diff --git a/reference/pdo_cubrid/configure.xml b/reference/pdo_cubrid/configure.xml
index b3975f4197..3a546d0a70 100644
--- a/reference/pdo_cubrid/configure.xml
+++ b/reference/pdo_cubrid/configure.xml
@@ -5,26 +5,23 @@
To build the PDO_CUBRID extension, the CUBRID DBMS must be installed on the
same system as PHP.
PDO_CUBRID is a PECL extension, so
follow the instructions in to install the
PDO_CUBRID extension. Issue the configure command to
point to the location of your CUBRID base dir as follows:
The configure command defaults to the value of the
CUBRID environment variable.
- &pecl.windows.download;
- Information about installation on Linux and Windows manually, please read
- build-guide.html in PECL package CUBRID for reference.
+ &pecl.windows.download; Detailed information about installation on Linux and
+ Windows manually, please read build-guide.html in PECL package CUBRID for
+ reference.
diff --git a/reference/pdo_cubrid/constants.xml b/reference/pdo_cubrid/constants.xml
index f54d055995..41df437e2d 100644
--- a/reference/pdo_cubrid/constants.xml
+++ b/reference/pdo_cubrid/constants.xml
@@ -3,195 +3,107 @@
- (integer)
- Is used to determine whether to get OID after query execution.
- (integer)
- Is a schema type used for PDO::cubrid_schema function.
- (integer)
- Is a schema type used for PDO::cubrid_schema function.
- (integer)
- Is a schema type used for PDO::cubrid_schema function.
- (integer)
- Is a schema type used for PDO::cubrid_schema function.
- (integer)
- Is a schema type used for PDO::cubrid_schema function.
- (integer)
- Is a schema type used for PDO::cubrid_schema function.
- (integer)
- Is a schema type used for PDO::cubrid_schema function.
- (integer)
- Is a schema type used for PDO::cubrid_schema function.
- (integer)
- Is a schema type used for PDO::cubrid_schema function.
- (integer)
- Is a schema type used for PDO::cubrid_schema function.
- (integer)
- Is a schema type used for PDO::cubrid_schema function.
- (integer)
- Is a schema type used for PDO::cubrid_schema function.
- (integer)
- Is a schema type used for PDO::cubrid_schema function.
- (integer)
- Is a schema type used for PDO::cubrid_schema function.
- (integer)
- Is a schema type used for PDO::cubrid_schema function.
- (integer)
- Is a schema type used for PDO::cubrid_schema function.
+ The following constants can be used when getting schema information. They
+ can be passed to PDO::cubrid_schema.
+ CUBRID schema flags
+ Constant
+ Description
+ Get name and type of table in CUBRID.
+ Get name and type of view in CUBRID.
+ Get the query definition of view.
+ Get the attributes of table column.
+ Get the attributes of table.
+ Get the instance method. The instance method is a method called
+ by a class instance. It is used more often than the class method
+ because most operations are executed in the instance.
+ Get the class method. The class method is a method called by a
+ class object. It is usually used to create a new class instance or to
+ initialize it. It is also used to access or update class
+ attributes.
+ Get the information of the file where the method of the table is
+ defined.
+ Get the name and type of table which table inherites attributes
+ from.
+ Get the name and type of table which inherites attributes from
+ this table.
+ Get the table constraints.
+ Get the table triggers.
+ Get the privilege information of table.
+ Get the privilege information of column.
+ Get the direct super table of table.
+ Get the table primary key.
+ Get imported keys of table.
+ Get exported keys of table.
+ Get reference relationship of tow tables.
- Scrollable cursors
- PDO_CUBRID supports scrollable cursors, and the default cursor type
- is forward only. You can use PDO::setAttribute to change cursor type.
- Autocommit
- PDO_CUBRID supports autocommit, and it is disable by default. You can use
- PDO::setAttribute to enable it.
- Timeout
- PDO_CUBRID supports sql statement execution timeout setting; You can use
- PDO::setAttribute to set timeout value.
+ Features
+ PDO_CUBRID Features
+ Feature
+ Description
+ Scrollable cursors
+ PDO_CUBRID supports scrollable cursors. The default cursor type is
+ forward only, and you can use parameter driver_options in
+ PDO::prepare to change cursor type.
+ Timeout
+ PDO_CUBRID supports sql statement execution timeout setting;
+ You can use PDO::setAttribute to set timeout value.
+ Autocommit_mode and Transaction
+ PDO_CUBRID supports both autocommit_mode and transaction, and
+ autocommit_mode is enable by default. You can use
+ PDO::setAttribute to change its state.
+ If you use PDO::beginTransaction to begin a transaction, it will
+ disable autocommit_mode and restore it after PDO::commit or
+ PDO::rollBack. Note that before disabling the autocommit_mode, any
+ pending work is automatically committed.
+ Multiple Query
+ PDO_CUBRID supports multiple query.
+ Schema Information
+ PDO_CUBRID doesn't implement PDOStatement->getColumnMeta.
+ Instead, PDO_CUBRID implements a function
+ PDO::cubrid_schema to get schema information.
+ LOBs
+ PDO_CUBRID supports BLOB/CLOB data type. The LOB in PDO is
+ represented as a stream, so you can insert LOBs by binding a stream,
+ and get LOBs by reading a stream returned by CUBRID PDO. For example:
+ Insert LOBs in CUBRID PDO
+$ret = $stmt->bindParam(1, $fp, PDO::PARAM_LOB);
+$ret = $stmt->execute();
+ Fetch LOBs in CUBRID PDO
+$result = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_NUM);
+header("Content-Type: image/png");