diff --git a/chapters/install.configure.databases.xml b/chapters/install.configure.databases.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c5aaf77ae8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/chapters/install.configure.databases.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,452 @@
+ Database options
+ --with-db
+ Include old xDBM support (deprecated).
+ --enable-dba=shared
+ Build DBA as a shared module.
+ --with-gdbm[=DIR]
+ Include GDBM support.
+ --with-ndbm[=DIR]
+ Include NDBM support.
+ --with-db2[=DIR]
+ Include Berkeley DB2 support.
+ --with-db3[=DIR]
+ Include Berkeley DB3 support.
+ --with-dbm[=DIR]
+ Include DBM support.
+ --with-cdb[=DIR]
+ Include CDB support.
+ --enable-dbase
+ Enable the bundled dbase library.
+ --with-dbplus
+ Include dbplus support.
+ --enable-dbx
+ Enable dbx.
+ --with-fbsql[=DIR]
+ Include FrontBase support. DIR is the FrontBase base directory.
+ --enable-filepro
+ Enable the bundled read-only filePro support.
+ --with-fribidi[=DIR]
+ Include fribidi support (requires FriBidi >=0.1.12). DIR is the fribidi
+ installation directory - default /usr/local/.
+ --with-informix[=DIR]
+ Include Informix support. DIR is the Informix base install directory,
+ defaults to nothing.
+ --with-ingres[=DIR]
+ Include Ingres II support. DIR is the Ingres base directory (default /II/ingres).
+ --with-interbase[=DIR]
+ Include InterBase support. DIR is the InterBase base install directory,
+ defaults to /usr/interbase.
+ --with-msql[=DIR]
+ Include mSQL support. DIR is the mSQL base install directory, defaults
+ to /usr/local/Hughes.
+ --with-mysql[=DIR]
+ Include MySQL support. DIR is the MySQL base directory. If unspecified,
+ the bundled MySQL library will be used.
+ --with-oci8[=DIR]
+ Include Oracle-oci8 support. Default DIR is ORACLE_HOME.
+ --with-adabas[=DIR]
+ Include Adabas D support. DIR is the Adabas base install directory,
+ defaults to /usr/local.
+ --with-sapdb[=DIR]
+ Include SAP DB support. DIR is SAP DB base install directory,
+ defaults to /usr/local.
+ --with-solid[=DIR]
+ Include Solid support. DIR is the Solid base install directory,
+ defaults to /usr/local/solid.
+ --with-ibm-db2[=DIR]
+ Include IBM DB2 support. DIR is the DB2 base install directory,
+ defaults to /home/db2inst1/sqllib.
+ --with-empress[=DIR]
+ Include Empress support. DIR is the Empress base install directory,
+ defaults to $EMPRESSPATH. From PHP4, this option only supports
+ Empress Version 8.60 and above.
+ --with-empress-bcs[=DIR]
+ Include Empress Local Access support. DIR is the Empress base
+ install directory, defaults to $EMPRESSPATH. From PHP4,
+ this option only supports Empress Version 8.60 and above.
+ --with-velocis[=DIR]
+ Include Velocis support. DIR is the Velocis base install directory,
+ defaults to /usr/local/velocis.
+ --with-custom-odbc[=DIR]
+ Include a user defined ODBC support. The DIR is ODBC install base directory,
+ which defaults to /usr/local. Make sure to define CUSTOM_ODBC_LIBS and have
+ some odbc.h in your include dirs. E.g., you should define following for Sybase SQL
+ Anywhere 5.5.00 on QNX, prior to run configure script:
+ --with-iodbc[=DIR]
+ Include iODBC support. DIR is the iODBC base install directory,
+ defaults to /usr/local.
+ --with-esoob[=DIR]
+ Include Easysoft OOB support. DIR is the OOB base install directory,
+ defaults to /usr/local/easysoft/oob/client.
+ --with-unixODBC[=DIR]
+ Include unixODBC support. DIR is the unixODBC base install directory,
+ defaults to /usr/local.
+ --with-openlink[=DIR]
+ Include OpenLink ODBC support. DIR is the OpenLink base install directory,
+ defaults to /usr/local. This is the same as iODBC.
+ --with-dbmaker[=DIR]
+ Include DBMaker support. DIR is the DBMaker base install directory,
+ defaults to where the latest version of DBMaker is installed
+ (such as /home/dbmaker/3.6).
+ --with-oracle[=DIR]
+ Include Oracle-oci7 support. Default DIR is ORACLE_HOME.
+ --with-ovrimos[=DIR]
+ Include Ovrimos SQL Server support. DIR is the Ovrimos' libsqlcli install directory.
