diff --git a/reference/strings/functions/addcslashes.xml b/reference/strings/functions/addcslashes.xml
index 3362883c70..423b776b6e 100644
--- a/reference/strings/functions/addcslashes.xml
+++ b/reference/strings/functions/addcslashes.xml
@@ -1,55 +1,55 @@
- addcslashes
- Quote string with slashes in a C style
- Description
- stringaddcslashes
- stringstr
- stringcharlist
- Returns a string with backslashes before characters that are
- listed in charlist parameter. If
- charlist contains characters
- \n, \r etc., they are
- converted in C-like style, while other non-alphanumeric characters
- with ASCII codes lower than 32 and higher than 126 converted to
- octal representation.
- Be careful if you choose to escape characters 0, a, b, f, n, r,
- t and v. They will be converted to \0, \a, \b, \f, \n, \r, \t
- and \v.
- In PHP \0 (NULL), \r (carriage return), \n (newline) and \t (tab)
- are predefined escape sequences, while in C all of these are
- predefined escape sequences.
- charlist like "\0..\37", which would
- escape all characters with ASCII code between 0 and 31.
- addcslashes example
+ addcslashes
+ Quote string with slashes in a C style
+ Description
+ stringaddcslashes
+ stringstr
+ stringcharlist
+ Returns a string with backslashes before characters that are
+ listed in charlist parameter. If
+ charlist contains characters
+ \n, \r etc., they are
+ converted in C-like style, while other non-alphanumeric characters
+ with ASCII codes lower than 32 and higher than 126 converted to
+ octal representation.
+ Be careful if you choose to escape characters 0, a, b, f, n, r,
+ t and v. They will be converted to \0, \a, \b, \f, \n, \r, \t
+ and \v.
+ In PHP \0 (NULL), \r (carriage return), \n (newline) and \t (tab)
+ are predefined escape sequences, while in C all of these are
+ predefined escape sequences.
+ charlist like "\0..\37", which would
+ escape all characters with ASCII code between 0 and 31.
+ addcslashes example
- When you define a sequence of characters in the charlist argument
- make sure that you know what characters come between the
- characters that you set as the start and end of the range.
+ When you define a sequence of characters in the charlist argument
+ make sure that you know what characters come between the
+ characters that you set as the start and end of the range.
- Also, if the first character in a range has a higher ASCII value
- than the second character in the range, no range will be
- constructed. Only the start, end and period characters will be
- escaped. Use the ord function to find the
- ASCII value for a character.
+ Also, if the first character in a range has a higher ASCII value
+ than the second character in the range, no range will be
+ constructed. Only the start, end and period characters will be
+ escaped. Use the ord function to find the
+ ASCII value for a character.
- See also stripcslashes,
- stripslashes,
- addslashes,
- htmlspecialchars, and
- quotemeta.
+ See also stripcslashes,
+ stripslashes,
+ addslashes,
+ htmlspecialchars, and
+ quotemeta.
- addslashes
- Quote string with slashes
- Description
- stringaddslashes
- stringstr
- Returns a string with backslashes before characters that need
- to be quoted in database queries etc. These characters are
- single quote ('), double quote
- ("), backslash (\)
- and NUL (the &null; byte).
- An example use of addslashes is when you're
- entering data into a database. For example, to insert the name
- O'reilly into a database, you will need to escape
- it. Most databases do this with a \ which would
- mean O\'reilly. This would only be to get the data
- into the database, the extra \ will not be inserted.
- Having the PHP directive
- magic_quotes_sybase set to on will mean
- ' is instead escaped with another
- '.
- The PHP directive
- magic_quotes_gpc is on by default, and it
- essentially runs addslashes on all GET, POST,
- and COOKIE data. Do not use addslashes on
- strings that have already been escaped with
- magic_quotes_gpc as you'll
- then do double escaping. The function
- get_magic_quotes_gpc may come in handy for
- checking this.
- An addslashes example
+ addslashes
+ Quote string with slashes
+ Description
+ stringaddslashes
+ stringstr
+ Returns a string with backslashes before characters that need
+ to be quoted in database queries etc. These characters are
+ single quote ('), double quote
+ ("), backslash (\)
+ and NUL (the &null; byte).
