diff --git a/reference/mysqlnd_ms/setup.xml b/reference/mysqlnd_ms/setup.xml
index 08d9ada72f..8b80670331 100755
--- a/reference/mysqlnd_ms/setup.xml
+++ b/reference/mysqlnd_ms/setup.xml
@@ -2746,114 +2746,76 @@ $mysqli->set_charset("latin1");
- Keyword
- Description
- state_store
- Keyword
- Description
- record_participant_credentials
- Whether to store the username and password of a global transaction
- participant in the participants table. If disabled, the garbage
- collection will use the default username and password when connecting
- to the participants. Unless you are using a different username and
- password for each of your MySQL servers, you can use the default
- and avoid storing the sensible information in state store.
- Please note, username and password are stored in clear text when using
- the MySQL state store, which is the only one available. It is in your
- responsibility to protect this sensible information.
- Default: false
- participant_localhost_ip
- During XA garbage collection the plugin may find a participant server
- for which the host localhost
- has been recorded. If the garbage collection takes place on another host
- but the host that has written the participant record to the state store,
- the host name localhost now resolves to a different
- host. Therefore, when recording a participant servers host name
- in the state store, a value of localhost must
- be replaced with the actual IP address of localhost.
- Setting participant_localhost_ip should be considered
- only if using localhost cannot be avoided.
- From a garbage collection point of view only, it is preferrable not to
- configure any socket connection but to provide an IP address and port
- for a node.
- mysql
- The MySQL state store is the only state store available.
- Keyword
- Description
- global_trx_table
- Name of the MySQL table used to store the state of an ongoing or aborted
- global transaction. Use the below SQL statement to create the table.
- Make sure to edit the table name to match your configuration.
- SQL definition for the MySQL state store transaction table
+ state_store
+ record_participant_credentials
+ Whether to store the username and password of a global transaction
+ participant in the participants table. If disabled, the garbage
+ collection will use the default username and password when connecting
+ to the participants. Unless you are using a different username and
+ password for each of your MySQL servers, you can use the default
+ and avoid storing the sensible information in state store.
+ Please note, username and password are stored in clear text when using
+ the MySQL state store, which is the only one available. It is in your
+ responsibility to protect this sensible information.
+ Default: false
+ participant_localhost_ip
+ During XA garbage collection the plugin may find a participant server
+ for which the host localhost
+ has been recorded. If the garbage collection takes place on another host
+ but the host that has written the participant record to the state store,
+ the host name localhost now resolves to a different
+ host. Therefore, when recording a participant servers host name
+ in the state store, a value of localhost must
+ be replaced with the actual IP address of localhost.
+ Setting participant_localhost_ip should be considered
+ only if using localhost cannot be avoided.
+ From a garbage collection point of view only, it is preferrable not to
+ configure any socket connection but to provide an IP address and port
+ for a node.
+ mysql
+ The MySQL state store is the only state store available.
+ global_trx_table
+ Name of the MySQL table used to store the state of an ongoing or aborted
+ global transaction. Use the below SQL statement to create the table.
+ Make sure to edit the table name to match your configuration.
+ Default: mysqlnd_ms_xa_trx
+ SQL definition for the MySQL state store transaction table
- Default: mysqlnd_ms_xa_trx
- participant_table
- Name of the MySQL table used to store participants of an ongoing or aborted
- global transaction. Use the below SQL statement to create the table.
- Make sure to edit the table name to match your configuration.
- Storing credentials can be enabled and disabled using
- record_participant_credentials
- SQL definition for the MySQL state store transaction table
+ participant_table
+ Name of the MySQL table used to store participants of an ongoing or aborted
+ global transaction. Use the below SQL statement to create the table.
+ Make sure to edit the table name to match your configuration.
+ Storing credentials can be enabled and disabled using
+ record_participant_credentials
+ Default: mysqlnd_ms_xa_participants
+ SQL definition for the MySQL state store transaction table
- Default: mysqlnd_ms_xa_participants
- garbage_collection_table
- Name of the MySQL table used to track and synchronize garbage collection runs.
- Use the below SQL statement to create the table.
- Make sure to edit the table name to match your configuration.
- SQL definition for the MySQL state store garbage collection table
+ garbage_collection_table
+ Name of the MySQL table used to track and synchronize garbage collection runs.
+ Use the below SQL statement to create the table.
+ Make sure to edit the table name to match your configuration.
+ Default: mysqlnd_ms_xa_gc
+ SQL definition for the MySQL state store garbage collection table
- Default: mysqlnd_ms_xa_gc
- host
- Host name of the MySQL server.
- user
- Name of the user used to connect to the MySQL server.
- password
- Password for the MySQL server user.
- db
- Database that holds the garbage collection tables.
- Please note, you have to create the garbage collection
- tables prior to using the plugin. The tables will not be
- created implicitly during runtime but garbage collection
- will fail if the tables to not exist.
- port
- Port of the MySQL server.
- socket
- Unix domain socket of the MySQL server. Please note,
- if you have multiple PHP servers each of them will
- try to carry out garbage collection and need to be able
- to connect to the state store. In this case, you may
- prefer configuring an IP address and a port for
- the MySQL state store server to ensure all PHP servers
- can reach it.
- garbage_collection
- Keyword
- Description
- Version
- max_retries
- Maximum number of garbage collection runs before giving up.
- Allowed values are from 0 to 100.
- A setting of 0 means no limit, unless
- the state store enforces a limit. Should the state store enforce a limit,
- it can be supposed to be significantly higher than 100.
- Default: 5
- Since 1.6.0.
- probability
- Garbage collection probability. Setting the value has not effect.
- The feature is under development.
- Default: 5
- Since 1.6.0.
- rollback_on_close
- Whether to automatically rollback an open global transaction is
- a connection is closed.
- Default: true
+ host
+ Host name of the MySQL server.
+ user
+ Name of the user used to connect to the MySQL server.
+ password
+ Password for the MySQL server user.
+ db
+ Database that holds the garbage collection tables.
+ Please note, you have to create the garbage collection
+ tables prior to using the plugin. The tables will not be
+ created implicitly during runtime but garbage collection
+ will fail if the tables to not exist.
+ port
+ Port of the MySQL server.
+ socket
+ Unix domain socket of the MySQL server. Please note,
+ if you have multiple PHP servers each of them will
+ try to carry out garbage collection and need to be able
+ to connect to the state store. In this case, you may
+ prefer configuring an IP address and a port for
+ the MySQL state store server to ensure all PHP servers
+ can reach it.
+ garbage_collection
+ max_retries
+ Maximum number of garbage collection runs before giving up.
+ Allowed values are from 0 to 100.
+ A setting of 0 means no limit, unless
+ the state store enforces a limit. Should the state store enforce a limit,
+ it can be supposed to be significantly higher than 100.
+ Available since 1.6.0.
+ Default: 5
+ probability
+ Garbage collection probability. Setting the value has not effect.
+ The feature is under development. Available since 1.6.0.
+ Default: 5
+ rollback_on_close
+ Whether to automatically rollback an open global transaction is
+ a connection is closed.
+ Default: true
Plugin configuration file (<= 1.0.x)