diff --git a/language/predefined/closure/bind.xml b/language/predefined/closure/bind.xml
index cc9037374e..596c911a50 100644
--- a/language/predefined/closure/bind.xml
+++ b/language/predefined/closure/bind.xml
@@ -53,6 +53,7 @@
'static' to keep the current one. If an object is given, the type of the
object will be used instead. This determines the visibility of protected
and private methods of the bound object.
+ It is not allowed to pass (an object of) an internal class as this parameter.
@@ -66,6 +67,31 @@
+ &reftitle.changelog;
+ &Version;
+ &Description;
+ 7.0.0
+ newscope can not be (an object of) an internal
+ class anymore, what was possible prior to this version.