+ An example use of addslashes is when you're
+ entering data into a database. For example, to insert the name
+ O'reilly into a database, you will need to escape
+ it. Most databases do this with a \ which would
+ mean O\'reilly. This would only be to get the data
+ into the database, the extra \ will not be inserted.
+ Having the PHP directive
+ magic_quotes_sybase set to on will mean
+ ' is instead escaped with another
+ '.
+ The PHP directive
+ magic_quotes_gpc is on by default, and it
+ essentially runs addslashes on all GET, POST,
+ and COOKIE data. Do not use addslashes on
+ strings that have already been escaped with
+ magic_quotes_gpc as you'll
+ then do double escaping. The function
+ get_magic_quotes_gpc may come in handy for
+ checking this.
+ An addslashes example
- See also stripslashes,
- stripcslashes,
- addcslashes,
- htmlspecialchars,
- quotemeta, and
- get_magic_quotes_gpc.
+ See also stripslashes,
+ stripcslashes,
+ addcslashes,
+ htmlspecialchars,
+ quotemeta, and
+ get_magic_quotes_gpc.
- bin2hex
- Convert binary data into hexadecimal representation
- Description
- stringbin2hex
- stringstr
- Returns an ASCII string containing the hexadecimal representation
- of str. The conversion is done byte-wise
- with the high-nibble first.
- See also pack and unpack.
+ bin2hex
+ Convert binary data into hexadecimal representation
+ Description
+ stringbin2hex
+ stringstr
+ Returns an ASCII string containing the hexadecimal representation
+ of str. The conversion is done byte-wise
+ with the high-nibble first.
+ See also pack and unpack.
- chr
- Return a specific character
- Description
- stringchr
- intascii
- Returns a one-character string containing the character specified
- by ascii.
- chr example
+ chr
+ Return a specific character
+ Description
+ stringchr
+ intascii
+ Returns a one-character string containing the character specified
+ by ascii.
+ chr example
- You can find an ASCII-table over here: &url.asciitable;.
- This function complements ord. See also
- sprintf with a format string of
- %c.
+ You can find an ASCII-table over here: &url.asciitable;.
+ This function complements ord. See also
+ sprintf with a format string of
+ %c.
- chunk_split
- Split a string into smaller chunks
- Description
- stringchunk_split
- stringbody
- intchunklen
- stringend
- Can be used to split a string into smaller chunks which is useful for
- e.g. converting base64_encode output to match RFC
- 2045 semantics. It inserts end (defaults to
- "\r\n") every chunklen characters (defaults to
- 76). It returns the new string leaving the original string untouched.
- chunk_split example
+ chunk_split
+ Split a string into smaller chunks
+ Description
+ stringchunk_split
+ stringbody
+ intchunklen
+ stringend
+ Can be used to split a string into smaller chunks which is useful for
+ e.g. converting base64_encode output to match RFC
+ 2045 semantics. It inserts end (defaults to
+ "\r\n") every chunklen characters (defaults to
+ 76). It returns the new string leaving the original string untouched.
+ chunk_split example
- See also str_split,
- explode, split,
- wordwrap and
- RFC 2045.
+ See also str_split,
+ explode, split,
+ wordwrap and
+ RFC 2045.
