diff --git a/language/references.xml b/language/references.xml
index 319c084b31..cde144fa08 100644
--- a/language/references.xml
+++ b/language/references.xml
@@ -91,13 +91,12 @@ var_dump(property_exists($c, 'd')); // bool(true)
The same syntax can be used with functions that return
- references, and with the new operator (in PHP
- 4.0.4 and later):
+ references, and with the new operator (since PHP
+ 4.0.4 and before PHP 5.0.0):
@@ -108,27 +107,6 @@ $foo =& find_var($bar);
using =& in this context is deprecated and
produces an E_STRICT message.
- Not using the & operator causes a copy of
- the object to be made. If you use $this in
- the class it will operate on the current instance of the
- class. The assignment without
- & will copy the instance (i.e. the object) and
- $this will operate on the copy, which is not
- always what is desired. Usually you want to have a single
- instance to work with, due to performance and memory consumption
- issues.
- While you can use the @ operator to
- mute any errors in the constructor when
- using it as
- @new, this does not work when using the
- &new statement. This is a limitation of the Zend
- Engine and will therefore result in a parse error.
If you assign a reference to a variable declared global