Removed the reference to constants and methods.

After a question on StackOverflow ( I have removed the reference to constants and methods from the paragraph. IMO, it does not belong to a chapter about properties and the phrasing was somewhat to comprehend as well. The edit should make it easier to understand and cause less confusion.

git-svn-id: c90b9560-bf6c-de11-be94-00142212c4b1
This commit is contained in:
Gordon Oheim 2012-10-28 17:29:06 +00:00
parent cf182f38d2
commit af5f871724

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@ -40,15 +40,13 @@
as if it had been declared as <literal>public</literal>.
Within class methods the properties, constants, and methods may be
accessed by using the form <varname>$this-&gt;property</varname>
(where <literal>property</literal> is the name of the property; see
also <link linkend="language.variables.variable">variable property names</link>)
unless the access is to a static property within the context of a
static class method, in which case it is accessed using the
form <varname>self::$property</varname>. See <link linkend="language.oop5.static">Static
Keyword</link> for more information.
Within class methods non-static properties may be accessed by using the form
<varname>$this-&gt;property</varname> (where <literal>property</literal>
is the name of the property). Static properties are accessed by using the
form <varname>self::$property</varname>.
See <link linkend="language.oop5.static">Static Keyword</link> for more information
on the difference between static and non-static properties.
The pseudo-variable <varname>$this</varname> is available inside