+ --with-pgsql[=DIR]
+ Include PostgreSQL support. DIR is the PostgreSQL base install directory,
+ defaults to /usr/local/pgsql. Set DIR to shared to build as a dl, or
+ shared,DIR to build as a dl and still specify DIR.
+ --with-sybase[=DIR]
+ Include Sybase-DB support. DIR is the Sybase home directory,
+ defaults to /home/sybase.
+ --with-sybase-ct[=DIR]
+ Include Sybase-CT support. DIR is the Sybase home directory.
+ Defaults to /home/sybase.
+ --disable-unified-odbc
+ Disable unified ODBC support. Only applicable if
+ iODBC, Adabas, Solid, Velocis or a custom ODBC
+ interface is enabled. PHP 3 only!
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/chapters/install.configure.graphics.xml b/chapters/install.configure.graphics.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5172323885
--- /dev/null
+++ b/chapters/install.configure.graphics.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,223 @@
+ Graphics options
+ --with-gd[=DIR]
+ Include GD support (DIR is GD's install dir). Set DIR to shared to build as
+ a dl, or shared,DIR to build as a dl and still specify DIR.
+ --enable-gd-native-ttf
+ GD: Enable TrueType string function in gd.
+ --with-jpeg-dir=DIR
+ GD: Set the path to libjpeg install prefix.
+ --with-png-dir=DIR
+ GD: Set the path to libpng install prefix.
+ --with-xpm-dir=DIR
+ GD: Set the path to libXpm install prefix.
+ --with-freetype-dir=DIR
+ GD: Set the path to freetype2 install prefix.
+ --with-ttf[=DIR]
+ GD: Include FreeType 1.x support.
+ --with-t1lib[=DIR]
+ GD: Include T1lib support.
+ --with-cpdflib[=DIR]
+ Include cpdflib support (requires cpdflib >= 2). DIR is the cpdfllib install
+ directory, defaults to /usr.
+ --with-jpeg-dir[=DIR]
+ jpeg dir for cpdflib 2.x.
+ --with-tiff-dir[=DIR]
+ tiff dir for cpdflib 2.x.
+ --with-pdflib[=DIR]
+ Include PDFlib support. DIR is the pdflib base install directory,
+ defaults to /usr/local. Set DIR to shared to build as dl, or
+ shared,DIR to build as dl and still specify DIR.
+ --with-jpeg-dir[=DIR]
+ PDFLIB: define libjpeg install directory.
+ --with-png-dir[=DIR]
+ PDFLIB: define libpng install directory.
+ --with-tiff-dir[=DIR]
+ PDFLIB: define libtiff install directory.
+ --with-swf[=DIR]
+ Include swf support.
+ --without-gd
+ Disable GD support. PHP 3 only!
+ --with-imagick
+ Include ImageMagick support. DIR is the install directory, and if left out, PHP will
+ try to find it on its own. [experimental]. PHP 3 only!
+ --with-ming[=DIR]
+ Include ming support.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/chapters/install.configure.misc.xml b/chapters/install.configure.misc.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..cf43098ac5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/chapters/install.configure.misc.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,979 @@
+ Misc options
+ --enable-force-cgi-redirect
+ Enable the security check for internal server redirects. You should use this
+ if you are running the CGI version with Apache.
+ --enable-discard-path
+ If this is enabled, the PHP CGI binary can safely be placed outside of the web
+ tree and people will not be able to circumvent .htaccess security.
+ --with-fastcgi=SRCDIR
+ Build PHP as FastCGI application.
+ --enable-debug
+ Compile with debugging symbols.
+ --with-layout=TYPE
+ Sets how installed files will be laid out. Type is one of PHP (default) or GNU.
+ --with-pear=DIR
+ Install PEAR in DIR (default PREFIX/lib/php).
+ --without-pear
+ Do not install PEAR.
+ --with-openssl[=DIR]
+ Include OpenSSL support (requires OpenSSL >= 0.9.5).
+ --enable-sigchild
+ Enable PHP's own SIGCHLD handler.
+ --disable-rpath
+ Disable passing additional runtime library search paths.
+ --enable-libgcc
+ Enable explicitly linking against libgcc.
+ --enable-dmalloc
+ Enable dmalloc.
+ --enable-php-streams
+ Include experimental php streams. Do not use unless you are testing the code!
+ --with-zlib-dir=<DIR>
+ Define the location of zlib install directory.
+ --with-zlib[=DIR]
+ Include zlib support (requires zlib >= 1.0.9). DIR is the zlib install directory.
+ --with-aspell[=DIR]
+ Include ASPELL support.