- convert_cyr_string
- Convert from one Cyrillic character set to another
- Description
- stringconvert_cyr_string
- stringstr
- stringfrom
- stringto
- This function returns the given string converted from one
- Cyrillic character set to another. The from
- and to arguments are single characters that
- represent the source and target Cyrillic character sets. The
- supported types are:
- k - koi8-r
- w - windows-1251
- i - iso8859-5
- a - x-cp866
- d - x-cp866
- m - x-mac-cyrillic
+ convert_cyr_string
+ Convert from one Cyrillic character set to another
+ Description
+ stringconvert_cyr_string
+ stringstr
+ stringfrom
+ stringto
+ This function returns the given string converted from one
+ Cyrillic character set to another. The from
+ and to arguments are single characters that
+ represent the source and target Cyrillic character sets. The
+ supported types are:
+ k - koi8-r
+ w - windows-1251
+ i - iso8859-5
+ a - x-cp866
+ d - x-cp866
+ m - x-mac-cyrillic
- ¬e.bin-safe;
+ ¬e.bin-safe;
- Decode a uuencoded string
+ Decode a uuencoded stringDescription
diff --git a/reference/strings/functions/convert-uuencode.xml b/reference/strings/functions/convert-uuencode.xml
index e74aece892..131d553616 100644
--- a/reference/strings/functions/convert-uuencode.xml
+++ b/reference/strings/functions/convert-uuencode.xml
@@ -1,11 +1,9 @@
- Uuencode a string
+ Uuencode a stringDescription
diff --git a/reference/strings/functions/count-chars.xml b/reference/strings/functions/count-chars.xml
index 2766536ce7..d9b2c73cb0 100644
--- a/reference/strings/functions/count-chars.xml
+++ b/reference/strings/functions/count-chars.xml
@@ -1,61 +1,59 @@
- count_chars
- Return information about characters used in a string
- Description
- mixedcount_chars
- stringstring
- intmode
- Counts the number of occurrences of every byte-value (0..255) in
- string and returns it in various ways.
- The optional parameter mode defaults to
- 0. Depending on mode
- count_chars returns one of the following:
- 0 - an array with the byte-value as key and the frequency of
- every byte as value.
- 1 - same as 0 but only byte-values with a frequency greater
- than zero are listed.
- 2 - same as 0 but only byte-values with a frequency equal to
- zero are listed.
- 3 - a string containing all used byte-values is returned.
- 4 - a string containing all not used byte-values is returned.
- count_chars example
+ count_chars
+ Return information about characters used in a string
+ Description
+ mixedcount_chars
+ stringstring
+ intmode
+ Counts the number of occurrences of every byte-value (0..255) in
+ string and returns it in various ways.
+ The optional parameter mode defaults to
+ 0. Depending on mode
+ count_chars returns one of the following:
+ 0 - an array with the byte-value as key and the frequency of
+ every byte as value.
+ 1 - same as 0 but only byte-values with a frequency greater
+ than zero are listed.
+ 2 - same as 0 but only byte-values with a frequency equal to
+ zero are listed.
+ 3 - a string containing all used byte-values is returned.
+ 4 - a string containing all not used byte-values is returned.
+ count_chars example
$val) {
- &example.outputs;
+ &example.outputs;
- See also strpos and
- substr_count.
+ See also strpos and
+ substr_count.
- crc32
- Calculates the crc32 polynomial of a string
- Description
- intcrc32
- stringstr
- Generates the cyclic redundancy checksum polynomial of 32-bit
- lengths of the str. This is usually used
- to validate the integrity of data being transmitted.
- Because PHP's integer type is signed, and many crc32 checksums will
- result in negative integers, you need to use the "%u" formatter of
- sprintf or printf to get
- the string representation of the unsigned crc32 checksum.
- This second example shows how to print a converted checksum with the
- printf function:
- Displaying a crc32 checksum
+ crc32
+ Calculates the crc32 polynomial of a string
+ Description
+ intcrc32
+ stringstr
+ Generates the cyclic redundancy checksum polynomial of 32-bit
+ lengths of the str. This is usually used
+ to validate the integrity of data being transmitted.
+ Because PHP's integer type is signed, and many crc32 checksums will
+ result in negative integers, you need to use the "%u" formatter of
+ sprintf or printf to get
+ the string representation of the unsigned crc32 checksum.
+ This second example shows how to print a converted checksum with the
+ printf function:
+ Displaying a crc32 checksum
- See also md5 and sha1.
+ See also md5 and sha1.
- crypt
- One-way string encryption (hashing)
- Description
- stringcrypt
- stringstr
- stringsalt
- crypt will return an encrypted string using the
- standard Unix DES-based encryption algorithm or
- alternative algorithms that may be available on the system. Arguments
- are a string to be encrypted and an optional salt string to base the
- encryption on. See the Unix man page for your crypt function for more
- information.
