diff --git a/language/oop5/late-static-bindings.xml b/language/oop5/late-static-bindings.xml
index 4b4b77d43a..c471077f88 100644
--- a/language/oop5/late-static-bindings.xml
+++ b/language/oop5/late-static-bindings.xml
@@ -119,11 +119,11 @@ B
- Note that, in non-static contexts, the called class will be the same as
- the class the object. Since $this-> will try to call
- private methods from the same scope, using static:: may
- give different results. Another difference is that
- static:: can only refer to static properties.
+ In non-static contexts, the called class will be the class of the object
+ instance. Since $this-> will try to call private
+ methods from the same scope, using static:: may give
+ different results. Another difference is that static::
+ can only refer to static properties.