diff --git a/reference/array/functions/array-map.xml b/reference/array/functions/array-map.xml
index cc54c1fa28..9ef72c0738 100644
--- a/reference/array/functions/array-map.xml
+++ b/reference/array/functions/array-map.xml
@@ -22,7 +22,9 @@
used as arguments for the callback.
The number of parameters that the callback
function accepts should match the number of arrays
- passed to array_map.
+ passed to array_map. Excess
+ input arrays are ignored. An ArgumentCountError
+ is thrown if an insufficient number of arguments is provided.
@@ -122,11 +124,16 @@ Array
$value * 2, range(1, 5)));
@@ -150,12 +157,12 @@ Array
@@ -371,6 +378,44 @@ array(1) {
string(5) "value"
+ array_map - associative arrays
+ While array_map does not directly support
+ using the array key as an input, that may be simulated using array_keys.
+ 'First release',
+ 'v2' => 'Second release',
+ 'v3' => 'Third release',
+// Note: Before 7.4.0, use the longer syntax for anonymous functions instead.
+$callback = fn(string $k, string $v): string => "$k was the $v";
+$result = array_map($callback, array_keys($arr), array_values($arr));
+ &example.outputs;
+ string(24) "v1 was the First release"
+ [1]=>
+ string(25) "v2 was the Second release"
+ [2]=>
+ string(24) "v3 was the Third release"