+ crypt
+ One-way string encryption (hashing)
+ Description
+ stringcrypt
+ stringstr
+ stringsalt
+ crypt will return an encrypted string using the
+ standard Unix DES-based encryption algorithm or
+ alternative algorithms that may be available on the system. Arguments
+ are a string to be encrypted and an optional salt string to base the
+ encryption on. See the Unix man page for your crypt function for more
+ information.
+ If the salt argument is not provided, one will be randomly
+ generated by PHP each time you call this function.
+ Some operating systems support more than one type of encryption. In
+ fact, sometimes the standard DES-based encryption is replaced by an
+ MD5-based encryption algorithm. The encryption type is triggered by the
+ salt argument. At install time, PHP determines the capabilities of the
+ crypt function and will accept salts for other encryption types. If no
+ salt is provided, PHP will auto-generate a standard two character salt by
+ default, unless the default encryption type on the system is MD5, in
+ which case a random MD5-compatible salt is generated. PHP sets a
+ constant named CRYPT_SALT_LENGTH which tells you whether a regular two
+ character salt applies to your system or the longer twelve character salt
+ is applicable.
+ If you are using the supplied salt, you should be aware that the salt is
+ generated once. If you are calling this function repeatedly, this may
+ impact both appearance and security.
+ The standard DES-based encryption crypt returns the
+ salt as the first two characters of the output. It also only uses the
+ first eight characters of str, so longer strings
+ that start with the same eight characters will generate the same result
+ (when the same salt is used).
+ On systems where the crypt() function supports multiple
+ encryption types, the following constants are set to 0 or 1
+ depending on whether the given type is available:
- If the salt argument is not provided, one will be randomly
- generated by PHP each time you call this function.
+ CRYPT_STD_DES - Standard DES-based encryption with a two character salt
- Some operating systems support more than one type of encryption. In
- fact, sometimes the standard DES-based encryption is replaced by an
- MD5-based encryption algorithm. The encryption type is triggered by the
- salt argument. At install time, PHP determines the capabilities of the
- crypt function and will accept salts for other encryption types. If no
- salt is provided, PHP will auto-generate a standard two character salt by
- default, unless the default encryption type on the system is MD5, in
- which case a random MD5-compatible salt is generated. PHP sets a
- constant named CRYPT_SALT_LENGTH which tells you whether a regular two
- character salt applies to your system or the longer twelve character salt
- is applicable.
+ CRYPT_EXT_DES - Extended DES-based encryption with a nine character salt
- If you are using the supplied salt, you should be aware that the salt is
- generated once. If you are calling this function repeatedly, this may
- impact both appearance and security.
+ CRYPT_MD5 - MD5 encryption with a twelve character salt starting with
+ $1$
- The standard DES-based encryption crypt returns the
- salt as the first two characters of the output. It also only uses the
- first eight characters of str, so longer strings
- that start with the same eight characters will generate the same result
- (when the same salt is used).
+ CRYPT_BLOWFISH - Blowfish encryption with a sixteen character salt
+ starting with $2$ or $2a$
- On systems where the crypt() function supports multiple
- encryption types, the following constants are set to 0 or 1
- depending on whether the given type is available:
- CRYPT_STD_DES - Standard DES-based encryption with a two character salt
- CRYPT_EXT_DES - Extended DES-based encryption with a nine character salt
- CRYPT_MD5 - MD5 encryption with a twelve character salt starting with
- $1$
- CRYPT_BLOWFISH - Blowfish encryption with a sixteen character salt
- starting with $2$ or $2a$
- There is no decrypt function, since crypt
- uses a one-way algorithm.
- crypt examples
+ There is no decrypt function, since crypt
+ uses a one-way algorithm.
+ crypt examples
- Using crypt with htpasswd
+ Using crypt with htpasswd
- Using crypt with different encryption types
+ Using crypt with different encryption types
- &example.outputs.similar;
+ &example.outputs.similar;
- See also md5 and the
- Mcrypt extension.
+ See also md5 and the
+ Mcrypt extension.