+ --enable-bcmath
+ Enable bc style precision math functions.
+ --with-bz2[=DIR]
+ Include BZip2 support.
+ --enable-calendar
+ Enable support for calendar conversion.
+ --with-ccvs[=DIR]
+ Include CCVS support.
+ --with-crack[=DIR]
+ Include crack support.
+ --enable-ctype
+ Enable ctype support.
+ --with-curl[=DIR]
+ Include CURL support.
+ --with-cybercash[=DIR]
+ Include CyberCash support. DIR is the CyberCash MCK install directory.
+ --with-cybermut[=DIR]
+ Include CyberMut (french Credit Mutuel telepaiement).
+ --with-cyrus
+ Include cyrus imap support.
+ --enable-exif
+ Enable exif support.
+ --with-fdftk[=DIR]
+ Include fdftk support.
+ --enable-ftp
+ Enable FTP support.
+ --with-gettext[=DIR]
+ Include GNU gettext support. DIR is the gettext install directory,
+ defaults to /usr/local.
+ --with-gmp
+ Include gmp support.
+ --with-hyperwave
+ Include Hyperwave support.
+ --with-icap[=DIR]
+ Include ICAP support.
+ --with-iconv[=DIR]
+ Include iconv support.
+ --with-imap[=DIR]
+ Include IMAP support. DIR is the c-client install prefix.
+ --with-kerberos[=DIR]
+ IMAP: Include Kerberos support. DIR is the Kerberos install dir.
+ --with-imap-ssl[=DIR]
+ IMAP: Include SSL support. DIR is the OpenSSL install dir.
+ --with-ircg-config
+ Path to the ircg-config script.
+ --with-ircg
+ Include ircg support.
+ --with-java[=DIR]
+ Include Java support. DIR is the base install directory for the JDK.
+ This extension can only be built as a shared dl.
+ --with-ldap[=DIR]
+ Include LDAP support. DIR is the LDAP base install directory.
+ --enable-mailparse
+ Enable mailparse support.
+ --enable-mbstring
+ Enable multibyte string support.
+ --enable-mbstr-enc-trans
+ Enable japanese encoding translation.
+ --with-mcal[=DIR]
+ Include MCAL support.
+ --with-mcrypt[=DIR]
+ Include mcrypt support. DIR is the mcrypt install directory.
+ --with-mhash[=DIR]
+ Include mhash support. DIR is the mhash install directory.
+ --with-mnogosearch[=DIR]
+ Include mnoGoSearch support. DIR is the mnoGoSearch base install directory,
+ defaults to /usr/local/mnogosearch.
+ --with-muscat[=DIR]
+ Include muscat support.
+ --with-ncurses
+ Include ncurses support.
+ --enable-pcntl
+ Enable experimental pcntl support (CGI ONLY!)
+ --without-pcre-regex
+ Do not include Perl Compatible Regular Expressions support.
+ Use --with-pcre-regex=DIR to specify DIR where PCRE's
+ include and library files are located, if not using bundled library.
+ --with-pfpro[=DIR]
+ Include Verisign Payflow Pro support.
+ --disable-posix
+ Disable POSIX-like functions.
+ --with-pspell[=DIR]
+ Include PSPELL support.
+ --with-qtdom
+ Include QtDOM support (requires Qt >= 2.2.0).
+ --with-libedit[=DIR]
+ Include libedit readline replacement.
+ --with-readline[=DIR]
+ Include readline support. DIR is the readline install directory.
+ --with-recode[=DIR]
+ Include recode support. DIR is the recode install directory.
+ --with-satellite[=DIR]
+ Enable CORBA support via Satellite (EXPERIMENTIAL) DIR is the base
+ directory for ORBit.
+ --with-mm[=DIR]
+ Include mm support for session storage.
+ --enable-trans-sid
+ Enable transparent session id propagation.
+ --disable-session
+ Disable session support.
+ --enable-shmop
+ Enable shmop support.
+ --with-snmp[=DIR]
+ Include SNMP support. DIR is the SNMP base install directory, defaults to
+ searching through a number of common locations for the snmp install. Set DIR
+ to shared to build as a dl, or shared,DIR to build as a dl and still specify DIR.
+ --enable-ucd-snmp-hack
+ Enable UCD SNMP hack.
+ --enable-sockets
+ Enable sockets support.
+ --with-regex=TYPE
+ regex library type: system, apache, php.
+ --with-system-regex
+ Use system regex library (deprecated).
+ --enable-sysvsem
+ Enable System V semaphore support.
+ --enable-sysvshm
+ Enable the System V shared memory support.
+ --with-vpopmail[=DIR]
+ Include vpopmail support.
