ $query, $details['time'], $details['executions']);
+ &examples.outputs;
+ Measuring cache efficiency
+ PECL/mysqlnd_qc offers three ways to measure the cache efficiency.
+ The function
+ mysqlnd_qc_get_normalized_query_trace_log
+ returns statistics aggregated by the normalized query string,
+ mysqlnd_qc_get_cache_info
+ gives storage handler specific information which includes a list
+ of all cached items, depending on the storage handler. Additionally, the
+ core of PECL/mysqlnd_qc collects high-level summary statistics aggregated
+ per PHP process. The high-level satistics are returned by
+ mysqlnd_qc_get_core_stats
+ .
+ The functions
+ mysqlnd_qc_get_normalized_query_trace_log
+ and
+ mysqlnd_qc_get_core_stats
+ will not collect data unless, data collection has been
+ enabled through their corresponding PHP configuration directives. Please,
+ find the names of the configuration directives in the examples. Data collection
+ is disabled by default for performance considerations. It has been made
+ configurable through
+ mysqlnd_qc.time_statistics whether to collect timing
+ information or not. Collection of time statistics is enabled by default
+ but only performed, if data collection as such has been enabled.
+ Recording time statistics causes extra system calls. In most cases,
+ the benefit of the monitoring outweights any potential performance penalty of
+ the additional system calls.
+query("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS test");
+$mysqli->query("CREATE TABLE test(id INT)");
+$mysqli->query("INSERT INTO test(id) VALUES (1), (2), (3)");
+/* dummy queries */
+for ($i = 1; $i <= 4; $i++) {
+ $query = sprintf("/*%s*/SELECT id FROM test WHERE id = %d",
+ $i % 2);
+ $res = $mysqli->query($query);
+ $res->free();
+ &examples.outputs;
+ string(1) "2"
+ ["cache_miss"]=>
+ string(1) "2"
+ ["cache_put"]=>
+ string(1) "2"
+ ["query_should_cache"]=>
+ string(1) "4"
+ ["query_should_not_cache"]=>
+ string(1) "3"
+ ["query_not_cached"]=>
+ string(1) "3"
+ ["query_could_cache"]=>
+ string(1) "4"
+ ["query_found_in_cache"]=>
+ string(1) "2"
+ ["query_uncached_other"]=>
+ string(1) "0"
+ ["query_uncached_no_table"]=>
+ string(1) "0"
+ ["query_uncached_no_result"]=>
+ string(1) "0"
+ ["query_uncached_use_result"]=>
+ string(1) "0"
+ ["query_aggr_run_time_cache_hit"]=>
+ string(2) "28"
+ ["query_aggr_run_time_cache_put"]=>
+ string(3) "900"
+ ["query_aggr_run_time_total"]=>
+ string(3) "928"
+ ["query_aggr_store_time_cache_hit"]=>
+ string(2) "14"
+ ["query_aggr_store_time_cache_put"]=>
+ string(2) "40"
+ ["query_aggr_store_time_total"]=>
+ string(2) "54"
+ ["receive_bytes_recorded"]=>
+ string(3) "136"
+ ["receive_bytes_replayed"]=>
+ string(3) "136"
+ ["send_bytes_recorded"]=>
+ string(2) "84"
+ ["send_bytes_replayed"]=>
+ string(2) "84"
+ ["slam_stale_refresh"]=>
+ string(1) "0"
+ ["slam_stale_hit"]=>
+ string(1) "0"
+ ["request_counter"]=>
+ int(1)
+ ["process_hash"]=>
+ int(1929695233)
+ For a quick overview, call
+ mysqlnd_qc_get_core_stats. It delivers
+ cache usage, cache timing and traffic related statistics. Values are aggregated
+ on a per process basis for all queries issued by any PHP MySQL API call.
+ Some storage handler, such as the default handler, can report cache entries,
+ statistics related to the entries and meta data for the underlying query through the
+ mysqlnd_qc_get_cache_info
+ function. Please note, that the information returned depends
+ on the storage handler. Values are aggregated on a per process basis.
