diff --git a/reference/pthreads/constants.xml b/reference/pthreads/constants.xml
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index e8ce507d66..0000000000
--- a/reference/pthreads/constants.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
- &reftitle.constants;
- &no.constants;
diff --git a/reference/pthreads/examples.xml b/reference/pthreads/examples.xml
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index 2d0d8518ff..0000000000
--- a/reference/pthreads/examples.xml
+++ /dev/null
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- &reftitle.examples;
- This HelloWorld example demonstrates how simple it is to define and execute Threads in PHP applications.
- Hello World Example
-world = $world;
- }
- public function run() {
- return sprintf("Hello %s", $this->world);
- }
-$thread = new HelloWorld("World");
-if ($thread->start()) {
- printf("Thread #%lu says: %s\n", $thread->getThreadId(), $thread->join());
- The purpose of PHP is to generate content, having Threading in the toolbox
- makes more content available. But content is a relative subject, for this
- reason good control is needed over when a Thread is allowed to execute,
- or indeed, forced to wait.
- For example, a meta search engine may have to carry out the following:
- Initiate a search with primary source of data
- Log results of API usage for statistical analysis
- Cache results to limit external API usage
- Query local databases to generate page content - recent searches etc
- Log results of local database usage, HTTP usage, cache usage and
- possibly fall back to secondary source and goto 2;
- Generate content ( HTML ) from API output, xml/json etc
- Send content to client
- In a multi-threaded design, the Thread delegated Task 2 cannot possibly run
- until Thread 1 has returned a result.
- In an extreme design, where each Task is allocated a Thread, Threads 2,3,4,5
- and even 6 can all be run concurrently, but they all depend on Thread 1
- returning content.
- pthreads includes an easy to use way to synchronize when Threads are allowed
- to execute, or forced to wait, to allow flexible, powerful multi-threading
- whether being used for a Search Engine or Administration ( ie. cron jobs ).
- Synchronization
-params = $params;
- }
- /* ... */
- public function run() {
- /* do some admin possibly here, maybe lookup local caches, check if the client is googlebot etc */
- if ($this->ensureAvailabiilty()) {
- $this->notify();
- return $this->resultSet();
- }
- }
-class Task2 extends Thread {
- public function __construct($task1, $params) {
- $this->task1 = $task1;
- $this->params = $params;
- }
- /* ... */
- public function run(){
- $task1 = Thread::getThread($this->task1);
- if ($task1->wait()) {
- $this->createLogs();
- }
- }
-$tasks = array();
-$tasks[0] = new Task1($_POST);
-$tasks[1] = new Task2($tasks[0]->getThreadId(), $_POST);
-/* ... */
-foreach ($tasks as $id => $task) {
- $task->start();
-/* ... */
- Using the wait/notify mechanism included in pthreads hides the complexity of
- using Mutex and Condition Variables to synchronize Threads, greatly simplifies
- readability and more importantly maintainability of an idea or implementation.
- pthreads allows direct access to ( a subset of ) both of these features.
- The programmer should take care to destroy Mutex and Condition Variable
- handles that are no longer required for their logic.
- Mutex and Condition Variables are not destroyed on behalf of the programmer
- like other resources in PHP, as this would limit their usefulness in the
- context of multi-threading in SAPI environments.
- They are easily stored and passed around as they are represented as long numbers.
- Mutex and Condition Variables persist once allocated until they are explicitly
- destroyed.
- Mutex and Condition Variables
- The snippet above shows a PHP script sending it's final broadcast to the Threads
- it has created and cleaning up the Condition Variable it created and used for
- the broadcast. Other Threads that were waiting for a signal on $finished were
- using $signals - waiting for a signal always requires a Mutex - and as the
- Condition Variable is no longer valid, the accompanying Mutex is also destroyed.
- Before the programmer attempts to use Condition Variables they should have
- knowledge of "Spurious Wakeups" as allowed for in the Posix Threads
- specification upon which pthreads is built.