+ --with-tsrm-pthreads
+ Use POSIX threads (default).
+ --enable-shared[=PKGS]
+ Build shared libraries [default=yes].
+ --enable-static[=PKGS]
+ Build static libraries [default=yes].
+ --enable-fast-install[=PKGS]
+ Optimize for fast installation [default=yes].
+ --with-gnu-ld
+ Assume the C compiler uses GNU ld [default=no].
+ --disable-libtool-lock
+ Avoid locking (might break parallel builds).
+ --with-pic
+ Try to use only PIC/non-PIC objects [default=use both].
+ --with-yaz[=DIR]
+ Include YAZ support (ANSI/NISO Z39.50).
+ DIR is the YAZ bin install directory.
+ --enable-memory-limit
+ Compile with memory limit support.
+ --disable-url-fopen-wrapper
+ Disable the URL-aware fopen wrapper that allows
+ accessing files via http or ftp.
+ --enable-versioning
+ Export only required symbols.
+ See INSTALL for more information.
+ --disable-bcmath
+ Compile without bc style precision math functions. PHP 3 only!
+ --with-imsp[=DIR]
+ Include IMSp support (DIR is IMSP's include dir and libimsp.a dir).
+ PHP 3 only!
+ --with-ftp
+ Include FTP support. PHP 3 only!
+ --with-mck[=DIR]
+ Include Cybercash MCK support. DIR is the cybercash
+ mck build directory, defaults to
+ /usr/src/mck- for help look in
+ extra/cyberlib. PHP 3 only!
+ --disable-overload
+ Disable user-space object overloading support. PHP 3 only!
+ --enable-yp
+ Include YP support. PHP 3 only!
+ --with-zip
+ Include ZIP support (requires zziplib >= 0.10.6).
+ PHP 3 only!
+ --with-mod-dav=DIR
+ Include DAV support through Apache's mod_dav,
+ DIR is mod_dav's installation directory (Apache
+ module version only!) PHP 3 only!
+ --enable-debugger
+ Compile with remote debugging functions. PHP 3 only!
+ --enable-versioning
+ Take advantage of versioning and scoping
+ provided by Solaris 2.x and Linux. PHP 3 only!
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/chapters/install.configure.php.xml b/chapters/install.configure.php.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..054745b966
--- /dev/null
+++ b/chapters/install.configure.php.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+ PHP options
+ --enable-maintainer-mode
+ Enable make rules and dependencies not useful (and sometimes confusing)
+ to the casual installer.
+ --with-config-file-path=PATH
+ Sets the path in which to look for php.ini, defaults to PREFIX/lib.
+ --enable-safe-mode
+ Enable safe mode by default.
+ --with-exec-dir[=DIR]
+ Only allow executables in DIR when in safe mode defaults to /usr/local/php/bin.
+ --enable-magic-quotes
+ Enable magic quotes by default.
+ --disable-short-tags
+ Disable the short-form <? start tag by default.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/chapters/install.configure.servers.xml b/chapters/install.configure.servers.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..98ea5bbce5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/chapters/install.configure.servers.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,183 @@
+ Server options
+ --with-aolserver=DIR
+ Specify path to the installed AOLserver.
+ --with-apxs[=FILE]
+ Build shared Apache module. FILE is the optional pathname to the Apache
+ apxs tool; defaults to apxs.
+ --with-apache[=DIR]
+ Build Apache module. DIR is the top-level Apache build directory, defaults
+ to /usr/local/apache.
+ --with-mod_charset
+ Enable transfer tables for mod_charset (Rus Apache).
+ --with-apxs2[=FILE]
+ Build shared Apache 2.0 module. FILE is the optional pathname to the Apache
+ apxs tool; defaults to apxs.
+ --with-fhttpd[=DIR]
+ Build fhttpd module. DIR is the fhttpd sources directory, defaults to /usr/local/src/fhttpd.
+ --with-isapi=DIR
+ Build PHP as an ISAPI module for use with Zeus.
+ --with-nsapi=DIR
+ Specify path to the installed Netscape Server.
+ --with-phttpd=DIR
+ No information yet.
+ --with-pi3web=DIR
+ Build PHP as a module for use with Pi3Web.
+ --with-roxen=DIR
+ Build PHP as a Pike module. DIR is the base Roxen directory, normally
+ /usr/local/roxen/server.
+ --enable-roxen-zts
+ Build the Roxen module using Zend Thread Safety.
+ --with-servlet[=DIR]
+ Include servlet support. DIR is the base install directory for the JSDK.
+ This SAPI prereqs the java extension must be built as a shared dl.
+ --with-thttpd=SRCDIR
+ Build PHP as thttpd module.
