diff --git a/functions/info.xml b/functions/info.xml
index f520079b95..7d91fbffdf 100644
--- a/functions/info.xml
+++ b/functions/info.xml
@@ -2,6 +2,124 @@
PHP options & information
PHP options/info
+ assert
+ Checks if assertion is false
+ Description
+ int assert
+ string|bool assertion
+ assert will check the given
+ assertion and take appropriate
+ action if its result is false.
+ If the assertion is given as a string it
+ will be evaluated as PHP code by assert.
+ The advantages of a string assertion
+ are less overhead when assertion checking is off and messages
+ containing the assertion expression when
+ an assertion failes.
+ Assertion should be used as a debugging feature only. You may
+ use them for sanity-checks that test for conditions that should
+ always be true and that indicate some programming errors if not
+ or to check for the presence of certain features like extension
+ functions or certain system limits and features.
+ Assertions should not be used for normal runtime operations
+ like input parameter checks. As a rule of thumb your code
+ should always be able to work correct if assertion checking
+ is not activated.
+ The behavior of assert may be configured
+ by assert_options or by .ini-settings
+ described in that functions manual page.
+ assert-options
+ Set/get the various assert flags
+ Description
+ mixed assert_options
+ int what
+ mixed value
+ Using assert_options you may set the various
+ assert control options or just query their current
+ settings.
+ assert options
+ option
+ ini-parameter
+ default
+ description
+ assert.active
+ 1
+ enable assert evaluation
+ assert.warning
+ 1
+ issue a PHP warning for each failed assertion
+ assert.bail
+ 0
+ terminate execution on failed assertions
+ assert.quiet_eval
+ 0
+ disable error_reporting during assertion expression evaluation
+ assert_callback
+ (null)
+ user function to call on failed assertions
+ assert_options will return the original setting
+ of any option or false on errors.