diff --git a/reference/dom/functions/dom-domattr-construct.xml b/reference/dom/functions/dom-domattr-construct.xml
deleted file mode 100755
index 4d9818375d..0000000000
--- a/reference/dom/functions/dom-domattr-construct.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,99 +0,0 @@
- DOMAttr->__construct()
- Creates a new DOMAttr object
- &reftitle.description;
- DOMAttr
- __construct
- stringname
- stringvalue
- Creates a new DOMAttr object. This object is read only.
- It may be appended to a document, but additional nodes may not be appended to this node until
- the node is associated with a document. To create a writeable node, use
- .
- &reftitle.parameters;
- name
- The tag name of the attribute.
- value
- The value of the attribute.
- &reftitle.examples;
- Creating a new DOMAttr
-appendChild(new DOMElement('root'));
-$attr = $element->setAttributeNode(new DOMAttr('attr', 'attrvalue'));
-echo $dom->saveXML(); /* */
- &reftitle.seealso;
diff --git a/reference/dom/functions/dom-domcomment-construct.xml b/reference/dom/functions/dom-domcomment-construct.xml
deleted file mode 100755
index c99a345be1..0000000000
--- a/reference/dom/functions/dom-domcomment-construct.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,90 +0,0 @@
- DOMComment->__construct()
- Creates a new DOMComment object
- &reftitle.description;
- DOMComment
- __construct
- stringvalue
- Creates a new DOMComment object. This object is read only.
- It may be appended to a document, but additional nodes may not be appended to this node until
- the node is associated with a document. To create a writeable node, use
- .
- &reftitle.parameters;
- value
- The value of the comment.
- &reftitle.examples;
- Creating a new DOMComment
-appendChild(new DOMElement('root'));
-$comment = $element->appendChild(new DOMComment('root comment'));
-echo $dom->saveXML(); /* */
- &reftitle.seealso;
diff --git a/reference/dom/functions/dom-domelement-construct.xml b/reference/dom/functions/dom-domelement-construct.xml
deleted file mode 100755
index 1aece9b0bd..0000000000
--- a/reference/dom/functions/dom-domelement-construct.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,113 +0,0 @@
- DOMElement->__construct()
- Creates a new DOMElement object
- &reftitle.description;
- DOMElement
- __construct
- stringname
- stringvalue
- stringnamespaceURI
- Creates a new DOMElement object. This object is read only.
- It may be appended to a document, but additional nodes may not be appended to this node until
- the node is associated with a document. To create a writeable node, use
- or
- .
- &reftitle.parameters;
- name
- The tag name of the element. When also passing in namespaceURI, the element name
- may take a prefix to be associated with the URI.
- value
- The value of the element.
- namespaceURI
- A namespace URI to create the element within a specific namespace.
- &reftitle.examples;
- Creating a new DOMElement
-appendChild(new DOMElement('root'));
-$element_ns = new DOMElement('pr:node1', 'thisvalue', 'http://xyz');
-echo $dom->saveXML(); /*
-thisvalue */
- &reftitle.seealso;
diff --git a/reference/dom/functions/dom-domentityreference-construct.xml b/reference/dom/functions/dom-domentityreference-construct.xml
deleted file mode 100755
index ae8350155f..0000000000
--- a/reference/dom/functions/dom-domentityreference-construct.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,87 +0,0 @@
- DOMEntityReference->__construct()
- Creates a new DOMEntityReference object
- &reftitle.description;
- DOMEntityReference
- __construct
- stringname
- Creates a new DOMEntityReference object.
- &reftitle.parameters;
- name
- The name of the entity reference.
- &reftitle.examples;
- Creating a new DOMEntityReference
-appendChild(new DOMElement('root'));
-$entity = $element->appendChild(new DOMEntityReference('nbsp'));
-echo $dom->saveXML(); /* */
- &reftitle.seealso;
diff --git a/reference/dom/functions/dom-domprocessinginstruction-construct.xml b/reference/dom/functions/dom-domprocessinginstruction-construct.xml
deleted file mode 100755
index 29b31e9f10..0000000000
--- a/reference/dom/functions/dom-domprocessinginstruction-construct.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,108 +0,0 @@
- DOMProcessingInstruction->__construct()
- Creates a new DOMProcessingInstruction object
- &reftitle.description;
- DOMProcessingInstruction
- __construct
- stringname
- stringvalue
- Creates a new DOMProcessingInstruction object. This object is read only.
- It may be appended to a document, but additional nodes may not be appended to this node until
- the node is associated with a document. To create a writeable node, use
- .
- &reftitle.parameters;
- name
- The tag name of the processing instruction.
- value
- The value of the processing instruction.
- &reftitle.examples;
- Creating a new DOMProcessingInstruction
-appendChild(new DOMElement('html'));
-$body = $html->appendChild(new DOMElement('body'));
-$pinode = new DOMProcessingInstruction('php', 'echo "Hello World"; ');
-echo $dom->saveXML();
- &example.outputs;
- &reftitle.seealso;
diff --git a/reference/dom/functions/dom-domtext-construct.xml b/reference/dom/functions/dom-domtext-construct.xml
deleted file mode 100755
index 820d23b538..0000000000
--- a/reference/dom/functions/dom-domtext-construct.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,87 +0,0 @@
- DOMText->__construct()
- Creates a new DOMText object
- &reftitle.description;
- DOMText
- __construct
- stringvalue
- Creates a new DOMText object.
- &reftitle.parameters;
- value
- The value of the text node. If not supplied an empty text node is created.
- &reftitle.examples;
- Creating a new DOMText
-appendChild(new DOMElement('root'));
-$text = $element->appendChild(new DOMText('root value'));
-echo $dom->saveXML(); /* root value */
- &reftitle.seealso;