+ --with-tux=MODULEDIR
+ Build PHP as a TUX module (Linux only).
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/chapters/install.configure.xml b/chapters/install.configure.xml
index c0fc0a48dd..750e9d1d93 100644
--- a/chapters/install.configure.xml
+++ b/chapters/install.configure.xml
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
Complete list of configure options
@@ -25,55 +25,59 @@
+ Graphics
- Ecommerce
+ Miscellaneous
+ PHP Behaviour
- Graphics
+ Server
- Networking
- PHP Behaviour
- Server
- Text and language
Configure Options in PHP 4
@@ -85,1856 +89,12 @@
not be available.
- --enable-maintainer-mode
- Enable make rules and dependencies not useful (and sometimes confusing)
- to the casual installer.
- --with-aolserver=DIR
- Specify path to the installed AOLserver.
- --with-apxs[=FILE]
- Build shared Apache module. FILE is the optional pathname to the Apache
- apxs tool; defaults to apxs.
- --with-apache[=DIR]
- Build Apache module. DIR is the top-level Apache build directory, defaults
- to /usr/local/apache.
- --with-mod_charset
- Enable transfer tables for mod_charset (Rus Apache).
- --with-apxs2[=FILE]
- Build shared Apache 2.0 module. FILE is the optional pathname to the Apache
- apxs tool; defaults to apxs.
- --enable-force-cgi-redirect
- Enable the security check for internal server redirects. You should use this
- if you are running the CGI version with Apache.
- --enable-discard-path
- If this is enabled, the PHP CGI binary can safely be placed outside of the web
- tree and people will not be able to circumvent .htaccess security.
- --with-fhttpd[=DIR]
- Build fhttpd module. DIR is the fhttpd sources directory, defaults to /usr/local/src/fhttpd.
- --with-fastcgi=SRCDIR
- Build PHP as FastCGI application.
- --with-isapi=DIR
- Build PHP as an ISAPI module for use with Zeus.
- --with-nsapi=DIR
- Specify path to the installed Netscape Server.
- --with-phttpd=DIR
- No information yet.
- --with-pi3web=DIR
- Build PHP as a module for use with Pi3Web.
- --with-roxen=DIR
- Build PHP as a Pike module. DIR is the base Roxen directory, normally
- /usr/local/roxen/server.
- --enable-roxen-zts
- Build the Roxen module using Zend Thread Safety.
- --with-servlet[=DIR]
- Include servlet support. DIR is the base install directory for the JSDK.
- This SAPI prereqs the java extension must be built as a shared dl.
- --with-thttpd=SRCDIR
- Build PHP as thttpd module.
- --with-tux=MODULEDIR
- Build PHP as a TUX module (Linux only).
- --enable-debug
- Compile with debugging symbols.
- --with-layout=TYPE
- Sets how installed files will be laid out. Type is one of PHP (default) or GNU.
- --with-config-file-path=PATH
- Sets the path in which to look for php.ini, defaults to PREFIX/lib.
- --with-pear=DIR
- Install PEAR in DIR (default PREFIX/lib/php).
- --without-pear
- Do not install PEAR.
- --enable-safe-mode
- Enable safe mode by default.
- --with-exec-dir[=DIR]
- Only allow executables in DIR when in safe mode defaults to /usr/local/php/bin.
- --with-openssl[=DIR]
- Include OpenSSL support (requires OpenSSL >= 0.9.5).
- --enable-sigchild
- Enable PHP's own SIGCHLD handler.
- --enable-magic-quotes
- Enable magic quotes by default.
- --disable-rpath
- Disable passing additional runtime library search paths.
- --enable-libgcc
- Enable explicitly linking against libgcc.
- --disable-short-tags
- Disable the short-form <? start tag by default.
- --enable-dmalloc
- Enable dmalloc.
- --enable-php-streams
- Include experimental php streams. Do not use unless you are testing the code!
- --with-zlib-dir=<DIR>
- Define the location of zlib install directory.
- --with-zlib[=DIR]
- Include zlib support (requires zlib >= 1.0.9). DIR is the zlib install directory.
- --with-aspell[=DIR]
- Include ASPELL support.
- --enable-bcmath
- Enable bc style precision math functions.
- --with-bz2[=DIR]
- Include BZip2 support.
- --enable-calendar
- Enable support for calendar conversion.
- --with-ccvs[=DIR]
- Include CCVS support.
- --with-cpdflib[=DIR]
- Include cpdflib support (requires cpdflib >= 2). DIR is the cpdfllib install
- directory, defaults to /usr.
- --with-jpeg-dir[=DIR]
- jpeg dir for cpdflib 2.x.
