diff --git a/reference/mongo/mongocollection/createindex.xml b/reference/mongo/mongocollection/createindex.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3a78841b1e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/reference/mongo/mongocollection/createindex.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,288 @@
+ MongoCollection::createIndex
+ Creates an index on the given field(s)
+ &reftitle.description;
+ publicboolMongoCollection::createIndex
+ arraykeys
+ arrayoptionsarray()
+ This method creates an index on the collection and the specified fields.
+ The key specification can either be just a single field name as string, or an
+ array containing one or more field names with their sort direction.
+ &reftitle.parameters;
+ keys
+ An array of fields by which to sort the index on. Each element in the
+ array has as key the field name, and as value either
+ 1 for ascending sort, -1 for
+ descending sort, or any of the index plugins (currently,
+ "text", "2d", or
+ "2dsphere"").
+ options
+ This parameter is an associative array of the form
+ array("optionname" => <boolean>, ...). Currently
+ supported options are:
+ &mongo.writes.parameters.writeconcern;
+ "unique"
+ Create a unique index.
+ A unique index cannot be created on a field if multiple existing
+ documents do not contain the field. The field is effectively &null;
+ for these documents and thus already non-unique. Sparse indexing may
+ be used to overcome this, since it will prevent documents without the
+ field from being indexed.
+ "dropDups"
+ If a unique index is being created and duplicate values exist, drop
+ all but one duplicate value.
+ "sparse"
+ Create a sparse index, which only includes documents containing the
+ field. This option is only compatible with single-field indexes.
+ "expireAfterSeconds"
+ The value of this option should specify the number of seconds after
+ which a document should be considered expired and automatically
+ removed from the collection. This option is only compatible with
+ single-field indexes where the field will contain
+ MongoDate values.
+ This feature is available in MongoDB 2.2+. See
+ Expire Data from Collections by Setting TTL
+ for more information.
+ "background"
+ By default, index creation is a blocking operation and will stop other
+ operations on the database from proceeding until completed. If you
+ specify &true; for this option, the index will be created in the
+ background while other operations are taking place.
+ Prior to MongoDB 2.1.0, the index build operation is not a background
+ build when it replicates to secondaries, irrespective of this option.
+ See
+ Building Indexes with Replica Sets
+ for more information.
+ "name"
+ This option allows you to override the algorithm that the driver
+ uses to create an index name and specify your own. This can be
+ useful if you are indexing many keys and Mongo complains about the
+ index name being too long.
+ &mongo.writes.parameters.timeout;
+ &mongo.writes.parameters.safe;
+ &reftitle.returnvalues;
+ Returns an array containing the status of the index creation. The array
+ contains whether the operation worked ("ok"), the amount
+ of indexes before and after the operation
+ ("numIndexesBefore" and
+ "numIndexesAfter") and whether the collection that the
+ index belongs to has been created
+ ("createdCollectionAutomatically").
+ With MongoDB 2.4 and earlier, a status document is only returned if the
+ "w" option is set to 1—either through
+ the connection string, or with . If
+ "w" is not set to 1, it returns
+ &true;. The fields in the status document are different, except for the
+ "ok" field which signals whether the index creation
+ worked.
+ &reftitle.errors;
+ Throws MongoException if the index name is longer
+ than 128 bytes, or the index specification is not an array.
+ Throws MongoResultException if the server could not add the
+ index.
+ &mongo.errors.exceptions.writeconcern;
+ &reftitle.examples;
+ MongoCollection::createIndex example
+createIndex(array('x' => 1));
+// create an index on 'z' ascending and 'zz' descending
+$c->createIndex(array('z' => 1, 'zz' => -1));
+// create a unique index on 'x'
+$c->createIndex(array('x' => 1), array("unique" => true));
+// create a 2dsphere geospatial index index on 'w'
+$c->createIndex(array('w' => "2dsphere"));
+ Drop duplicates example
+insert(array("username" => "joeschmoe"));
+$collection->insert(array("username" => "joeschmoe"));
+ * index creation fails, you can't create a unique index on a key with
+ * non-unique values
+ */
+$collection->createIndex(array("username" => 1), array("unique" => 1));
+ * index creation succeeds: one of the documents is removed from the collection
+ */
+$collection->createIndex(array("username" => 1), array("unique" => 1, "dropDups" => 1));
+ * now we have a unique index, more inserts with the same username (such as the
+ * one below) will fail
+ */
+$collection->insert(array("username" => "joeschmoe"));
+ Geospatial Indexing
+ Mongo supports geospatial indexes, which allow you to search for documents
+ near a given location or within a shape. For example, to create a
+ geospatial index on the "loc" field:
+createIndex(array("loc" => "2dsphere"));
+ &reftitle.seealso;
+ MongoDB core docs on
+ vanilla indexes and
+ geospatial indexes.
diff --git a/reference/mongo/mongocollection/ensureindex.xml b/reference/mongo/mongocollection/ensureindex.xml
index a0bdb1f058..90bf00c1ed 100644
--- a/reference/mongo/mongocollection/ensureindex.xml
+++ b/reference/mongo/mongocollection/ensureindex.xml
@@ -17,6 +17,12 @@
+ This method is deprecated since version 1.5.0. Please use
+ MongoCollection::createIndex instead.
This method creates an index on the collection and the specified fields.
The key specification can either be just a single field name as string, or an
@@ -309,6 +315,9 @@ $collection->ensureIndex(array("loc" => "2d"));
+ MongoCollection::createIndex
MongoDB core docs on
vanilla indexes and