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synced 2025-03-16 00:48:54 +00:00
Coverage for new plugin configuration file syntax, which is introduced by 1.1.0-beta. Next is updating all examples in the rest of the mysqlnd_ms manual.
git-svn-id: https://svn.php.net/repository/phpdoc/en/trunk@317342 c90b9560-bf6c-de11-be94-00142212c4b1
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 861 additions and 4 deletions
@ -25,8 +25,865 @@
<section xml:id="mysqlnd-ms.plugin-ini">
<title xmlns="http://docbook.org/ns/docbook">Plugin configuration file</title>
<section xml:id="mysqlnd-ms.plugin-ini-json">
<title xmlns="http://docbook.org/ns/docbook">Plugin configuration file (>=1.1.x)</title>
The below description applies to PECL/mysqlnd_ms >= 1.1.0-beta.
It is not valid for prior versions.
The plugin is using its own configuration file. The configuration file
holds information on the MySQL replication master server,
the MySQL replication slave servers, the server pick (load balancing) policy,
the failover strategy and the use of lazy connections.
The PHP configuration directive
<link linkend="ini.mysqlnd-ms.ini-file"><literal>mysqlnd_ms.ini_file</literal></link>
is used to set the plugins configuration file.
As of mysqlnd 1.1.0-beta <literal>JSON</literal> format is used
for the plugins configuration file. <literal>JSON</literal> structures
are fast to parse by the plugin, thanks PHPs JSON support.
The <literal>JSON</literal> format makes it easy to define hierarchical
data structures. Hierachical data structures are used, for example,
to allow definition of chained filters. Expressing hierarchical data structures
with the standard <literal>php.ini</literal> format is much more inconvenient.
If you are unfamiliar with the <literal>JSON</literal> you may want to convert
the configuration file into a PHP hash, edit the hash and convert it back
to <literal>JSON</literal> format.
<title>Converting a PHP hash into JSON format</title>
<programlisting role="php">
$config = array(
"myapp" => array(
"master" => array(
"master_0" => array(
"host" => "localhost",
"socket" => "/tmp/mysql.sock",
"slave" => array(),
file_put_contents("mysqlnd_ms.ini", json_encode($config, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT));
printf("mysqlnd_ms.ini file created...\n");
printf("Dumping file contents...\n");
printf("%s\n", str_repeat("-", 80));
echo file_get_contents("mysqlnd_ms.ini");
printf("\n%s\n", str_repeat("-", 80));
mysqlnd_ms.ini file created...
Dumping file contents...
"myapp": {
"master": {
"master_0": {
"host": "localhost",
"socket": "\/tmp\/mysql.sock"
"slave": [
A plugin configuration file consists of one or more sections. Sections
are represented by the top-level object properties of the
object encoded in the <literal>JSON</literal> file. Sections could also
be called configuration names.
Applications reference sections by their name. Applications use section names
as the host (server) parameter to the various connect methods of the
<link linkend="ref.mysqli">mysqli</link>,
<link linkend="ref.mysql">mysql</link> and
<link linkend="ref.pdo-mysql">PDO_MYSQL</link> extensions. Upon connect
the <link linkend="book.mysqlnd">mysqlnd</link> plugin compares the hostname
with all section names from the plugin configuration file. If hostname and
section name match, the plugin will load the sections settings.
<para xml:id="mysqlnd-ms.plugin-ini-json.using_section">
<title>Using section names example</title>
<programlisting role="ini">
"myapp": {
"master": {
"master_0": {
"host": "localhost"
"slave": {
"slave_0": {
"host": ""
"slave_1": {
"host": "",
"port": 3306
"localhost": {
"master": [
"host": "localhost",
"socket": "\/path\/to\/mysql.sock"
"slave": [
"host": "",
"port": "3305"
"host": "",
"port": "3309"
<programlisting role="php">
/* All of the following connections will be load balanced */
$mysqli = new mysqli("myapp", "username", "password", "database");
$pdo = new PDO('mysql:host=myapp;dbname=database', 'username', 'password');
$mysql = mysql_connect("myapp", "username", "password");
$mysqli = new mysqli("localhost", "username", "password", "database");
Section names are strings. It is valid to use a section name such as
<literal></literal>, <literal></literal> or
<literal>localhost</literal>. If, for example, an application
connects to <literal>localhost</literal> and a plugin
configuration section <literal>localhost</literal> exists, the
semantics of the connect operation are changed. The application will
no longer only use the MySQL server running on the host
<literal>localhost</literal> but the plugin will start to load balance
MySQL queries following the rules from the <literal>localhost</literal>
configuration section. This way you can load balance queries from
an application without changing the applications source code.
