diff --git a/reference/crack/functions/crack-check.xml b/reference/crack/functions/crack-check.xml
index 02758f13ce..47916ba2a7 100644
--- a/reference/crack/functions/crack-check.xml
+++ b/reference/crack/functions/crack-check.xml
@@ -1,34 +1,59 @@
- crack_check
- Performs an obscure check with the given password
- Description
- boolcrack_check
- resourcedictionary
- stringpassword
- boolcrack_check
- stringpassword
- Returns &true; if password is strong, or &false; otherwise.
- &warn.experimental.func;
- crack_check performs an obscure check with the given
- password on the specified dictionary
- . If dictionary is not specified,
- the last opened dictionary is used.
+ crack_check
+ Performs an obscure check with the given password
+ &reftitle.description;
+ boolcrack_check
+ resourcedictionary
+ stringpassword
+ boolcrack_check
+ stringpassword
+ Performs an obscure check with the given password on the specified
+ dictionary.
+ &warn.experimental.func;
+ &reftitle.parameters;
+ dictionary
+ The crack lib dictionary. If not specified, the last opened dictionary
+ is used.
+ password
+ The tested password.
+ &reftitle.returnvalues;
+ Returns &true; if password is strong, or &false; otherwise.
- crack_closedict
- Closes an open CrackLib dictionary
- Description
- boolcrack_closedict
- resourcedictionary
- &return.success;
- &warn.experimental.func;
- crack_closedict closes the specified
- dictionary identifier. If
- dictionary is not specified, the current
- dictionary is closed.
+ crack_closedict
+ Closes an open CrackLib dictionary
+ &reftitle.description;
+ boolcrack_closedict
+ resourcedictionary
+ crack_closedict closes the specified
+ dictionary identifier.
+ &warn.experimental.func;
+ &reftitle.parameters;
+ dictionary
+ The dictionary to close. If not specified, the current directory is
+ closed.
+ &reftitle.returnvalues;
+ &return.success;
+ &reftitle.seealso;
+ crack_opendict
- crack_getlastmessage
- Returns the message from the last obscure check
- Description
- stringcrack_getlastmessage
- &warn.experimental.func;
- crack_getlastmessage returns the message from the
- last obscure check.
+ crack_getlastmessage
+ Returns the message from the last obscure check
+ &reftitle.description;
+ stringcrack_getlastmessage
+ crack_getlastmessage returns the message from the
+ last obscure check.
+ &warn.experimental.func;
+ &reftitle.returnvalues;
+ The message from the last obscure check.
+ &reftitle.seealso;
+ crack_check
- crack_opendict
- Opens a new CrackLib dictionary
- Description
- resourcecrack_opendict
- stringdictionary
- Returns a dictionary resource identifier on success, or &false; on failure.
- &warn.experimental.func;
- crack_opendict opens the specified CrackLib
- dictionary for use with
- crack_check.
- Only one dictionary may be open at a time.
- See also: crack_check, and
- crack_closedict.
+ crack_opendict
+ Opens a new CrackLib dictionary
+ &reftitle.description;
+ resourcecrack_opendict
+ stringdictionary
+ crack_opendict opens the specified CrackLib
+ dictionary for use with
+ crack_check.
+ &warn.experimental.func;
+ Only one dictionary may be open at a time.
+ &reftitle.parameters;
+ dictionary
+ The path to the Cracklib dictionary.
+ &reftitle.returnvalues;
+ Returns a dictionary resource identifier on success, or &false; on failure.
+ &reftitle.seealso;
+ crack_check
+ crack_closedict