diff --git a/reference/sesam/ini.xml b/reference/sesam/ini.xml
index 5100f1449b..8dffcb732c 100644
--- a/reference/sesam/ini.xml
+++ b/reference/sesam/ini.xml
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
@@ -69,182 +69,6 @@ NOTYPE
- Configuration notes
- There is no standalone support for the PHP SESAM interface, it
- works only as an integrated Apache module. In the Apache PHP
- module, this SESAM interface is
- configured using Apache directives.
- SESAM Configuration directives
- Directive
- Meaning
- php3_sesam_oml
- Name of BS2000 PLAM library containing the loadable SESAM
- driver modules. Required for using SESAM functions.
- Example:
- php3_sesam_configfile
- Name of SESAM application configuration file. Required for
- using SESAM functions.
- Example:
- It will usually contain a configuration like (see SESAM
- reference manual):
- php3_sesam_messagecatalog
- Name of SESAM message catalog file. In most cases, this
- directive is not neccessary. Only if the SESAM message file
- is not installed in the system's BS2000 message file table,
- it can be set with this directive.
- Example:
- In addition to the configuration of the PHP/SESAM interface, you
- have to configure the SESAM-Database server itself on your
- mainframe as usual. That means:
- starting the SESAM database handler (DBH), and
- connecting the databases with the SESAM database handler
- To get a connection between a PHP script and the database
- handler, the CNF and NAM
- parameters of the selected SESAM configuration file must match
- the id of the started database handler.
- In case of distributed databases you have to start a
- SESAM/SQL-DCN agent with the distribution table including the
- host and database names.
- The communication between PHP (running in the POSIX subsystem)
- and the database handler (running outside the POSIX subsystem) is
- realized by a special driver module called SQLSCI and SESAM
- connection modules using common memory. Because of the common
- memory access, and because PHP is a static part of the web
- server, database accesses are very fast, as they do not require
- remote accesses via ODBC, JDBC or UTM.
- Only a small stub loader (SESMOD) is linked with PHP, and the
- SESAM connection modules are pulled in from SESAM's OML PLAM
- library. In the configuration, you must tell PHP
- the name of this PLAM library, and the file link to use for the
- SESAM configuration file (As of SESAM V3.0, SQLSCI is available
- in the SESAM Tool Library, which is part of the standard
- distribution).
- Because the SQL command quoting for single quotes uses duplicated
- single quotes (as opposed to a single quote preceded by a
- backslash, used in some other databases), it is advisable to set
- the PHP configuration directives php3_magic_quotes_gpc
- and php3_magic_quotes_sybase
- to On for all PHP scripts using the SESAM
- interface.
- Runtime considerations
- Because of limitations of the BS2000 process model, the driver
- can be loaded only after the Apache server has forked off its
- server child processes. This will slightly slow down the initial
- SESAM request of each child, but subsequent accesses will respond
- at full speed.
- When explicitly defining a Message Catalog for SESAM, that
- catalog will be loaded each time the driver is loaded (i.e., at
- the initial SESAM request). The BS2000 operating system prints a
- message after successful load of the message catalog, which will
- be sent to Apache's error_log file. BS2000 currently does not
- allow suppression of this message, it will slowly fill up the
- log.
- Make sure that the SESAM OML PLAM library and SESAM configuration
- file are readable by the user id running the web server.
- Otherwise, the server will be unable to load the driver, and will
- not allow to call any SESAM functions. Also, access to the
- database must be granted to the user id under which the Apache
- server is running. Otherwise, connections to the SESAM database
- handler will fail.
SESAM database functionsSESAM
@@ -50,6 +50,180 @@
+ Configuration notes
+ There is no standalone support for the PHP SESAM interface, it
+ works only as an integrated Apache module. In the Apache PHP
+ module, this SESAM interface is
+ configured using Apache directives.
+ SESAM Configuration directives
+ Directive
+ Meaning
+ php3_sesam_oml
+ Name of BS2000 PLAM library containing the loadable SESAM
+ driver modules. Required for using SESAM functions.
+ Example:
+ php3_sesam_configfile
+ Name of SESAM application configuration file. Required for
+ using SESAM functions.
+ Example:
+ It will usually contain a configuration like (see SESAM
+ reference manual):
+ php3_sesam_messagecatalog
+ Name of SESAM message catalog file. In most cases, this
+ directive is not neccessary. Only if the SESAM message file
+ is not installed in the system's BS2000 message file table,
+ it can be set with this directive.
+ Example:
+ In addition to the configuration of the PHP/SESAM interface, you
+ have to configure the SESAM-Database server itself on your
+ mainframe as usual. That means:
+ starting the SESAM database handler (DBH), and
+ connecting the databases with the SESAM database handler
+ To get a connection between a PHP script and the database
+ handler, the CNF and NAM
+ parameters of the selected SESAM configuration file must match
+ the id of the started database handler.
+ In case of distributed databases you have to start a
+ SESAM/SQL-DCN agent with the distribution table including the
+ host and database names.
+ The communication between PHP (running in the POSIX subsystem)
+ and the database handler (running outside the POSIX subsystem) is
+ realized by a special driver module called SQLSCI and SESAM
+ connection modules using common memory. Because of the common
+ memory access, and because PHP is a static part of the web
+ server, database accesses are very fast, as they do not require
+ remote accesses via ODBC, JDBC or UTM.
+ Only a small stub loader (SESMOD) is linked with PHP, and the
+ SESAM connection modules are pulled in from SESAM's OML PLAM
+ library. In the configuration, you must tell PHP
+ the name of this PLAM library, and the file link to use for the
+ SESAM configuration file (As of SESAM V3.0, SQLSCI is available
+ in the SESAM Tool Library, which is part of the standard
+ distribution).
+ Because the SQL command quoting for single quotes uses duplicated
+ single quotes (as opposed to a single quote preceded by a
+ backslash, used in some other databases), it is advisable to set
+ the PHP configuration directives php3_magic_quotes_gpc
+ and php3_magic_quotes_sybase
+ to On for all PHP scripts using the SESAM
+ interface.
+ Runtime considerations
+ Because of limitations of the BS2000 process model, the driver
+ can be loaded only after the Apache server has forked off its
+ server child processes. This will slightly slow down the initial
+ SESAM request of each child, but subsequent accesses will respond
+ at full speed.
+ When explicitly defining a Message Catalog for SESAM, that
+ catalog will be loaded each time the driver is loaded (i.e., at
+ the initial SESAM request). The BS2000 operating system prints a
+ message after successful load of the message catalog, which will
+ be sent to Apache's error_log file. BS2000 currently does not
+ allow suppression of this message, it will slowly fill up the
+ log.
+ Make sure that the SESAM OML PLAM library and SESAM configuration
+ file are readable by the user id running the web server.
+ Otherwise, the server will be unable to load the driver, and will
+ not allow to call any SESAM functions. Also, access to the
+ database must be granted to the user id under which the Apache
+ server is running. Otherwise, connections to the SESAM database
+ handler will fail.
Cursor Types
diff --git a/reference/strings/charsets.xml b/reference/strings/charsets.xml
index fd7e779745..a070dbab9f 100644
--- a/reference/strings/charsets.xml
+++ b/reference/strings/charsets.xml
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
Following character sets are supported in PHP 4.3.0 and later.
@@ -103,13 +103,13 @@
+ Any other character sets are not recognized and ISO-8859-1 will be used
+ instead.
- Any other character sets are not recognized and ISO-8859-1 will be used
- instead.