<para xml:id="mysqlnd-ms.plugin-ini-json.server_list_syntax">
Each configuration section contains at least a list of master servers
and a list of slave servers. The master list is configured with the keyword
<literal>master</literal>, the slave list is configured with the <literal>slave</literal>
Failing to provide a slave list will result in an error of type
<literal>E_ERROR</literal> (fatal error). Although you are not allowed
to omit the slave list, it may be empty.
The master and slave server lists can be optionally indexed by symbolic
names for the servers they describe. If optional indexing entries
by symbolic names is not needed, use an array of server descriptions for
the slave or master that is to be described.
<title>List of anonymous slaves</title>
<programlisting role="ini">
"slave": [
"host": "",
"port": "3305"
"host": "",
"port": "3309"
An anonymous server list is encoded by the <literal>JSON array</literal> type.
You can optionally use symbolic names for indexing the slave or master servers
of a server list. In the latter case you have to use the
<literal>JSON object</literal> type.
<title>Master list using symbolic names</title>
<programlisting role="ini">
"master": {
"master_0": {
"host": "localhost"
It is recommended to index the server lists with symbolic server names.
The alias names will be shown in error messages.
The order of servers is preserved and taken into account by mysqlnd_ms.
If, for example, you configure round robin load balancing strategy, the
first <literal>SELECT</literal> statement will be executed on the
slave that appears first in the slave server list.
A configured server can be described with the <literal>host</literal>,
<literal>port</literal>, <literal>socket</literal>, <literal>db</literal>,
<literal>user</literal>, <literal>password</literal> and <literal>connect_flags</literal>.
It is mandatory to set the database server host using the <literal>host</literal>
keyword. All other settings are optional.
<title>Keywords to configure a server</title>
<programlisting role="ini">
"myapp": {
"master": {
"master_0": {
"host": "db_server_host",
"port": "db_server_port",
"socket": "db_server_socket",
"db": "database_resp_schema",
"user": "user",
"password": "password",
"connect_flags": 0
"slave": {
"slave_0": {
"host": "db_server_host",
"port": "db_server_port",
"socket": "db_server_socket"
If a setting is omitted, the plugin will use the value provided by the user
API call used to open a connection. Please, see the
<link linkend="mysqlnd-ms.plugin-ini-json.using_section">using section names example</link> above.
The configuration file format has been changed in version 1.1.0-beta to allow for
chained filters. Filters are responsible for filtering the configured list of
servers to identify a server for execution of a given statement.
Filters are configured with the <literal>filter</literal> keyword. Filters
are executed by mysqlnd_ms in the order of their appearance.
Defining filters is optional. A configuration section in the plugins
configuration file does not need to have a <literal>filters</literal> entry.
Filters replace the
<link linkend="ini.mysqlnd-ms-plugin-config.pick"><literal>pick[]</literal></link>
setting from prior versions. The new <literal>random</literal> and
<literal>roundrobin</literal> provide the same functionality.
<title>New <literal>roundrobin</literal> filter, old functionality</title>
<programlisting role="ini">
"myapp": {
"master": {
"master_0": {
"host": "localhost"
"slave": {
"slave_0": {
"host": "",
"port": "3306"
"slave_1": {
"host": "",
"port": "3306"
"filters": {
"roundrobin": [
The function
<link linkend="function.mysqlnd-ms-set-user-pick-server">
has been removed. Setting a callback is now done with the <literal>user</literal>
filter. Some filters accept parameters. The <literal>user</literal> filter
requires and accepts a mandatory <literal>callback</literal> parameter
to set the callback previously set through the function <function>mysqlnd_ms_set_user_pick_server</function>.