- A brief explanation of the problem is as follows:
- A call to Cond::wait may return before the Condition Variable receives a
- legitimate signal as a result of another context calling Cond::signal
- or Cond::broadcast. Because of this behavior, a call to wait for a
- signal on a Condition Variable must check a predicate (usually a boolean
- value) upon returning from the call to Cond::wait. This eliminates the
- risk of Spurious Wakeups.
- Thread Members
- The members of a Thread can be of any type that PHP supports the serialization
- of, including programmer declared classes.
- In the case where a Thread contains members that are of a programmer declared
- type (class), the programmer must include the declaration using Thread::__prepare
- magic method.
- Thread::__prepare method is executed by pthreads in the newly created context,
- before the newly created context executes Thread::run. This results in correct
- deserialization of the programmer declared type in the new context.
-myType = $myType;
- }
- public function run(){
- if (method_exists($this->myType, "myMethod")) {
- }
- }
-/* ... */
-$my = new Inc();
-/* ... */
-$example = new ExampleThread($my);
-if ($example->start()) {
- /* ... */
- In the example above, /path/to/inc.php declares a class, as defined by the
- programmer. The programmer includes the declaration in the global scope
- before passing an instance of the object to an instance of ExampleThread.
- The instance of ExampleThread is able to manipulate the object and execute
- member functions having included the declaration using __prepare magic.
diff --git a/reference/pthreads/importedthread.xml b/reference/pthreads/importedthread.xml
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index 98ab86f06f..0000000000
--- a/reference/pthreads/importedthread.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,68 +0,0 @@
- The ImportedThread class
- ImportedThread
- &reftitle.intro;
- An ImportedThread is returned by a call to Thread::getThread.
- This provides any Thread created by pthreads, in any context, being executed in the same instance of PHP, the ability to synchronize with any Thread including collect it's output.
- &reftitle.classsynopsis;
- ImportedThread
- ImportedThread
- &Methods;
- &reference.pthreads.entities.importedthread;
diff --git a/reference/pthreads/thread/isbusy.xml b/reference/pthreads/thread/isbusy.xml
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index cc0078508a..0000000000
--- a/reference/pthreads/thread/isbusy.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
- Thread::isBusy
- Tell if a Thread is busy executing
- &reftitle.description;
- final public booleanThread::isBusy
- Tell if the referenced Thread is busy executing.
- A call to Thread::join on a busy Thread could result in significant blocking.
- A Thread being used as a Worker will always appear busy until a call to Thread::join on the Worker is made.
- &reftitle.parameters;
- &no.function.parameters;
- &reftitle.returnvalues;
- A boolean indication of state.
diff --git a/reference/pthreads/thread/stack.xml b/reference/pthreads/thread/stack.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index b5e972b21b..0000000000
--- a/reference/pthreads/thread/stack.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
- Thread::stack
- Push work onto the stack for execution by the referenced Thread
- &reftitle.description;
- final public intThread::stack
- Objectwork
- Pushing work onto the stack of an executing Thread automatically turns that Thread into a Worker.
- A Worker Thread will automatically pop work off the stack and execute the items run method.
- A Worker Thread is available until a call to Thread::join is recieved.
- The return value of the run method of an executed item is ignored, until the last execution on the stack.
- The last item on the stack has the return value of run available to the caller of Thread::join on the Worker Thread.
- &reftitle.parameters;
- work
- An item of the same type as the referenced Thread
- &reftitle.returnvalues;
- The size of stack after work was added.
diff --git a/reference/pthreads/thread/unstack.xml b/reference/pthreads/thread/unstack.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index aca4e80eec..0000000000
--- a/reference/pthreads/thread/unstack.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
- Thread::unstack
- Remove items from the referenced Threads stack.
- &reftitle.description;
- final public intThread::unstack
- Objectwork
- Remove an item, or all items if no parameters are present from the referenced Threads stack.
- &reftitle.parameters;
- work
- Should be an object previous used as the parameter to Thread::stack
- &reftitle.returnvalues;
- The size of the stack after work was removed.