diff --git a/language/oop5/iterations.xml b/language/oop5/iterations.xml
index 7bc42729c1..46906aec94 100644
--- a/language/oop5/iterations.xml
+++ b/language/oop5/iterations.xml
@@ -65,13 +65,15 @@ private => private var
- As the output shows, the &foreach; iterated through all
- visible variables that can be
- accessed. To take it a step further you can implement one
- of PHP 5's internal interface named
- Iterator. This allows the object to decide what and how
- the object will be iterated.
+ As the output shows, the &foreach; iterated through all of the
+ visible properties that could be
+ accessed.
+ To take it a step further, the Iterator
+ interface may be implemented.
+ This allows the object to dictate how it will be iterated and what values will
+ be available on each iteration.
@@ -162,9 +164,14 @@ valid:
- You can also define your class so that it doesn't have to define
- all the Iterator functions by simply implementing
- the PHP 5 IteratorAggregate interface.
+ The IteratorAggregate
+ interface
+ can be used as an alternative to implementing all of the
+ Iterator methods.
+ IteratorAggregate only requires the
+ implementation of a single method,
+ IteratorAggregate::getIterator, which should return
+ an instance of a class implementing Iterator.