diff --git a/functions/pdf.xml b/functions/pdf.xml
index 850276d68d..a8c1241d97 100644
--- a/functions/pdf.xml
+++ b/functions/pdf.xml
@@ -18,6 +18,15 @@
the test programm in configure. You will have to create a symbolic
link from libpdf.so to libpdf2.01.so.).
+ Version 2.20 of pdflib has introduced more changes to its API and
+ support for chinese and japanese fonts. This unfortunately causes
+ some changes of the pdf module of php4 (not php3). If you use pdflib 2.20
+ handle the in memory generation of PDF documents with care. Until
+ pdflib 3.0 is released it might be unstable. The encoding parameter
+ of pdf_set_font has changed to a string. This
+ means that instead of e.g. 4 you have to use 'winansi'.
Please consult the excellent documentation for
pdflib shipped with the source distribution of pdflib.
@@ -710,11 +719,15 @@ fclose($fp);
current font face, font size and encoding. If you use pdflib 0.6
you will need to
provide the Adobe Font Metrics (afm-files) for the font in the
- font path (default is ./fonts). The fourth parameter
+ font path (default is ./fonts). If you use php3 or a version of
+ pdflib older than 2.20 the fourth parameter
encoding can take the following values:
0 = builtin, 1 = pdfdoc, 2 = macroman, 3 = macexpert, 4 = winansi.
An encoding greater than 4 and less than 0 will default to winansi.
- winansi is often a good choice. If the last parameter is set to
+ winansi is often a good choice.
+ If you use php4 and a version of pdflib >= 2.20 the encoding parameter
+ has changed to a string. Use 'winansi', 'builtin' etc. instead.
+ If the last parameter is set to
1 the font is embedded into the pdf document otherwise it is not.
To embed a font is usually a good idea if the font is not widely spread
and you cannot ensure that the person watching your document has