diff --git a/reference/stream/functions/stream-filter-append.xml b/reference/stream/functions/stream-filter-append.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..03eee77bd2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/reference/stream/functions/stream-filter-append.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+ stream_filter_append
+ Attach a filter to a stream.
+ Description
+ boolstream_filter_append
+ resourcestream
+ stringfiltername
+ Adds filtername to the list of filters
+ attached to stream. This filter will be
+ added to the end of the list and
+ will therefore be called last during stream opperations. To
+ add a filter to the beginning of the list, use
+ stream_filter_prepend.
+ stream_register_filter must be called first
+ in order to register the desired user filter to filtername.
+ See Also:
+ stream_register_filter, and
+ stream_filter_prepend
diff --git a/reference/stream/functions/stream-filter-prepend.xml b/reference/stream/functions/stream-filter-prepend.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0b10ae10ed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/reference/stream/functions/stream-filter-prepend.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+ stream_filter_prepend
+ Attach a filter to a stream.
+ Description
+ boolstream_filter_prepend
+ resourcestream
+ stringfiltername
+ Adds filtername to the list of filters
+ attached to stream. This filter will be
+ added to the beginning of the list and
+ will therefore be called first during stream opperations. To
+ add a filter to the end of the list, use
+ stream_filter_append.
+ stream_register_filter must be called first
+ in order to register the desired user filter to filtername.
+ See Also:
+ stream_register_filter, and
+ stream_filter_append
diff --git a/reference/stream/functions/stream-register-filter.xml b/reference/stream/functions/stream-register-filter.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..92011dcc57
--- /dev/null
+++ b/reference/stream/functions/stream-register-filter.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,196 @@
+ stream_register_filter
+ Register a stream filter implemented as a PHP class derived from php_user_filter
+ Description
+ booleanstream_register_filter
+ stringfiltername
+ stringclassname
+ stream_register_filter allows you to implement
+ your own filter on any registered stream used with all the other
+ filesystem functions (such as fopen,
+ fread etc.).
+ To implement a filter, you need to define a class as an extension of
+ php_user_fitler with a number of member functions
+ as defined below. When performing read/write opperations on the stream
+ to which your filter is attached, PHP will pass the data through your
+ filter (and any other filters attached to that stream) so that the
+ data may be modified as desired. You must implement the methods
+ exactly as described below - doing otherwise will lead to undefined
+ behaviour.
+ stream_register_filter will return &false; if the
+ filtername is already defined.
+ intwrite
+ stringdata
+ This method is called whenever data is written to the attached
+ stream (such as with fwrite). After
+ modifying data as needed your
+ filter should issue: return parent::write($data);
+ so that the next filter in the chain can perform its filter.
+ When no filters remain, the stream will write data
+ in its final form.
+ stringread
+ intmaxlength
+ This method is called whenever data is read from the attached
+ stream (such as with fread). A filter
+ should first call parent::read($maxlength); to
+ retrieve the data from the previous filter who, ultimately,
+ retrieved it from the stream. Your filter may then modify the
+ data as needed and return it.
+ Your filter should never return more than maxlength
+ bytes. Since parent::read($maxlength); will also
+ not return more than maxlength bytes this
+ will ordinarily be a non-issue. However, if your filter
+ increases the size of the data being returned, you should either
+ call parent::read($maxlength-$x); where
+ x is the most your filter will grow
+ the size of the data read. Alternatively, you can build a
+ read-buffer into your class.
+ intflush
+ boolclosing
+ This method is called in response to a request to flush the
+ attached stream (such as with fflush or
+ fclose). The closing
+ parameter tells you whether the stream is, in fact, in the
+ process of closing. The default action is to simply call:
+ return parent::flush($closing); , your
+ filter may wish to perform additional writes and/or cleanup
+ calls prior to or directly after a successful flush.
+ voidoncreate
+ voidonclose
+ The example below implements a filter named rot13
+ on the foo-bar.txt stream which will perform
+ ROT-13 encryption on all letter characters written to/read from
+ that stream.
+ Filter for ROT13 encoding data on foo-bar.txt stream
+= 'A' AND $tempstr[$i] <= 'M') OR
+ ($tempstr[$i] >= 'a' AND $tempstr[$i] <= 'm')) $tempstr[$i] = chr(ord($tempstr[$i]) + 13);
+ else if (($tempstr[$i] >= 'N' AND $tempstr[$i] <= 'Z') OR
+ ($tempstr[$i] >= 'n' AND $tempstr[$i] <= 'z')) $tempstr[$i] = chr(ord($tempstr[$i]) - 13);
+ return $tempstr;
+ }
+ function write($data) {
+ for($i = 0; $i < strlen($data); $i++)
+ if (($data[$i] >= 'A' AND $data[$i] <= 'M') OR
+ ($data[$i] >= 'a' AND $data[$i] <= 'm')) $data[$i] = chr(ord($data[$i]) + 13);
+ else if (($data[$i] >= 'N' AND $data[$i] <= 'Z') OR
+ ($data[$i] >= 'n' AND $data[$i] <= 'z')) $data[$i] = chr(ord($data[$i]) - 13);
+ return parent::write($data);
+ }
+/* Register our filter with PHP */
+stream_register_filter("rot13", "rot13_filter")
+ or die("Failed to register filter");
+$fp = fopen("foo-bar.txt", "w");
+/* Attach the registered filter to the stream just opened */
+stream_filter_append($fp, "rot13");
+fwrite($fp, "Line1\n");
+fwrite($fp, "Word - 2\n");
+fwrite($fp, "Easy As 123\n");
+/* The filter only applies to the $fp stream
+ * so this readfile will read -without- applying
+ * a second pass of rot13 encoding
+ */
+/* Output
+ * ------
+Jbeq - 2
+Rnfl Nf 123
+ */
+ See Also:
+ stream_register_wrapper,
+ stream_filter_prepend, and
+ stream_filter_append