- --with-tiff-dir[=DIR]
- tiff dir for cpdflib 2.x.
- --with-crack[=DIR]
- Include crack support.
- --enable-ctype
- Enable ctype support.
- --with-curl[=DIR]
- Include CURL support.
- --with-cybercash[=DIR]
- Include CyberCash support. DIR is the CyberCash MCK install directory.
- --with-cybermut[=DIR]
- Include CyberMut (french Credit Mutuel telepaiement).
- --with-cyrus
- Include cyrus imap support.
- --with-db
- Include old xDBM support (deprecated).
- --enable-dba=shared
- Build DBA as a shared module.
- --with-gdbm[=DIR]
- Include GDBM support.
- --with-ndbm[=DIR]
- Include NDBM support.
- --with-db2[=DIR]
- Include Berkeley DB2 support.
- --with-db3[=DIR]
- Include Berkeley DB3 support.
- --with-dbm[=DIR]
- Include DBM support.
- --with-cdb[=DIR]
- Include CDB support.
- --enable-dbase
- Enable the bundled dbase library.
- --with-dbplus
- Include dbplus support.
- --enable-dbx
- Enable dbx.
- --with-dom[=DIR]
- Include DOM support (requires libxml >= 2.4.2). DIR is the libxml install
- directory, defaults to /usr.
- --enable-exif
- Enable exif support.
- --with-fbsql[=DIR]
- Include FrontBase support. DIR is the FrontBase base directory.
- --with-fdftk[=DIR]
- Include fdftk support.
- --enable-filepro
- Enable the bundled read-only filePro support.
- --with-fribidi[=DIR]
- Include fribidi support (requires FriBidi >=0.1.12). DIR is the fribidi
- installation directory - default /usr/local/.
- --enable-ftp
- Enable FTP support.
- --with-gd[=DIR]
- Include GD support (DIR is GD's install dir). Set DIR to shared to build as
- a dl, or shared,DIR to build as a dl and still specify DIR.
- --enable-gd-native-ttf
- GD: Enable TrueType string function in gd.
- --with-jpeg-dir=DIR
- GD: Set the path to libjpeg install prefix.
- --with-png-dir=DIR
- GD: Set the path to libpng install prefix.
- --with-xpm-dir=DIR
- GD: Set the path to libXpm install prefix.
- --with-freetype-dir=DIR
- GD: Set the path to freetype2 install prefix.
- --with-ttf[=DIR]
- GD: Include FreeType 1.x support.
- --with-t1lib[=DIR]
- GD: Include T1lib support.
- --with-gettext[=DIR]
- Include GNU gettext support. DIR is the gettext install directory,
- defaults to /usr/local.
- --with-gmp
- Include gmp support.
- --with-hyperwave
- Include Hyperwave support.
- --with-icap[=DIR]
- Include ICAP support.
- --with-iconv[=DIR]
- Include iconv support.
- --with-imap[=DIR]
- Include IMAP support. DIR is the c-client install prefix.
- --with-kerberos[=DIR]
- IMAP: Include Kerberos support. DIR is the Kerberos install dir.
- --with-imap-ssl[=DIR]
- IMAP: Include SSL support. DIR is the OpenSSL install dir.
- --with-informix[=DIR]
- Include Informix support. DIR is the Informix base install directory,
- defaults to nothing.
- --with-ingres[=DIR]
- Include Ingres II support. DIR is the Ingres base directory (default /II/ingres).
- --with-interbase[=DIR]
- Include InterBase support. DIR is the InterBase base install directory,
- defaults to /usr/interbase.
- --with-ircg-config
- Path to the ircg-config script.
- --with-ircg
- Include ircg support.
- --with-java[=DIR]
- Include Java support. DIR is the base install directory for the JDK.
- This extension can only be built as a shared dl.
- --with-ldap[=DIR]
- Include LDAP support. DIR is the LDAP base install directory.
- --enable-mailparse
- Enable mailparse support.
- --enable-mbstring
- Enable multibyte string support.
- --enable-mbstr-enc-trans
- Enable japanese encoding translation.
- --with-mcal[=DIR]
- Include MCAL support.
- --with-mcrypt[=DIR]
- Include mcrypt support. DIR is the mcrypt install directory.
- --with-mhash[=DIR]
- Include mhash support. DIR is the mhash install directory.
- --with-ming[=DIR]
- Include ming support.
- --with-mnogosearch[=DIR]
- Include mnoGoSearch support. DIR is the mnoGoSearch base install directory,
- defaults to /usr/local/mnogosearch.