<title>The <literal>user</literal> filter replaces <function>mysqlnd_ms_set_user_pick_server</function></title>
<programlisting role="ini">
"filters": {
"user": {
"callback": "pick_server"
Here is a short explanation of the configuration directives that can be used.
<varlistentry xml:id="ini.mysqlnd-ms-plugin-config-v2.master">
<type>array or object</type>
List of MySQL replication master servers. The list of either
of the <literal>JSON type array</literal> to declare an anonymous list
of servers or of the <literal>JSON type object</literal>. Please,
see <link linkend="mysqlnd-ms.plugin-ini-json.server_list_syntax">above</link>
for examples.
Setting at least one master server is mandatory. The plugin will issue an
error of type <literal>E_ERROR</literal> if the user has failed to
provide a master server list for a configuration section.
The fatal error may read
<literal>(mysqlnd_ms) Section [master] doesn't exist for host
[name_of_a_config_section] in %s on line %d</literal>.
A server is described with
the <literal>host</literal>, <literal>port</literal>,
<literal>socket</literal>, <literal>db</literal>,
<literal>user</literal>, <literal>password</literal> and
<literal>connect_flags</literal>. It is mandatory to
provide at a value for <literal>host</literal>. If any of the
other values is not given, it will be taken from the user
API connect call, please, see also:
<link linkend="mysqlnd-ms.plugin-ini-json.using_section">using section names example</link>.
<para xml:id="mysqlnd-ms.plugin-ini-json.server_config_keywords">
Table of server configuration keywords.
<tgroup cols="3">
<colspec colwidth="10%"/>
<colspec colwidth="70%"/>
<colspec colwidth="20%"/>
Database server host. This is a mandatory setting.
Failing to provide, will cause an error of type <literal>E_RECOVERABLE_ERROR</literal>
when the plugin tries to connect to the server. The error message may
read <literal>(mysqlnd_ms) Cannot find [host] in
[%s] section in config in %s on line %d</literal>.
<entry>Since 1.1.0.</entry>
Database server TCP/IP port.
<entry>Since 1.1.0.</entry>
Database server Unix domain socket.
<entry>Since 1.1.0.</entry>
Database (schemata).
<entry>Since 1.1.0.</entry>
MySQL database user.
<entry>Since 1.1.0.</entry>
MySQL database user password.
<entry>Since 1.1.0.</entry>
Connection flags.
<entry>Since 1.1.0.</entry>
The plugin supports using only one master server. An experimental
setting exists to enable multi-master support. The details are
not documented. The setting is meant for development only.
<varlistentry xml:id="ini.mysqlnd-ms-plugin-config-v2.slave">
<type>array or object</type>
List of one or more MySQL replication slave servers. The syntax is
identical to setting master servers, please, see
<link linkend="ini.mysqlnd-ms-plugin-config-v2.master"><literal>master</literal></link>
above for details.
The plugin supports using one or more slave servers.
Setting a list of slave servers is mandatory. The plugin will report
an error of the type <literal>E_ERROR</literal> if <literal>slave</literal>
is not given for a configuration section. The fatal error message may read
<literal>(mysqlnd_ms) Section [slave] doesn't exist for host [%s] in %s on line %d</literal>.
Note, that it is valid to use an empty slave server list.
The error has been introduced to prevent accidently setting no slaves by
forgetting about the <literal>slave</literal> setting.
A master-only setup is still possible using an empty slave server list.
<varlistentry xml:id="ini.mysqlnd-ms-plugin-config-v2.filters">
List of filters. A filter is responsible to filter the list of available
servers for executing a given statement. Filters can be chained.
The <literal>random</literal> and <literal>roundrobin</literal> filter
replace the
<link linkend="ini.mysqlnd-ms-plugin-config.pick"><literal>pick[]</literal></link>
directive used in prior version to select a load balancing policy.
The <literal>user</literal> filter replaces the
<link linkend="function.mysqlnd-ms-set-user-pick-server">
<function>mysqlnd_ms_set_user_pick_server</function></link> function
Filters may accept parameters to refine their actions.
