diff --git a/reference/yaf/appconfig.xml b/reference/yaf/appconfig.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..09bd3e4947
--- /dev/null
+++ b/reference/yaf/appconfig.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,315 @@
+ Application Configuration
+ You should give an array of config or an ini config file(see
+ Yaf_Config_Ini path to
+ Yaf_Application::__construct.
+ Yaf configurations could be merged with user configurations. The difference
+ is, Yaf configurations are prefixed with "yaf." or "application.", if there
+ are both "yaf." and "application.", "application." will be accepcted
+ preferentially.
+ An array of yaf configuration example
+ array(
+ "directory" => dirname(__FILE__),
+ "dispatcher" => array(
+ "catchException" => 0,
+ ),
+ "view" => array(
+ "ext" => "phtml",
+ ),
+ ),
+ );
+ $app = new Yaf_Application($config);
+ an ini file of yaf configuration example
+ &ini.descriptions.title;
+ application.directory
+ string
+ The directory of the application, that is the folder which contains the
+ "controllers", "views", "models", "plugins" folders.
+ This config entry is the only one which doesn't has a default value, which means you should
+ always define it.
+ application.ext
+ string
+ The file ext of the PHP script, used in class autoloading(
+ Yaf_Loader).
+ application.view.ext
+ string
+ The file ext of the view template script.
+ application.modules
+ string
+ A commaseparated list of the registered modules, used in the route
+ process, especially while there are more than three segments in the PATH_INFO,
+ Yaf need a way to find out whether the first segment is a module name or not.
+ application.library
+ string
+ The local library directory, see Yaf_Loader and
+ yaf.library.
+ application.bootstrap
+ string
+ A absolute path of the Bootstrap class script.
+ application.baseUri
+ string
+ Used to remove a fixed prefix of request uri in route process.
+ Take a example, comes a request with request uri
+ "/prefix/controller/action". if you set application.baseUri to
+ "/prefix", then only "/controller/action" will take as the PATH_INFO in
+ route process.
+ In generally, you have no need to set this value.
+ application.dispatcher.throwException
+ bool
+ If this is On, Yaf will throw exception while some error occurring. see
+ also Yaf_Dispatcher::throwException.
+ application.dispatcher.catchException
+ bool
+ If this is On, Yaf will forward to Error controller, Error Action while
+ there is a uncaught exception. see also
+ Yaf_Dispatcher::catchException.
+ application.dispatcher.defaultModule
+ string
+ The default module name, see also
+ Yaf_Dispatcher::setDefaultModule.
+ application.dispatcher.defaultController
+ string
+ The default controller name, see also
+ Yaf_Dispatcher::setDefaultController.
+ application.dispatcher.defaultAction
+ string
+ The default action name, see also
+ Yaf_Dispatcher::setDefaultAction.
diff --git a/reference/yaf/book.xml b/reference/yaf/book.xml
index 1dc59435f3..c215a39313 100644
--- a/reference/yaf/book.xml
+++ b/reference/yaf/book.xml
@@ -16,11 +16,16 @@
Yaf require PHP version greater than 5.2.1, and could not run with early
version of PHP.
+ A simple Yaf performance benchmarks can be found at Yaf Performance.
+ &reference.yaf.appconfig;
diff --git a/reference/yaf/yaf-loader.xml b/reference/yaf/yaf-loader.xml
index 287a8ef467..6be6a11b55 100644
--- a/reference/yaf/yaf-loader.xml
+++ b/reference/yaf/yaf-loader.xml
@@ -46,11 +46,15 @@
If you want Yaf_Loader search some
classes(libraries) in the local class
directory(which is defined in application.ini, and by default,
- it is APPLICATION_PATH . "/libraray"), you should register the class prefix using the
+ it is application.directory . "/libraray"),
+ you should register the class prefix using the
+ Let's see some examples(assuming APPLICATION_PATH is application.directory):
Config example
@@ -235,8 +239,9 @@ class A_B_TestModel =>
- By default, this value is APPLICATION_PATH . "/library", you can change
- this either in the application.ini(application.library) or call to
+ By default, this value is application.directory . "/library",
+ you can change this either in the application.ini(application.library) or call to
diff --git a/reference/yaf/yaf_dispatcher/registerplugin.xml b/reference/yaf/yaf_dispatcher/registerplugin.xml
index 968d27d823..db128c3e1d 100644
--- a/reference/yaf/yaf_dispatcher/registerplugin.xml
+++ b/reference/yaf/yaf_dispatcher/registerplugin.xml
@@ -54,9 +54,9 @@
class Bootstrap extends Yaf_Bootstrap_Abstract{
public function _initPlugin(Yaf_Dispatcher $dispatcher) {
- * Yaf assumes plugin scripts under APPLICATION_PATH . "/plugins"
+ * Yaf assumes plugin scripts under [application.directory] . "/plugins"
* for this case, it will be:
- * APPLICATION_PATH . "/plugins/" . "User.php"
+ * [application.directory] . "/plugins/" . "User" . [application.ext]
$user = new UserPlugin();
diff --git a/reference/yaf/yaf_router/getcurrentroute.xml b/reference/yaf/yaf_router/getcurrentroute.xml
index 7dd4f4a7d6..6e8f3b0b9c 100644
--- a/reference/yaf/yaf_router/getcurrentroute.xml
+++ b/reference/yaf/yaf_router/getcurrentroute.xml
@@ -84,7 +84,8 @@ class Bootstrap extends Yaf_Bootstrap_Abstract{
- plugin Dummy.php (under APPLICATION_PATH/plugins)
+ plugin Dummy.php (under application.directory/plugins)
A absolute path to the template directory, by default,
Yaf_Dispatcher use
- APPLICATION_PATH . "/views" as this paramter.
+ application.directory . "/views" as this paramter.