- --with-msql[=DIR]
- Include mSQL support. DIR is the mSQL base install directory, defaults
- to /usr/local/Hughes.
- --with-muscat[=DIR]
- Include muscat support.
- --with-mysql[=DIR]
- Include MySQL support. DIR is the MySQL base directory. If unspecified,
- the bundled MySQL library will be used.
- --with-ncurses
- Include ncurses support.
- --with-oci8[=DIR]
- Include Oracle-oci8 support. Default DIR is ORACLE_HOME.
- --with-adabas[=DIR]
- Include Adabas D support. DIR is the Adabas base install directory,
- defaults to /usr/local.
- --with-sapdb[=DIR]
- Include SAP DB support. DIR is SAP DB base install directory,
- defaults to /usr/local.
- --with-solid[=DIR]
- Include Solid support. DIR is the Solid base install directory,
- defaults to /usr/local/solid.
- --with-ibm-db2[=DIR]
- Include IBM DB2 support. DIR is the DB2 base install directory,
- defaults to /home/db2inst1/sqllib.
- --with-empress[=DIR]
- Include Empress support. DIR is the Empress base install directory,
- defaults to $EMPRESSPATH. From PHP4, this option only supports
- Empress Version 8.60 and above.
- --with-empress-bcs[=DIR]
- Include Empress Local Access support. DIR is the Empress base
- install directory, defaults to $EMPRESSPATH. From PHP4,
- this option only supports Empress Version 8.60 and above.
- --with-velocis[=DIR]
- Include Velocis support. DIR is the Velocis base install directory,
- defaults to /usr/local/velocis.
- --with-custom-odbc[=DIR]
- Include a user defined ODBC support. The DIR is ODBC install base directory,
- which defaults to /usr/local. Make sure to define CUSTOM_ODBC_LIBS and have
- some odbc.h in your include dirs. E.g., you should define following for Sybase SQL
- Anywhere 5.5.00 on QNX, prior to run configure script:
- --with-iodbc[=DIR]
- Include iODBC support. DIR is the iODBC base install directory,
- defaults to /usr/local.
- --with-esoob[=DIR]
- Include Easysoft OOB support. DIR is the OOB base install directory,
- defaults to /usr/local/easysoft/oob/client.
- --with-unixODBC[=DIR]
- Include unixODBC support. DIR is the unixODBC base install directory,
- defaults to /usr/local.
- --with-openlink[=DIR]
- Include OpenLink ODBC support. DIR is the OpenLink base install directory,
- defaults to /usr/local. This is the same as iODBC.
- --with-dbmaker[=DIR]
- Include DBMaker support. DIR is the DBMaker base install directory,
- defaults to where the latest version of DBMaker is installed
- (such as /home/dbmaker/3.6).
- --with-oracle[=DIR]
- Include Oracle-oci7 support. Default DIR is ORACLE_HOME.
- --with-ovrimos[=DIR]
- Include Ovrimos SQL Server support. DIR is the Ovrimos' libsqlcli install directory.
- --enable-pcntl
- Enable experimental pcntl support (CGI ONLY!)
- --without-pcre-regex
- Do not include Perl Compatible Regular Expressions support.
- Use --with-pcre-regex=DIR to specify DIR where PCRE's
- include and library files are located, if not using bundled library.
- --with-pdflib[=DIR]
- Include PDFlib support. DIR is the pdflib base install directory,
- defaults to /usr/local. Set DIR to shared to build as dl, or
- shared,DIR to build as dl and still specify DIR.
- --with-jpeg-dir[=DIR]
- PDFLIB: define libjpeg install directory.
- --with-png-dir[=DIR]
- PDFLIB: define libpng install directory.
- --with-tiff-dir[=DIR]
- PDFLIB: define libtiff install directory.
- --with-pfpro[=DIR]
- Include Verisign Payflow Pro support.
- --with-pgsql[=DIR]
- Include PostgreSQL support. DIR is the PostgreSQL base install directory,
- defaults to /usr/local/pgsql. Set DIR to shared to build as a dl, or
- shared,DIR to build as a dl and still specify DIR.
- --disable-posix
- Disable POSIX-like functions.
- --with-pspell[=DIR]
- Include PSPELL support.
- --with-qtdom
- Include QtDOM support (requires Qt >= 2.2.0).
- --with-libedit[=DIR]
- Include libedit readline replacement.
- --with-readline[=DIR]
- Include readline support. DIR is the readline install directory.
- --with-recode[=DIR]
- Include recode support. DIR is the recode install directory.
- --with-satellite[=DIR]
- Enable CORBA support via Satellite (EXPERIMENTIAL) DIR is the base
- directory for ORBit.