If no load balancing policy is set, the plugin will default to
<literal>random_once</literal>. The <literal>random_once</literal>
policy picks a random slave server when running the first read-only
statement. The slave server will be used for all read-only
statements until the PHP script execution ends. No load balancing
policy is set and thus, defaulting takes place,
if neither the <literal>random</literal> nor the
<literal>roundrobin</literal> are part of a configuration section.
<varlistentry xml:id="ini.mysqlnd-ms-plugin-config-v2.filter_random">
Filter: <parameter>random</parameter>
The <literal>random</literal> filter features the load balancing policies
<literal>random</literal> and <literal>random_once</literal>, previously set
through the
<link linkend="ini.mysqlnd-ms-plugin-config.pick"><literal>pick[]</literal></link>
directive in older versions.
The <literal>random</literal> policy will pick a random server whenever
a read-only statement is to be executed. The <literal>random_once</literal>
picks a random slave server once and continues using the slave for the
rest of the PHP web request. <literal>random_once</literal> is a default,
if load balancing is not configured through a filter.
If the <literal>random</literal> filter is not given any arguments, it
stands for <literal>random</literal> load balancing policy.
<title><literal>random</literal> load balancing policy</title>
<programlisting role="ini">
"myapp": {
"master": {
"master_0": {
"host": "localhost"
"slave": {
"slave_0": {
"host": "",
"port": "3306"
"slave_1": {
"host": "",
"port": "3306"
"filters": [
Optionally, the <literal>sticky</literal> argument can be passed to the
filter. If the parameter <literal>sticky</literal> is set to the string
<literal>1</literal>, the filter provides the <literal>random_once</literal>
load balancing policy.
<title><literal>random_once</literal> load balancing policy</title>
<programlisting role="ini">
"filters": {
"random": {
"sticky": "1"
Unknown arguments are ignored. No warning or error is given.
<varlistentry xml:id="ini.mysqlnd-ms-plugin-config-v2.filter_roundrobin">
Filter: <parameter>roundrobin</parameter>
If using <literal>roundrobin</literal> the plugin iterates over the list of
configured slave servers to pick a server for statement execution.
If the plugin reaches the end of the list, it wraps around to the beginning
of the list and picks the first configured slave server.
<varlistentry xml:id="ini.mysqlnd-ms-plugin-config-v2.failover">
Failover policy. Supported policies:
<literal>disabled</literal> (default), <literal>master</literal>.
If no failover policy is set, the plugin will not do any
automatic failover (<literal>failover=disabled</literal>). Whenever
the plugin fails to connect a server it will emit a warning and
set the connections error code and message. Thereafter it is up to
the application to handle the error and, for example, resent the
last statement to trigger the selection of another server.
If using <literal>failover=master</literal> the plugin will implicitly
failover to a slave, if available. Please check the
concepts documentation to learn about potential
pitfalls and risks of using <literal>failover=master</literal>.
<title>Optional master failover when failing to connect to slave</title>
<programlisting role="ini">
"myapp": {
"master": {
"master_0": {
"host": "localhost"
"slave": {
"slave_0": {
"host": "",
"port": "3306"
"failover": "master"
Setting <literal>failover</literal> to any other value but
<literal>disabled</literal> or <literal>master</literal> will not
emit any warning or error.
<varlistentry xml:id="ini.mysqlnd-ms-plugin-config-v2.lazy_connections">
Controls the use of lazy connections. Lazy connections
are connections which are not opened before the client sends the first
connection. Lazy connections are a default.
It is strongly recommended to use lazy connections.
Lazy connections help to keep the number of open connections low.
If you disable lazy connections and, for example, configure one MySQL
replication master server and two MySQL replication slaves, the
plugin will open three connections upon the first call to a
connect function although the application might use the master
connection only.
Lazy connections bare a risk if you make heavy use of actions
which change the state of a connection. The plugin does not dispatch
all state changing actions to all connections from the connection pool.
The few dispatched actions are applied to already opened connections
only. Lazy connections opened in the future are not affected.
Only some settings are "remembered" and applied when lazy
connections are opened.
