diff --git a/appendices/migration81/incompatible.xml b/appendices/migration81/incompatible.xml
index 98e72cb5bc..8f2fc55824 100644
--- a/appendices/migration81/incompatible.xml
+++ b/appendices/migration81/incompatible.xml
@@ -63,8 +63,10 @@ var_dump(B::counter()); // int(4), previously int(2)
specified before required parameters is now always treated as required,
even when called using
named arguments.
- In PHP 8.0, the below emits a deprecation notice on the definition,
- but runs successfully when called. As of PHP 8.1, an error is thrown.
+ As of PHP 8.0.0, but prior to PHP 8.1.0, the below emits a deprecation notice
+ on the definition, but runs successfully when called. As of PHP 8.1.0, an error
+ of class ArgumentCountError is thrown, as it would be when
+ called with positional arguments.
@@ -87,7 +89,7 @@ catch (Error $e)
+ Note that a default value of &null; can be used before required parameters to
+ specify a nullable type,
+ but the parameter will still be required.
diff --git a/language/functions.xml b/language/functions.xml
index accf2bed42..acaadf518f 100644
--- a/language/functions.xml
+++ b/language/functions.xml
@@ -224,28 +224,6 @@ function takes_many_args(
// ...
- As of PHP 8.0.0, declaring mandatory arguments after optional arguments
- is deprecated. This can generally be resolved by dropping the default value.
- One exception to this rule are arguments of the form
- Type $param = null, where the &null; default makes the type implicitly
- nullable. This usage remains allowed, though it is recommended to use an
- explicit nullable type instead.
- Declaring optional arguments after mandatory arguments
@@ -291,7 +269,8 @@ echo $str; // outputs 'This is a string, and something extra.'
A function may define default values for arguments using syntax similar
to assigning a variable. The default is used only when the parameter is
- not specified.
+ not specified; in particular, note that passing &null; does not
+ assign the default value.
@@ -321,7 +300,7 @@ Making a cup of espresso.
Default parameter values may be scalar values, arrays,
- the special type &null;, and as of PHP 8.1, objects using the
+ the special type &null;, and as of PHP 8.1.0, objects using the
new ClassName() syntax.
@@ -343,7 +322,7 @@ echo makecoffee(array("cappuccino", "lavazza"), "teapot");?>
- Using objects as default values (as of PHP 8.1)
+ Using objects as default values (as of PHP 8.1.0)
- As of PHP 8.0, named arguments
+ As of PHP 8.0.0, named arguments
can be used to skip over multiple optional parameters.
@@ -454,17 +433,35 @@ Making a bowl of raspberry natural yogurt.
+ As of PHP 8.0.0, declaring mandatory arguments after optional arguments
+ is deprecated. This can generally be resolved by
+ dropping the default value, since it will never be used.
+ One exception to this rule are arguments of the form
+ Type $param = null, where the &null; default makes the type implicitly
+ nullable. This usage remains allowed, though it is recommended to use an
+ explicit nullable type instead.
+ Declaring optional arguments after mandatory arguments
+ ]]>
- As of PHP 7.1, omitting a parameter which does not specify a default
+ As of PHP 7.1.0, omitting a parameter which does not specify a default
throws an ArgumentCountError; in previous versions
it raised a Warning.
- As of PHP 8.0, defining a function with optional
- parameters after required parameters (as in the first "yogurt"
- example above) is DEPRECATED.
@@ -671,7 +668,7 @@ echo sum(1, 2, 3, 4);
Named argument syntax
Positional arguments versus named arguments
Same example as above with a different order of parameters
@@ -723,7 +720,7 @@ array_fill(value: 50, count: 100, start_index: 0);
Combining named arguments with positional arguments
- Error exception when passing the same parameter multiple times
+ Error thrown when passing the same parameter multiple times