diff --git a/reference/mcrypt/functions/mcrypt-module-open.xml b/reference/mcrypt/functions/mcrypt-module-open.xml
index 6ddfad8c65..a4c1cc268e 100644
--- a/reference/mcrypt/functions/mcrypt-module-open.xml
+++ b/reference/mcrypt/functions/mcrypt-module-open.xml
@@ -39,12 +39,12 @@
- The algorithm_directory parameter is used to locate
- the encryption module. When you supply a directory name, it is used. When
- you set it to an empty string (""), the value set by the
- mcrypt.algorithms_dir &php.ini; directive is used. When
- it is not set, the default directory that is used is the one that was compiled
- into libmcrypt (usually /usr/local/lib/libmcrypt).
+ The algorithm_directory parameter is used to locate
+ the encryption module. When you supply a directory name, it is used. When
+ you set it to an empty string (""), the value set by the
+ mcrypt.algorithms_dir &php.ini; directive is used. When
+ it is not set, the default directory that is used is the one that was compiled
+ into libmcrypt (usually /usr/local/lib/libmcrypt).