+query("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS test");
+$mysqli->query("CREATE TABLE test(id INT)");
+$mysqli->query("INSERT INTO test(id) VALUES (1), (2), (3)");
+/* dummy queries to fill the query trace */
+for ($i = 1; $i <= 4; $i++) {
+ $query = sprintf("/*%s*/SELECT id FROM test WHERE id = %d",
+ $i % 2);
+ $res = $mysqli->query($query);
+ $res->free();
+ &examples.outputs;
+ int(2)
+ ["handler"]=>
+ string(7) "default"
+ ["handler_version"]=>
+ string(5) "1.0.0"
+ ["data"]=>
+ array(2) {
+ ["Localhost via UNIX socket
+test|/*qc=on*/SELECT id FROM test WHERE id = 1"]=>
+ array(2) {
+ ["statistics"]=>
+ array(11) {
+ ["rows"]=>
+ int(1)
+ ["stored_size"]=>
+ int(71)
+ ["cache_hits"]=>
+ int(1)
+ ["run_time"]=>
+ int(391)
+ ["store_time"]=>
+ int(27)
+ ["min_run_time"]=>
+ int(16)
+ ["max_run_time"]=>
+ int(16)
+ ["min_store_time"]=>
+ int(8)
+ ["max_store_time"]=>
+ int(8)
+ ["avg_run_time"]=>
+ int(8)
+ ["avg_store_time"]=>
+ int(4)
+ }
+ ["metadata"]=>
+ array(1) {
+ [0]=>
+ array(8) {
+ ["name"]=>
+ string(2) "id"
+ ["orig_name"]=>
+ string(2) "id"
+ ["table"]=>
+ string(4) "test"
+ ["orig_table"]=>
+ string(4) "test"
+ ["db"]=>
+ string(4) "test"
+ ["max_length"]=>
+ int(1)
+ ["length"]=>
+ int(11)
+ ["type"]=>
+ int(3)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ["Localhost via UNIX socket
+test|/*qc=on*/SELECT id FROM test WHERE id = 0"]=>
+ array(2) {
+ ["statistics"]=>
+ array(11) {
+ ["rows"]=>
+ int(0)
+ ["stored_size"]=>
+ int(65)
+ ["cache_hits"]=>
+ int(1)
+ ["run_time"]=>
+ int(299)
+ ["store_time"]=>
+ int(13)
+ ["min_run_time"]=>
+ int(11)
+ ["max_run_time"]=>
+ int(11)
+ ["min_store_time"]=>
+ int(6)
+ ["max_store_time"]=>
+ int(6)
+ ["avg_run_time"]=>
+ int(5)
+ ["avg_store_time"]=>
+ int(3)
+ }
+ ["metadata"]=>
+ array(1) {
+ [0]=>
+ array(8) {
+ ["name"]=>
+ string(2) "id"
+ ["orig_name"]=>
+ string(2) "id"
+ ["table"]=>
+ string(4) "test"
+ ["orig_table"]=>
+ string(4) "test"
+ ["db"]=>
+ string(4) "test"
+ ["max_length"]=>
+ int(0)
+ ["length"]=>
+ int(11)
+ ["type"]=>
+ int(3)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ It is possible to further break down the granularity of statistics
+ to the level of the normalized statement string.
+ The normalized statement string is the statements string with all parameters
+ replaced with question marks. For example, the two statements
+ SELECT id FROM test WHERE id = 0 and
+ SELECT id FROM test WHERE id = 1 are normalized into
+ SELECT id FROM test WHERE id = ?. Their both
+ statistics are aggregated into one entry for
+ SELECT id FROM test WHERE id = ?.
+query("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS test");
+$mysqli->query("CREATE TABLE test(id INT)");
+$mysqli->query("INSERT INTO test(id) VALUES (1), (2), (3)");
+/* dummy queries to fill the query trace */
+for ($i = 1; $i <= 4; $i++) {
+ $query = sprintf("/*%s*/SELECT id FROM test WHERE id = %d",
+ $i % 2);
+ $res = $mysqli->query($query);
+ $res->free();
+ &examples.outputs;
+ array(9) {
+ ["query"]=>
+ string(25) "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS test"
+ ["occurences"]=>
+ int(0)
+ ["eligible_for_caching"]=>
+ bool(false)
+ ["avg_run_time"]=>
+ int(0)
+ ["min_run_time"]=>
+ int(0)
+ ["max_run_time"]=>
+ int(0)
+ ["avg_store_time"]=>
+ int(0)
+ ["min_store_time"]=>
+ int(0)
+ ["max_store_time"]=>
+ int(0)
+ }
+ [1]=>
+ array(9) {
+ ["query"]=>
+ string(27) "CREATE TABLE test (id INT )"
+ ["occurences"]=>
+ int(0)
+ ["eligible_for_caching"]=>
+ bool(false)
+ ["avg_run_time"]=>
+ int(0)
+ ["min_run_time"]=>
+ int(0)
+ ["max_run_time"]=>
+ int(0)
+ ["avg_store_time"]=>
+ int(0)
+ ["min_store_time"]=>
+ int(0)
+ ["max_store_time"]=>
+ int(0)
+ }
+ [2]=>
+ array(9) {
+ ["query"]=>
+ string(46) "INSERT INTO test (id ) VALUES (? ), (? ), (? )"
+ ["occurences"]=>
+ int(0)
+ ["eligible_for_caching"]=>
+ bool(false)
+ ["avg_run_time"]=>
+ int(0)
+ ["min_run_time"]=>
+ int(0)
+ ["max_run_time"]=>
+ int(0)
+ ["avg_store_time"]=>
+ int(0)
+ ["min_store_time"]=>
+ int(0)
+ ["max_store_time"]=>
+ int(0)
+ }
+ [3]=>
+ array(9) {
+ ["query"]=>
+ string(31) "SELECT id FROM test WHERE id =?"
+ ["occurences"]=>
+ int(4)
+ ["eligible_for_caching"]=>
+ bool(true)
+ ["avg_run_time"]=>
+ int(179)
+ ["min_run_time"]=>
+ int(11)
+ ["max_run_time"]=>
+ int(393)
+ ["avg_store_time"]=>
+ int(12)
+ ["min_store_time"]=>
+ int(7)
+ ["max_store_time"]=>
+ int(25)
+ }
+ The source distribution of PECL/mysqlnd_qc contains a directory
+ web/ in which web based monitoring
+ scripts can be found which give an example how to write a cache monitor.
+ Please, follow the instructions given in the source.
- Procedural user-defined storage handler
+ Beyond TTL: user-defined storage
The query cache plugin supports the use of user-defined storage handler.
User-defined storage handler can use arbitrarily complex invalidation