diff --git a/reference/ftp/functions/ftp-nb-continue.xml b/reference/ftp/functions/ftp-nb-continue.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..37576552a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/reference/ftp/functions/ftp-nb-continue.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+ ftp_nb_continue
+ Continues retrieving/sending a file nbronly
+ Description
+ boolftp_nb_continue
+ resourceftp_stream
+ Continues retrieving/sending a file nbronously
diff --git a/reference/ftp/functions/ftp-nb-fget.xml b/reference/ftp/functions/ftp-nb-fget.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..726e12a700
--- /dev/null
+++ b/reference/ftp/functions/ftp-nb-fget.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+ ftp_nb_fget
+ Retrieves a file from the FTP server nbronly and writes it to an open file
+ Description
+ boolftp_nb_fget
+ resourceftp_stream
+ resourcefp
+ stringremote_file
+ intmode
+ intresumepos
+ ftp_nb_fget retrieves remote_file
+ from the FTP server, and writes it to the given file pointer,
+ fp. The transfer mode
+ specified must be either FTP_ASCII or
+ FTP_BINARY. The difference between this function and the
+ ftp_fget is that this function retrieves the file
+ asynchronously, so your program can perform other operations while the
+ file is being downloaded.
+ Returns &true; on success or &false; on error.
+ See also ftp_nb_get.
diff --git a/reference/ftp/functions/ftp-nb-fput.xml b/reference/ftp/functions/ftp-nb-fput.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..32dc17fa7b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/reference/ftp/functions/ftp-nb-fput.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+ ftp_nb_fput
+ Stores a file from an open file to the FTP server nbronly
+ Description
+ boolftp_nb_fput
+ resourceftp_stream
+ stringremote_file
+ resourcefp
+ intmode
+ intstartpos
+ ftp_nb_fput uploads the data from the file pointer
+ fp until it reaches the end of the file. The results are stored
+ in remote_file on the FTP server. The transfer
+ mode specified must be either
+ The difference between this function and the ftp_fput is that this
+ function uploads the file asynchronously, so your program can perform other operations while the
+ file is being downloaded.
+ Returns &true; on success or &false; on error.
+ See also ftp_nb_put,
+ ftp_nb_continue, ftp_put
+ and ftp_fput.
diff --git a/reference/ftp/functions/ftp-nb-get.xml b/reference/ftp/functions/ftp-nb-get.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..65fa0d1c71
--- /dev/null
+++ b/reference/ftp/functions/ftp-nb-get.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
+ ftp_nb_get
+ Retrieves a file from the FTP server nbronly and writes it to a local file
+ Description
+ boolftp_nb_get
+ resourceftp_stream
+ stringlocal_file
+ stringremote_file
+ intmode
+ intresumepos
+ ftp_nb_get retrieves remote_file
+ from the FTP server, and saves it to local_file
+ locally. The transfer mode specified must
+ be either FTP_ASCII or
+ FTP_BINARY. The difference between this function and the
+ ftp_get is that this function retrieves the file
+ asynchronously, so your program can perform other operations while the
+ file is being downloaded.
+ Returns &true; on success or &false; on error.
+ ftp_nb_get example
+ Resuming a download with ftp_nb_get
+ Resuming a download at position 100 to a new
+ file with ftp_nb_get
+ In the example above, "newfile" is 100
+ bytes smaller than "README" on the FTP
+ server because we started reading at offset 100. If we have
+ not have disabled FTP_AUTOSEEK, the first
+ 100 bytes of newfile will be '\0'.
+ See also ftp_nb_fget,
+ ftp_nb_continue,
+ ftp_get and ftp_fget.
diff --git a/reference/ftp/functions/ftp-nb-put.xml b/reference/ftp/functions/ftp-nb-put.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d7cabeeddc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/reference/ftp/functions/ftp-nb-put.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
+ ftp_nb_put
+ Stores a file on the FTP server nbronly
+ Description
+ boolftp_nb_put
+ resourceftp_stream
+ stringremote_file
+ stringlocal_file
+ intmode
+ intstartpos
+ ftp_nb_put stores local_file
+ on the FTP server, as remote_file. The transfer
+ mode specified must be either
+ The difference between this function and the ftp_put is that this
+ function uploads the file asynchronously, so your program can perform other operations while the
+ file is being downloaded.
+ Returns &true; on success or &false; on error.
+ ftp_nb_put example
+ Resuming an upload with ftp_nb_put
+ See also ftp_nb_fput,
+ ftp_nb_continue, ftp_put
+ and ftp_fput.