diff --git a/reference/calendar/functions/easter-date.xml b/reference/calendar/functions/easter-date.xml
index d4e0b45155..e4ab52eff5 100644
--- a/reference/calendar/functions/easter-date.xml
+++ b/reference/calendar/functions/easter-date.xml
@@ -107,6 +107,56 @@ echo date("M-d-Y", easter_date(2001)); // Apr-15-2001
+ &reftitle.notes;
+ easter_date relies on your system's C library time
+ functions, rather than using PHP's internal date and time functions. As a
+ consequence, easter_date uses the
+ TZ environment variable to determine the time zone it
+ should operate in, rather than using PHP's
+ default time zone, which may
+ result in unexpected behaviour when using this function in conjunction
+ with other date functions in PHP.
+ As a workaround, you can use the easter_days with
+ DateTime and DateInterval to
+ calculate the start of Easter in your PHP time zone as follows:
+add(new DateInterval("P{$days}D"));
+foreach (range(2012, 2015) as $year) {
+ printf("Easter in %d is on %s\n",
+ $year,
+ get_easter_datetime($year)->format('F j'));
+ &example.outputs;