<title>Disabling lazy connection</title>
<programlisting role="ini">
"myapp": {
"master": {
"master_0": {
"host": "localhost"
"slave": {
"slave_0": {
"host": "",
"port": "3306"
"lazy_connections": 0
<varlistentry xml:id="ini.mysqlnd-ms-plugin-config-v2.master_on_write">
If set, the plugin will use the master server only after the
first statement has been executed on the master. Applications
can still send statements to the slaves using SQL hints to
overrule the automatic decision.
The setting may help with replication lag. If an application runs
an <literal>INSERT</literal> the plugin will, by default, use the
master to execute all following statements, including
<literal>SELECT</literal> statements. This helps to avoid problems
with reads from slaves which have not replicated the
<literal>INSERT</literal> yet.
<title>Master on write for consistent reads</title>
<programlisting role="ini">
"myapp": {
"master": {
"master_0": {
"host": "localhost"
"slave": {
"slave_0": {
"host": "",
"port": "3306"
"master_on_write": 1
<varlistentry xml:id="ini.mysqlnd-ms-plugin-config-v2.trx_stickiness">
Transaction stickiness policy. Supported policies:
<literal>disabled</literal> (default), <literal>master</literal>.
Experimental feature.
The setting requires 5.4.0 or newer. If used with PHP older than 5.4.0,
the plugin will emit a warning like
<literal>(mysqlnd_ms) trx_stickiness strategy is not supported before PHP 5.3.99</literal>.
If no transaction stickiness policy is set or,
if setting <literal>trx_stickiness=disabled</literal>,
the plugin is not transaction aware. Thus, the plugin may load balance
connections and switch connections in the middle of a transaction.
The plugin is not transaction safe. SQL hints must be used
avoid connection switches during a transaction.
As of PHP 5.4.0 the mysqlnd library allows the plugin to monitor
the <literal>autocommit</literal> mode set by calls to the
libraries <literal>set_autocommit()</literal> function.
If setting <literal>set_stickiness=master</literal> and
<literal>autocommit</literal> gets disabled by a PHP MySQL extension
invoking the <literal>mysqlnd</literal> library internal
function call <literal>set_autocommit()</literal>, the plugin is made
aware of the begin of a transaction. Then, the plugin stops load balancing
and directs all statements to the master server until
<literal>autocommit</literal> is enabled. Thus, no SQL hints are required.
An example of a PHP MySQL API function calling the <literal>mysqlnd</literal>
library internal function call <literal>set_autocommit()</literal> is
Although setting <literal>ser_stickiness=master</literal>, the plugin
cannot be made aware of <literal>autocommit</literal> mode changes caused
by SQL statements such as <literal>SET AUTOCOMMIT=0</literal>.
<title>Using master to execute transactions</title>
<programlisting role="ini">
"myapp": {
"master": {
"master_0": {
"host": "localhost"
"slave": {
"slave_0": {
"host": "",
"port": "3306"
"trx_stickiness": "master"
<section xml:id="mysqlnd-ms.plugin-ini-v1">
<title xmlns="http://docbook.org/ns/docbook">Plugin configuration file (<= 1.0.x)</title>
The below description applies to PECL/mysqlnd_ms < 1.1.0-beta.
It is not valid for later versions.
The plugin is using its own configuration file. The configuration file
holds information on the MySQL replication master server,
@ -37,7 +894,7 @@
The PHP configuration directive
<link linkend="ini.mysqlnd-ms.ini-file"><literal>mysqlnd_ms.ini_file</literal></link>
is used to set the plugins configuration file.
The configuration file mimics standard the <literal>php.ini</literal> format.
It consists of one or more sections. Every section defines its own unit
@ -328,7 +1185,7 @@ slave[] = mysql_slave_2
avoid connection switches during a transaction.
As of PHP 5.4.ß the mysqlnd library allows the plugin to monitor
As of PHP 5.4.0 the mysqlnd library allows the plugin to monitor
the <literal>autocommit</literal> mode set by calls to the
libraries <literal>trx_autocommit()</literal> function.
If setting <literal>trx_stickiness=master</literal> and
Reference in a new issue