diff --git a/reference/datetime/datetime/createfromformat.xml b/reference/datetime/datetime/createfromformat.xml
index c7865e2d03..ab004504ee 100644
--- a/reference/datetime/datetime/createfromformat.xml
+++ b/reference/datetime/datetime/createfromformat.xml
@@ -35,8 +35,243 @@
- Format accepted by date.
+ The format that the passed in string should be in. See the
+ formatting options below. In most cases, the same letters as for the
+ date can be used.
+ The following characters are recognized in the
+ format parameter string
+ format character
+ Description
+ Example parsable values
+ Day
+ ---
+ ---
+ d and j
+ Day of the month, 2 digits with or without leading zeros
+ 01 to 31 or
+ 1 to 1
+ D and l
+ A textual representation of a day
+ Mon through Sun or
+ Sunday through Saturday
+ S
+ English ordinal suffix for the day of the month, 2
+ characters. It's ignored while processing.
+ st, nd, rd or
+ th.
+ z
+ The day of the year (starting from 0)
+ 0 through 365
+ Month
+ ---
+ ---
+ F and M
+ A textual representation of a month, such as January or Sept
+ January through December or
+ Jan through Dec
+ m and n
+ Numeric representation of a month, with or without leading zeros
+ 01 through 12 or
+ 1 through 12
+ Year
+ ---
+ ---
+ Y
+ A full numeric representation of a year, 4 digits
+ Examples: 1999 or 2003
+ y
+ A two digit representation of a year
+ Examples: 99 or 03
+ Time
+ ---
+ ---
+ a and A
+ Ante meridiem and Post meridiem
+ am or pm
+ g and h
+ 12-hour format of an hour with or without leading zero
+ 1 through 12 or
+ 01 through 12
+ G and H
+ 24-hour format of an hour with or without leading zeros
+ 0 through 23 or
+ 00 through 23
+ i
+ Minutes with leading zeros
+ 00 to 59
+ s
+ Seconds, with leading zeros
+ 00 through 59
+ u
+ Microseconds (up to six digits)
+ Example: 45, 654321
+ Timezone
+ ---
+ ---
+ e, O,
+ P and T
+ Timezone identifier, or difference to UTC in hours, or
+ difference to UTC with colon between hours and minutes, or timezone
+ abbreviation
+ Examples: UTC, GMT,
+ Atlantic/Azores or
+ +0200 or
+ +02:00 or
+ Full Date/Time
+ ---
+ ---
+ U
+ Seconds since the Unix Epoch (January 1 1970 00:00:00 GMT)
+ Example: 1292177455
+ Whitespace and Separators
+ ---
+ ---
+ (space)
+ One space or one tab
+ Example:
+ #
+ One of the following separation symbol: ;,
+ :, /, .,
+ ,, -, ( or
+ )
+ Example: /
+ ;,
+ :, /, .,
+ ,, -, ( or
+ )
+ The specified character.
+ Example: -
+ ?
+ A random byte
+ Example: ^ (Be aware that for UTF-8
+ characracters you might need more than one ?.
+ In this case, using * is probably what you want
+ instead)
+ *
+ Random bytes until the next separator or digit
+ Example: * in Y-*-d with
+ the string 2009-aWord-08 will match
+ aWord
+ !
+ Resets all fields (year, month, day, hour, minute, second,
+ fraction and timzone information) to the Unix Epoch
+ Without !, all fields will be set to the
+ current date and time.
+ |
+ Resets all fields (year, month, day, hour, minute, second,
+ fraction and timzone information) to the Unix Epoch if they have
+ not been parsed yet
+ Y-m-d| will set the year, month and day
+ to the information found in the string to parse, and sets the hour,
+ minute and second to 0.
+ +
+ If this format specifier is present, trailing data in the
+ string will not cause an error, but a warning instead
+ Use DateTime::getLastErrors to find out
+ whether trailing data was present.
+ Unrecognized characters in the format string will cause the
+ parsing to fail and an error message is appended to the returned
+ structure. You can query error messages with
+ DateTime::getLastErrors.
If format does not contain the character
! then portions of the generated time which are not
diff --git a/reference/datetime/functions/date-parse-from-format.xml b/reference/datetime/functions/date-parse-from-format.xml
index 5bedf54524..a2b828e653 100644
--- a/reference/datetime/functions/date-parse-from-format.xml
+++ b/reference/datetime/functions/date-parse-from-format.xml
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
- Get info about given date
+ Get info about given date formarred according to the specified format
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
- Format accepted by date with some extras.
+ Format accepted by DateTime::createFromFormat.