diff --git a/features/file-upload.xml b/features/file-upload.xml
index eeb19f074d..e1b234b2e8 100644
--- a/features/file-upload.xml
+++ b/features/file-upload.xml
@@ -385,6 +385,17 @@ foreach ($_FILES["pictures"]["error"] as $key => $error) {
small, large files cannot be uploaded. Make sure you set
post_max_size large enough.
+ Since PHP 5.2.12, the
+ max_file_uploads configuration
+ setting controls the maximum number of files that can uploaded in one
+ request. If more files are uploaded than the limit, then
+ $_FILES will stop processing files once the limit is
+ reached. For example, if
+ max_file_uploads is set to
+ 10, then $_FILES will never contain
+ more than 10 items.
Not validating which file you operate on may mean that users can access
sensitive information in other directories.
@@ -462,6 +473,15 @@ foreach ($_FILES["pictures"]["error"] as $key => $error) {
$_FILES['userfile']['type'][0] are
also set.
+ Since PHP 5.2.12, the
+ max_file_uploads
+ configuration setting acts as a limit on the number of files that can be
+ uploaded in one request. You will need to ensure that your form does not
+ try to upload more files in one request than this limit.