diff --git a/reference/mongodb/configure.xml b/reference/mongodb/configure.xml
index b4cac64f44..de5c7de718 100644
--- a/reference/mongodb/configure.xml
+++ b/reference/mongodb/configure.xml
@@ -22,6 +22,19 @@ $ sudo pecl install mongodb
+ Installing the driver via PECL will use bundled versions of
+ libbson and
+ libmongoc and rely on PHP to
+ find OpenSSL (i.e. PHP_SETUP_OPENSSL). If the build
+ process fails to find OpenSSL, check that the OpenSSL development package
+ (e.g. libssl-dev) and
+ pkg-config are both
+ installed.
Add the following line to your &php.ini; file:
@@ -100,6 +113,19 @@ $ sudo make install
+ By default, the driver will use bundled versions of
+ libbson and
+ libmongoc and rely on PHP to
+ find OpenSSL (i.e. PHP_SETUP_OPENSSL). If the build
+ process fails to find OpenSSL, check that the OpenSSL development package
+ (e.g. libssl-dev) and
+ pkg-config are both
+ installed.
The last step will report where mongodb.so has been
installed, similar to: