diff --git a/reference/mongo/mongo/construct.xml b/reference/mongo/mongo/construct.xml
index e9cbee5a9c..54946bc656 100644
--- a/reference/mongo/mongo/construct.xml
+++ b/reference/mongo/mongo/construct.xml
@@ -50,9 +50,15 @@ mongodb://[username:password@]host1[:port1][,host2[:port2:],...]/db
be used.
- An optional query string may be used to specify
- read preferences for the
- connection.
+ An optional query string may be used to specify extra options. The same
+ options are supported through the options array as
+ well, and are therefore redescribed there.
+ One part of the options governs how the driver reads from secondary nodes
+ in a replicaset environment. Extra information on how these read
+ preferences work is available as well through the read preferences documentation page.
@@ -87,36 +93,43 @@ mongodb://[username:password@]host1[:port1][,host2[:port2:],...]/db
If the constructor should connect before returning. Default is
+ This option is not supported through the connection string.
- "timeout"
+ "db"
- For how long the driver should try to connect to the database (in
- milliseconds).
+ The database to authenticate against can be specified here, instead of
+ including it in the host list. This overrides a database given in the
+ host list.
- "replicaSet"
+ "fireAndForget"
- The name of the replica set to connect to. If this is given, the
- master will be determined by using the ismaster
- database command on the seeds, so the driver may end up connecting to
- a server that was not even listed. See the replica set example below
- for details.
- "username"
+ This option influence how the drivers deals with potential errors
+ from write operations (MongoCollection::insert,
+ MongoCollection::update and
+ MongoCollection::delete).
- The username can be specified here, instead of including it in the
- host list. This is especially useful if a username has a ":" in it.
- This overrides a username set in the host list.
+ When set to true (the default) the driver does
+ not wait until the server has acknowledged the
+ write. When set to false (the
+ recommended setting), the driver will wait
+ until the database has acknowledged the write.
+ If an error occurs, and fireAndForget is set to
+ false, then a
+ MongoCursorException is thrown.
@@ -131,12 +144,108 @@ mongodb://[username:password@]host1[:port1][,host2[:port2:],...]/db
- "db"
+ "readPreference"
- The database to authenticate against can be specified here, instead of
- including it in the host list. This overrides a database given in the
- host list.
+ Specifies the read preference type. Read preferences provide you
+ with control from which secondaries data can be read from.
+ Allows values are: primary,
+ primaryPreferred,
+ secondary, secondaryPreferred
+ and nearest.
+ See the documentation on read
+ preferences for more information.
+ "readPreferenceTags"
+ Specifies the read preference tags. Tags can be used in combination
+ with the readPreference option to further control
+ which secondaries data might be read from.
+ See the documentation on read
+ preferences for more information.
+ "replicaSet"
+ The name of the replica set to connect to. If this is given, the
+ master will be automatically be determined. This means that the
+ driver may end up connecting to a server that was not even listed.
+ See the replica set example below for details.
+ "timeout"
+ For how long the driver should try to connect to the database (in
+ milliseconds).
+ "username"
+ The username can be specified here, instead of including it in the
+ host list. This is especially useful if a username has a ":" in it.
+ This overrides a username set in the host list.
+ "w"
+ The w options controls until how long the driver
+ blocks with regards to writing to replicaset members.
+ A positive integer value controls how many
+ nodes in the replicaset have received the write instruction before
+ the driver continues. A value of 3 would mean
+ that the write has been applied to the primary as well as two other
+ replicaset members.
+ A string value is used to control which tag sets are taken into
+ account for write concerns. "majority" is special
+ and makes sure that the write operation has been applied to the
+ majority (more than 50%) of the participating nodes.
+ See the core
+ documentation on replica sets for more information.
+ Please note that setting "w" implicitly sets
+ fireAndForget to false.
+ "wTimeout"
+ This option is used in combination with the "w" option. It controls
+ how many milliseconds the server waits for the write concern to be
+ satisfied. If it takes longer then the server signals to the driver
+ that it took too long and the driver will throw a
+ MongoCursorException exception.
@@ -177,6 +286,13 @@ mongodb://[username:password@]host1[:port1][,host2[:port2:],...]/db
+ 1.3.0
+ Added the "fireAndForget",
+ "readPreference",
+ "readPreferenceTags", "w" and
+ "wTimeout" options.
+ 1.2.0