diff --git a/internals2/structure/basics.xml b/internals2/structure/basics.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ccd5ca32d3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/internals2/structure/basics.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
+ Basic constructs
+ C is a very low-level language by modern definitions. This means that it has
+ no built-in support for many features that PHP takes for granted, such as
+ reflection, dynamic module loading, bounds checking, threadsafe data
+ management and various useful data structures including linked lists and
+ hash tables. At the same time, C is a common denominator of language support
+ and functionality. Given enough work, none of these concepts are impossible;
+ the Zend Engine uses them all.
+ A lot of effort has gone into making the Zend API both extensible and
+ understandable, but C forces certain necessary declarations upon any
+ extension that to an inexperienced eye seem redundant or plain unnecessary.
+ All of those constructs, detailed in this section, are "write once and
+ forget" in Zend Engine 2 and 3. Here are some excerpts from the pregenerated
+ php_counter.h and counter.c files
+ created by PHP 5.3's ext_skel, showing the pregenerated
+ declarations:
+ The astute reader will notice that there are several delcarations in the
+ real files that aren't shown here. Those declaractions are specific to
+ various Zend subsystems and are discussed elsewhere as appropriate.
+= 4
+# define PHP_COUNTER_API __attribute__ ((visibility("default")))
+#ifdef ZTS
+#include "TSRM.h"
+ The lines concerning counter_module_entry declare a
+ global variable, and a macroed pointer to it, which contains the
+ zend_module_entry for the extension. Despite the later
+ discussion regarding the drawbacks of "true" globals, this usage is
+ intentional; Zend takes precautions to avoid misusing this variable.
+ PHP_COUNTER_API is declared for use by non-PHP
+ functions the module intends to export for the use of other modules. The
+ counter extension doesn't declare any of these, and in the final version of
+ the header file, this macro has been removed. The
+ PHPAPI macro is declared identically elsewhere and is
+ used by the standard extension to make the phpinfo
+ utility functions available to other extensions.
+ The include of TSRM.h is skipped if PHP, or the
+ extension, isn't being compiled with thread-safety, since in that case TSRM
+ isn't used.
+ A standard list of includes, especially the extension's own
+ php_counter.h, is given. config.h
+ gives the extension access to determinations made by
+ configure. php.h is the gateway to
+ the entire PHP and Zend APIs. php_ini.h adds the APIs
+ for runtime configuration (INI) entries. Not all extensions will use this.
+ Finally, ext/standard/info.h imports the
+ aforementioned phpinfo utility API.
+ COMPILE_DL_COUNTER will only be defined by
+ configure if the counter extension is both enabled and
+ wants to be built as a dynamically loadable module instead of being
+ statically linked into PHP. ZEND_GET_MODULE defines a
+ tiny function which Zend can use to get the extension's
+ zend_module_entry at runtime.
+ The astute reader who has peeked into
+ main/php_config.h after trying to build with the
+ counter module enabled statically may have noticed that there is also a
+ HAVE_COUNTER constant defined that the source code
+ doesn't check for. There's a simple reason this check isn't done: It's
+ unnecessary. If the extension isn't enabled, the source file will never be
+ compiled.
diff --git a/internals2/structure/globals.xml b/internals2/structure/globals.xml
index 5e7af9bcec..798b5d0b81 100644
--- a/internals2/structure/globals.xml
+++ b/internals2/structure/globals.xml
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
Extension globals
@@ -69,6 +69,44 @@ PHP_FUNCTION(counter_get)
+ Declaring module globals
+ Whether a module uses only a single global or dozens, they must be defined
+ in a structure, and that structure must be declared. There are some macros
+ that assist with doing so in a way that avoids name conflicts between
+ ZEND_DECLARE_MODULE_GLOBALS. All three take as a
+ parameter the short name of the module, which in the case of the counter
+ module is simply "counter". Here is the global structure
+ declaration from php_counter.h:
+ The counter module's globals
+ And this is the declaration from counter.c:
+ The counter module's global structure declaration
Extension structure
@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@
+ &internals2.structure.basics;