diff --git a/reference/http/HttpRequest.xml b/reference/http/HttpRequest.xml index 62379b052f..3bd84f417a 100644 --- a/reference/http/HttpRequest.xml +++ b/reference/http/HttpRequest.xml @@ -33,91 +33,91 @@ - protected + private array options request options to configure the request; see &link.http.request.options; - protected + private array postFields form data: "fieldvalue")]]> - protected + private array postFiles files to upload: "image", "file" => "/home/u/images/u.png", "type" => "image/png"))]]> - protected + private array responseInfo information (statistical) about the request/response; see &link.http.request.info; - protected + private HttpMessage responseMessage the response message - protected + private integer responseCode the numerical response code - protected + private string responseStatus the literal response status text - protected + private integer method the request method to use - protected + private string url the request url - protected + private string contentType the content type to use for raw post requests - protected + private string rawPostData raw post data - protected + private string queryData query parameters - protected + private string putFile the file to upload with a PUT request - protected + private string putData raw data to upload with a PUT request - protected + private HttpMessage history the whole request/response history if history logging is enabled