- create_function(
- // single quotes are essential here,
- // or alternative escape all $ as \$
- '$matches',
- 'return strtolower($matches[0]);'
- ),
- $line
- );
- echo $line;
- }
- fclose($fp);
+/* a unix-style command line filter to convert uppercase
+ * letters at the beginning of paragraphs to lowercase */
+$fp = fopen("php://stdin", "r") or die("can't read stdin");
+while (!feof($fp)) {
+ $line = fgets($fp);
+ $line = preg_replace_callback(
+ '|\s*\w|',
+ create_function(
+ // single quotes are essential here,
+ // or alternative escape all $ as \$
+ '$matches',
+ 'return strtolower($matches[0]);'
+ ),
+ $line
+ );
+ echo $line;