- --with-mm[=DIR]
- Include mm support for session storage.
- --enable-trans-sid
- Enable transparent session id propagation.
- --disable-session
- Disable session support.
- --enable-shmop
- Enable shmop support.
- --with-snmp[=DIR]
- Include SNMP support. DIR is the SNMP base install directory, defaults to
- searching through a number of common locations for the snmp install. Set DIR
- to shared to build as a dl, or shared,DIR to build as a dl and still specify DIR.
- --enable-ucd-snmp-hack
- Enable UCD SNMP hack.
- --enable-sockets
- Enable sockets support.
- --with-regex=TYPE
- regex library type: system, apache, php.
- --with-system-regex
- Use system regex library (deprecated).
- --with-swf[=DIR]
- Include swf support.
- --with-sybase[=DIR]
- Include Sybase-DB support. DIR is the Sybase home directory,
- defaults to /home/sybase.
- --with-sybase-ct[=DIR]
- Include Sybase-CT support. DIR is the Sybase home directory.
- Defaults to /home/sybase.
- --enable-sysvsem
- Enable System V semaphore support.
- --enable-sysvshm
- Enable the System V shared memory support.
- --with-vpopmail[=DIR]
- Include vpopmail support.
- --enable-wddx
- Enable WDDX support.
- --disable-xml
- Disable XML support using bundled expat lib.
- --with-expat-dir=DIR
- XML: external libexpat install dir.
- --with-xmlrpc[=DIR]
- Include XMLRPC-EPI support.
- --with-tsrm-pthreads
- Use POSIX threads (default).
- --enable-shared[=PKGS]
- Build shared libraries [default=yes].
- --enable-static[=PKGS]
- Build static libraries [default=yes].
- --enable-fast-install[=PKGS]
- Optimize for fast installation [default=yes].
- --with-gnu-ld
- Assume the C compiler uses GNU ld [default=no].
- --disable-libtool-lock
- Avoid locking (might break parallel builds).
- --with-pic
- Try to use only PIC/non-PIC objects [default=use both].
- --with-yaz[=DIR]
- Include YAZ support (ANSI/NISO Z39.50).
- DIR is the YAZ bin install directory.
- --enable-memory-limit
- Compile with memory limit support.
- --disable-url-fopen-wrapper
- Disable the URL-aware fopen wrapper that allows
- accessing files via http or ftp.
- --enable-versioning
- Export only required symbols.
- See INSTALL for more information.
- Configure Options in PHP 3
- These options are only valid in PHP 3. They will not work in
- PHP 4.
- --disable-bcmath
- Compile without bc style precision math functions.
- --with-imsp[=DIR]
- Include IMSp support (DIR is IMSP's include dir and libimsp.a dir).
- --with-ftp
- Include FTP support.
- --without-gd
- Disable GD support.
- --with-imagick
- Include ImageMagick support. DIR is the install directory, and if left out, PHP will
- try to find it on its own. [experimental].
- --with-mck[=DIR]
- Include Cybercash MCK support. DIR is the cybercash
- mck build directory, defaults to
- /usr/src/mck- for help look in
- extra/cyberlib.
- --disable-overload
- Disable user-space object overloading support.
- --enable-yp
- Include YP support.
- --with-zip
- Include ZIP support (requires zziplib >= 0.10.6).
- --with-mod-dav=DIR
- Include DAV support through Apache's mod_dav,
- DIR is mod_dav's installation directory (Apache
- module version only!)
- --disable-unified-odbc
- Disable unified ODBC support. Only applicable if
- iODBC, Adabas, Solid, Velocis or a custom ODBC
- interface is enabled.
- --enable-debugger
- Compile with remote debugging functions.
- --enable-versioning
- Take advantage of versioning and scoping
- provided by Solaris 2.x and Linux.
+ &chapters.install.configure.databases;
+ &chapters.install.configure.graphics;
+ &chapters.install.configure.misc;
+ &chapters.install.configure.php;
+ &chapters.install.configure.servers;
+ &chapters.install.configure.xml;
diff --git a/chapters/install.configure.xml.xml b/chapters/install.configure.xml.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7426f250ce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/chapters/install.configure.xml.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+ XML options
+ --with-dom[=DIR]
+ Include DOM support (requires libxml >= 2.4.2). DIR is the libxml install
+ directory, defaults to /usr.
+ --disable-xml
+ Disable XML support using bundled expat lib.
+ --with-expat-dir=DIR
+ XML: external libexpat install dir.
+ --with-xmlrpc[=DIR]
+ Include XMLRPC-EPI support.
+ --enable-wddx
+ Enable WDDX support.
\ No newline at end of file