Added call_user_method() description and example of use

git-svn-id: c90b9560-bf6c-de11-be94-00142212c4b1
This commit is contained in:
Jesus M. Castagnetto 2000-07-10 04:28:34 +00:00
parent 50968b90a4
commit e08f59fea4

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@ -44,6 +44,75 @@ call_user_func ('barber', "shave");
<refentry id="">
Call a user method on an specific object
Calls a the method referred by <parameter>method_name</parameter> from
the user defined <parameter>obj</parameter> object. An example of usage
is below, where we define a class, instantiate an object and use
<function>call_user_method</function> to call indirectly its
<varname>print_info</varname> method.
<programlisting role="php">
class Country {
var $NAME;
var $TLD;
function Country($name, $tld) {
$this-&gt;NAME = $name;
$this-&gt;TLD = $tld;
function print_info($prestr=&quot;&quot;) {
echo $prestr.&quot;Country: &quot;.$this-&gt;NAME.&quot;\n&quot;;
echo $prestr.&quot;Top Level Domain: &quot;.$this-&gt;TLD.&quot;\n&quot;;
$cntry = new Country(&quot;Peru&quot;,&quot;pe&quot;);
echo &quot;* Calling the object method directly\n&quot;;
echo &quot;\n* Calling the same method indirectly\n&quot;;
call_user_method (&quot;print_info&quot;, $cntry, &quot;\t&quot;);
<refentry id="function.doubleval">