diff --git a/language/operators.xml b/language/operators.xml
index 38b389e137..3d73a0df18 100644
--- a/language/operators.xml
+++ b/language/operators.xml
@@ -604,6 +604,125 @@ Strict Standards: Assigning the return value of new by reference is deprecated i
section of the manual.
+ Arithmetic Assignment Operators
+ Example
+ Equivalent
+ Operation
+ $a += $b
+ $a = $a + b
+ Addition
+ $a -= $b
+ $a = $a - $b
+ Subtraction
+ $a *= $b
+ $a = $a * $b
+ Multiplication
+ $a /= $b
+ $a = $a / $b
+ Division
+ $a %= $b
+ $a = $a % $b
+ Modulus
+ Bitwise Assignment Operators
+ Example
+ Equivalent
+ Operation
+ $a &= $b
+ $a = $a & $b
+ Bitwise And
+ $a |= $b
+ $a = $a | $b
+ Bitwise Or
+ $a ^= $b
+ $a = $a ^ $b
+ Bitwise Xor
+ $a <<= $b
+ $a = $a << $b
+ Left Shift
+ $a >>= $b
+ $a = $a >> $b
+ Right Shift
+ Other Assignment Operators
+ Example
+ Equivalent
+ Operation
+ $a .= $b
+ $a = $a . $b
+ String Concatenation
+ $a ??= $b
+ $a = $a ?? $b
+ Null Coalesce
+ See also the manual sections on
+ arithmetic operators, bitwise operators,
+ string operators, and
+ null coalescing operator.
@@ -2401,8 +2520,7 @@ bool(false)
instanceof does not throw any error if the variable being tested is not
- an object, it simply returns &false;. Constants, however, were not allowed
- prior to PHP 7.3.0.
+ an object, it simply returns &false;. Constants, however, are not allowed.
Using instanceof to test other variables
@@ -2425,26 +2543,6 @@ bool(false)
PHP Fatal error: instanceof expects an object instance, constant given
- As of PHP 7.3.0, constants are allowed on the left-hand-side of the
- instanceof operator.
- Using instanceof to test constants
- &example.outputs.73;