diff --git a/reference/nsapi/functions/nsapi-request-headers.xml b/reference/nsapi/functions/nsapi-request-headers.xml
index ef52c1f5bf..f910998522 100644
--- a/reference/nsapi/functions/nsapi-request-headers.xml
+++ b/reference/nsapi/functions/nsapi-request-headers.xml
@@ -1,64 +1,64 @@
- nsapi_request_headers
- Fetch all HTTP request headers
- &reftitle.description;
- arraynsapi_request_headers
- nsapi_request_headers gets all the HTTP headers in
- the current request. This is only supported when PHP runs as a
- NSAPI module.
- Prior to PHP 4.3.3, getallheaders was only
- available for the Apache servers. After PHP 4.3.3,
- getallheaders is an alias for
- nsapi_request_headers if you use the NSAPI module.
- You can also get at the value of the common CGI variables by
- reading them from the $_SERVER superglobal, which
- works whether or not you are using PHP as a
- NSAPI module.
- &reftitle.returnvalues;
- Returns an associative array with all the HTTP headers.
- &reftitle.examples;
- nsapi_request_headers example
+ nsapi_request_headers
+ Fetch all HTTP request headers
+ &reftitle.description;
+ arraynsapi_request_headers
+ nsapi_request_headers gets all the HTTP headers in
+ the current request. This is only supported when PHP runs as a
+ NSAPI module.
+ Prior to PHP 4.3.3, getallheaders was only
+ available for the Apache servers. After PHP 4.3.3,
+ getallheaders is an alias for
+ nsapi_request_headers if you use the NSAPI module.
+ You can also get at the value of the common CGI variables by
+ reading them from the $_SERVER superglobal, which
+ works whether or not you are using PHP as a
+ NSAPI module.
+ &reftitle.returnvalues;
+ Returns an associative array with all the HTTP headers.
+ &reftitle.examples;
+ nsapi_request_headers example
$value) {
- echo "$header: $value \n";
+ echo "$header: $value \n";
- nsapi_response_headers
- Fetch all HTTP response headers
- &reftitle.description;
- arraynsapi_response_headers
- Gets all the NSAPI response headers.
- &reftitle.returnvalues;
- Returns an associative array with all the NSAPI response headers.
- &reftitle.seealso;
- nsapi_request_headers
- headers_sent
+ nsapi_response_headers
+ Fetch all HTTP response headers
+ &reftitle.description;
+ arraynsapi_response_headers
+ Gets all the NSAPI response headers.
+ &reftitle.returnvalues;
+ Returns an associative array with all the NSAPI response headers.
+ &reftitle.seealso;
+ nsapi_request_headers
+ headers_sent
- nsapi_virtual
- Perform an NSAPI sub-request
- &reftitle.description;
- boolnsapi_virtual
- stringuri
- nsapi_virtual is an NSAPI-specific function which
- is equivalent to <!--#include virtual...--> in SSI
- (.shtml files). It does an NSAPI sub-request.
- It is useful for including CGI scripts or .shtml files, or anything
- else that you'd parse through webserver.
- To run the sub-request, all buffers are terminated and flushed to the
- browser, pending headers are sent too.
- You cannot make recursive requests with this function to other PHP scripts.
- If you want to include PHP scripts, use include or
- require.
- This function depends on a undocumented feature of the Netscape/iPlanet/SunONE
- webservers. Use phpinfo to determine if it is available.
- In the Unix environment it should always work, in windows it depends on the name of
- a ns-httpdXX.dll file.
- Read the note about subrequests in the NSAPI section (UNIX, Windows) if you experience
- this problem.
- &reftitle.parameters;
- uri
- The URI of the script.
- &reftitle.returnvalues;
- &return.success;
+ nsapi_virtual
+ Perform an NSAPI sub-request
+ &reftitle.description;
+ boolnsapi_virtual
+ stringuri
+ nsapi_virtual is an NSAPI-specific function which
+ is equivalent to <!--#include virtual...--> in SSI
+ (.shtml files). It does an NSAPI sub-request.
+ It is useful for including CGI scripts or .shtml files, or anything
+ else that you'd parse through webserver.
+ To run the sub-request, all buffers are terminated and flushed to the
+ browser, pending headers are sent too.
+ You cannot make recursive requests with this function to other PHP scripts.
+ If you want to include PHP scripts, use include or
+ require.
+ This function depends on a undocumented feature of the Netscape/iPlanet/SunONE
+ webservers. Use phpinfo to determine if it is available.
+ In the Unix environment it should always work, in windows it depends on the name of
+ a ns-httpdXX.dll file.
+ Read the note about subrequests in the NSAPI section (UNIX, Windows) if you experience
+ this problem.
+ &reftitle.parameters;
+ uri
+ The URI of the script.
+ &reftitle.returnvalues;
+ &return.success;